Мне нужно, чтобы пользователь ввел данные для элемента, а затем, когда они это сделали, он может отобразить эту информацию, нажав 2. Я получаю исключение 0x7A111F4 C (ucrtbased.dll) в ProceduralProjectG00358662.exe : 0xC0000005: Место чтения нарушения доступа 0x0000004F. Он отображает номер элемента, а затем я получаю исключение. Спасибо за любую помощь, спасибо
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string>
typedef struct node {//Node Struct to read in file data
int itemNum;
std::string itemName;
std::string itemSupplierName;
int itemSupplierPhoneNumber;
int reorderLimit;
int numOfUnits;
float costPerUnit;
std::string lastOrderDate;
int needToBeStored;
int departmentDelivery;
int monthsToReorder;
int authorize;
struct node* NEXT; //Moves to next line in the file
typedef struct loginUser {//login information for the user
std::string name;
std::string password;
struct loginUser* NEXT; //Moves to next line in the file
void addNode(struct node** top, int numItemFunc, std::string nameItemFunc, std::string supplierNameFunc, int phoneNumFunc, int limitFunc, int numBoughtFunc, float unitCostFunc, std::string dateFunc, int storageFunc, int deliveryFunc, int reorderFunc, int authorizeFunc);
void addStockToList(struct node** top);
void displayList(struct node* top);
void main()
struct node* headPtr = NULL;
struct node* loginUser = NULL;
FILE* report;
FILE* stock;
FILE* users;
report = fopen("Report File.txt", "r");
stock = fopen("Stock File.txt", "r");
users = fopen("Users File.txt", "r");
//Variables for stock file
int numItem;
std::string nameItem;
std::string nameItemSupplier;
int phoneNumberItemSupplier;
int limitReorder;
int amount;
float unitPerCost;
std::string dateLastOrder;
int storageNeeded;
int deliveryDepartment;
int reorderMonths;
int authorize;
//variables for login
std::string username;
std::string passwordLogin;
int option;
if (stock == NULL)
printf("Nothing added to the list\n");
while (!feof(stock))
fscanf(report, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %f %s %d %d %d %d\n", numItem, nameItem, nameItemSupplier, phoneNumberItemSupplier, limitReorder,
amount, unitPerCost, dateLastOrder, storageNeeded, deliveryDepartment, reorderMonths, authorize);
addNode(&headPtr, numItem, nameItem, nameItemSupplier, phoneNumberItemSupplier,
limitReorder, amount, unitPerCost, dateLastOrder, storageNeeded, deliveryDepartment, reorderMonths, authorize);
//User menu
printf("1 to add a stock item\n");
printf("2 display all stock items on the screen\n");
printf("3 to display specific stock items\n");
printf("4 to update stock item details\n");
printf("5 to delete stock item\n");
printf("6 to generate statistics\n");
printf("7 to print stock items into the report file\n");
printf("8 to display items in order of value\n");
printf("-1 to exit\n");
scanf("%d", &option);
while (option != -1)
if (option == 1)
else if (option == 2)
//User menu
printf("1 to add a stock item\n");
printf("2 display all stock items on the screen\n");
printf("3 to display specific stock items\n");
printf("4 to update stock item details\n");
printf("5 to delete stock item\n");
printf("6 to generate statistics\n");
printf("7 to print stock items into the report file\n");
printf("8 to display items in order of value\n");
printf("-1 to exit\n");
scanf("%d", &option);
void addNode(struct node** top, int numItemFunc, std::string nameItemFunc, std::string supplierNameFunc, int phoneNumFunc,
int limitFunc, int numBoughtFunc, float unitCostFunc, std::string dateFunc, int storageFunc, int deliveryFunc, int reorderFunc, int authorizeFunc)//Adds in data from Stock File.txt
struct node* newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode->itemNum = numItemFunc;
newNode->itemName = nameItemFunc;
newNode->itemSupplierName = supplierNameFunc;
newNode->itemSupplierPhoneNumber = phoneNumFunc;
newNode->reorderLimit = limitFunc;
newNode->numOfUnits = numBoughtFunc;
newNode->costPerUnit = unitCostFunc;
newNode->lastOrderDate = dateFunc;
newNode->needToBeStored = storageFunc;
newNode->departmentDelivery = deliveryFunc;
newNode->monthsToReorder = reorderFunc;
newNode->authorize = authorizeFunc;
newNode->NEXT = *top;
*top = newNode;
void addStockToList(struct node** top)
struct node** temp = top;
struct node* newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
printf("Enter Item number:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->itemNum);
printf("Enter Item name:\n");
scanf("%s", &newNode->itemName);
printf("Enter Item supplier name:\n");
scanf("%s", &newNode->itemSupplierName);
printf("Enter Item supplier phone number:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->itemSupplierPhoneNumber);
printf("Enter Item reorder limit:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->reorderLimit);
printf("Enter number of units:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->numOfUnits);
printf("Enter the cost per unit:\n");
scanf("%f", &newNode->costPerUnit);
printf("Enter Item last order date:\n");
scanf("%s", &newNode->lastOrderDate);
printf("Item needs to be stored?:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->needToBeStored);
printf("Enter the department this item belongs to, 1 for Office, 2 for Maintenance:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->departmentDelivery);
printf("Enter the months if you need to reorder 1 - 12 or 0 for none:\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->monthsToReorder);
printf("Enter the person that needs to authorize this, 1 for Managing Director, 2 for Financial Controller or 3 for Department Manager :\n");
scanf("%d", &newNode->authorize);
newNode->NEXT = *top;
*top = newNode;
void displayList(struct node* top)
struct node* temp = top;
while (temp != NULL)
printf("Item Number: %d\n", temp->itemNum);
printf("Item Name: %s\n", temp->itemName);
printf("Item Number: %s\n", temp->itemSupplierName);
printf("Item supplier phone number: %d\n", temp->itemSupplierPhoneNumber);
printf("Item reorder limit: %d\n", temp->reorderLimit);
printf("Item number of units: %d\n", temp->numOfUnits);
printf("Item cost per unit: %f\n", temp->costPerUnit);
printf("Item last order date: %s\n", temp->lastOrderDate);
printf("Item needs to be stored?: %d\n", temp->needToBeStored);
printf("Item delivery department: %d\n", temp->departmentDelivery);
printf("Item months it needs to be re orderd: %d\n", temp->monthsToReorder);
printf("Needs to be authorizied: %d\n", temp->authorize);
temp = temp->NEXT;