Я создал тестовый образец для чтения потока h264 в память, используя ffmpeg- python.
Образец считывает данные из файла (у меня нет камеры для тестирования).
Я также проверял чтение кода из потока RTSP.
Вот код (пожалуйста, прочитайте комментарии):
import ffmpeg
import threading
import io
in_filename = 'test_vid.264' # Input file for testing (".264" or ".h264" is a convention for elementary h264 video stream file)
## Build synthetic video, for testing:
# ffmpeg -y -r 10 -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=192x108:rate=1 -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -t 50 test_vid.264
width, height = 192, 108
.input('testsrc=size={}x{}:rate=1'.format(width, height), f='lavfi')
.output(in_filename, vcodec='libx264', crf=23, t=50)
# Use ffprobe to get video frames resolution
# p = ffmpeg.probe(in_filename, select_streams='v');
# width = p['streams'][0]['width']
# height = p['streams'][0]['height']
# Stream the video as array of bytes (simulate the stream from the camera for testing)
## https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/README.md
#sreaming_process = (
# ffmpeg
# .input(in_filename)
# .video # Video only (no audio).
# .output('pipe:', format='h264')
# .run_async(pipe_stdout=True) # Run asynchronous, and stream to stdout
# Read from stdout in chunks of 16K bytes
def reader():
chunk_len_in_byte = 16384 # I don't know what is the optimal chunk size
in_bytes = chunk_len_in_byte
# Read until number of bytes read are less than chunk_len_in_byte
# Also stop after 10000 chucks (just for testing)
chunks_counter = 0
while (chunks_counter < 10000):
in_bytes = process.stdout.read(chunk_len_in_byte) # Read 16KBytes from PIPE.
stream.write(in_bytes) # Write data to In-memory bytes streams
chunks_counter += 1
if len(in_bytes) < chunk_len_in_byte:
# Use public RTSP Streaming for testing
# in_stream = "rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov"
# Execute ffmpeg as asynchronous sub-process.
# The input is in_filename, and the output is a PIPE.
# Note: you should replace the input from file to camera (I might forgot an argument that tells ffmpeg to expect h264 input stream).
process = (
.input(in_filename) #.input(in_stream)
.output('pipe:', format='h264')
.run_async(pipe_stdin=True, pipe_stdout=True)
# Open In-memory bytes streams
stream = io.BytesIO()
thread = threading.Thread(target=reader)
# Join thread, and wait for processes to end.
except sp.TimeoutExpired:
process.kill() # Kill subprocess in case of a timeout (there might be a timeout because input stream still lives).
#sreaming_process.wait() # sreaming_process is used
stream.seek(0) #Seek to beginning of stream.
# Write result to "in_vid.264" file for testing (the file is playable).
with open("in_vid.264", "wb") as f:
Если вы сочтете это полезным, я могу добавить еще несколько фоновых описаний перед кодом.
Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если код работает с камерой, и что вы должны были изменить.