Я могу запустить тестовый набор, но я столкнулся с проблемой с подключениями к БД в функции. Даже когда функция вызывается в тестовом наборе, код не покрывается. Я думаю, что заявления с ожиданием являются проблемой. Я попытался удалить ожидание, но это не имело никакого значения. у меня есть следующий код: app.js:
const server = (module.exports = {
cronJob: null,
scheduledJob: function() {
server.cronJob= cron.schedule('*/30 * * * * *', async () => {
// await DB.Get();
await DB.Get();
let alerts = Alerts.find({"muteStatus": false});
let ts, fts, tts, per_dur, _id;
var threshold_dur, time, triggerTime, medium;
for ( let alert of alerts ) {
if(alert.window !== 'currentDay') continue;
_id = alert._id;
threshold_dur = alert.threshold;
ts = moment();
tts = moment(ts).valueOf();
fts = ts.subtract(threshold_dur, "minutes").valueOf();
switch(alert.criteria) {
case 'M-S':
if (alert.notifications.level1.isNotified === true) {
let asset = await Assets.findOne({ "assetId": alert.asset });
let deviceId = asset.devices[0].devId;
let filter = { "mts": { $gt: fts, $lte: tts }, "fst": { $in: [0,1,2,3] }, "tst": { $in: [0,1,2,3] }, "did": { $in: [, "99999031","99999032","99999044","99999045"] } };
let no_of_events = await Events.find(filter).countDocuments();
if ( 6 >= threshold_dur ) {
//Send Mail
let users = await Users.find({ "unique_key": { $in : [alert.notifications.level1.userId[0],
alert.notifications.level1.userId[2]]} });
for ( let user of users ) {
triggerTime = moment();
let email = user.email? user.email: '';
let phone = user.phone;
let full_name = user.firstName + user.lastName;
let alertMaker = await Users.findOne({ "unique_key": alert.userId });
let message = "Dear " + full_name + ", Notification for the alert defined by " + alertMaker.firstName + " " + alertMaker.lastName + ". Your asset " + alert.asset + " is IDLE for the last " + threshold_dur + " mins.";
if( alert.notifications.mode[0] ) {
let desc = "Idle longer than " + threshold_dur + " mins.";
let eventDefinedBy = alertMaker.firstName + " " + alertMaker.lastName;
let email_body = {
subject: "Threshold Criteria met", assetId: alert.asset, time: triggerTime, description: desc, escLevel: 1, eventDefinedBy: eventDefinedBy
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? phone: email, mode: alert.notifications.mode[0], escLevel: 1, message: message});
await sendMail('idleLongerThan', email , email_body);
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
if(alert.notifications.mode[1]) {
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? phone: email, mode: alert.notifications.mode[1], escLevel: 1, message: message});
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level1.isNotified": true, "notifications.level1.notifiedTs": moment() } });
} else {
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level1.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level2.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level3.isNotified": false } });
} else if (alert.notifications.level2.userId[0] !== '0' && alert.notifications.level2.isNotified === false) {
time = alert.threshold + alert.notifications.per_dur;
// per_dur = alert.notifications.per_dur;
ts = moment();
tts = moment(ts).valueOf();
fts = ts.subtract(time, "minutes").valueOf();
let filter = { "mts": { $gt: fts, $lte: tts }, "fst": 0, "tst": 0 };
let no_of_events = await Events.find(filter).countDocuments();
if ( no_of_events >= time ) {
//Send Mail
if( (alert.notifications.level2.userId[0] !== null) && (alert.notifications.level2.userId[0] !== '') ) {
triggerTime = moment();
let user = await Users.findOne({ "unique_key": alert.notifications.level2.userId[0] });
let alertMaker = await Users.findOne({ "unique_key": alert.userId });
let email = user && user.email? user.email: '';
let phone = user? user.phone: '';
let full_name = user? user.firstName + user.lastName : '';
let message = "Dear " + full_name + ", Notification for the alert defined by " + alertMaker.firstName + " " + alertMaker.lastName + ". Your asset " + alert.asset + " is IDLE for the last " + time + " mins.";
if( alert.notifications.mode[0] ) {
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? phone: email, mode: alert.notifications.mode[0], escLevel: 2, message: message});
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
if(alert.notifications.mode[1]) {
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? 'SMS': 'E-Mail', mode: alert.notifications.mode[1], escLevel: 2, message: message});
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level2.isNotified": true, "notifications.level2.notifiedTs": moment() } });
} else {
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level1.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level2.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level3.isNotified": false } });
} else if( alert.notifications.level3.userId[0] !== '0' && alert.notifications.level3.isNotified === false ) {
console.log("Inside level 3");
time = alert.threshold + alert.notifications.per_dur + alert.notifications.per_dur;
// per_dur = alert.notifications.per_dur;
ts = moment();
tts = moment(ts).valueOf();
fts = ts.subtract(time, "minutes").valueOf();
let filter = { "mts": { $gt: fts, $lte: tts }, "fst": 0, "tst":0 };
let no_of_events = await Events.find(filter).countDocuments();
if ( no_of_events >= time ) {
//Send Mail
triggerTime =moment();
let user = await Users.findOne({ "unique_key": alert.notifications.level3.userId[0] });
let alertMaker = await Users.findOne({ "unique_key": alert.userId });
let email = user && user.email? user.email: '';
let phone = user? user.phone: '';
let full_name = user? user.firstName + user.lastName : '';
let message = "Dear " + full_name + ", Notification for the alert defined by " + alertMaker.firstName + " " + alertMaker.lastName + ". Your asset " + alert.asset + " is IDLE for the last " + time + " mins.";
if( alert.notifications.mode[0] ) {
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? phone: email, mode: alert.notifications.mode[0], escLevel: 3, message: message});
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
if(alert.notifications.mode[1]) {
await EventsTriggered.create({ assetId: alert.asset ,time: triggerTime, address: alert.notifications.mode[0] === 'SMS'? phone: email, mode: alert.notifications.mode[1], escLevel: 3, message: message});
let notifParam;
notifParam = {
"timestamp": triggerTime,
"asset": alert.asset
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level3.isNotified": true, "notifications.level3.notifiedTs": moment() } });
} else {
await Alerts.updateOne({ "_id": ObjectId(_id) }, { $set: { "notifications.level1.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level2.isNotified": false,
"notifications.level3.isNotified": false } });
run: function() {
console.log("run called");
Ниже приведен файл моего набора тестов: app.spec.js
afterEach(async () => {
describe("#scheduledJob", async () => {
it("should schedule job", async () => {
const pattern = "* * * * * *";
const runStub = sinon.stub(server, "run");
const scheduleStub = await sinon
.stub(cron, "schedule")
await server.scheduledJob();
```[code is not getting covered][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/OEZWW.png