Хорошо, так что, опираясь на surge10, это более полная замена вашего кода. Я разбил все части на функции и сделал словарь своей базой данных в памяти.
total_years = 5
years = {}
def dict_key(year, userId):
return '{}:{}'.format(year, userId)
def get_user_data(year, userId):
key = dict_key(year, userId)
years[key] = float(input("Enter the salary individual {} got in year {}:".format(userId, year)))
def get_year_salaray(year, userId):
key = dict_key(year, userId)
return years[key]
def any_salaries_match(year, userIds):
for userLeft in userIds:
salary_left = get_year_salaray(year, userLeft)
for userRight in userIds:
if userLeft != userRight:
salary_right = get_year_salaray(year, userRight)
if salary_left == salary_right:
return True
def get_user_totals(userId):
total = 0
for key, value in years.items():
if ':{}'.format(userId) in key:
total += value
return total
for x in range(total_years):
year = x + 1
data_invalid = True
while data_invalid:
userOne = 1
userTwo = 2
get_user_data(year, userOne)
get_user_data(year, userTwo)
if any_salaries_match(year, [userOne, userTwo]):
print("Error. The amount are the same, please reenter information.")
data_invalid = False
userOneTotal = get_user_totals(1)
userTwoTotal = get_user_totals(2)
if (userOneTotal>userTwoTotal):
print("Individual one has the highest salary.")
elif (userTwoTotal>userOneTotal):
print("Individual two has the highest salary.")