Я пытаюсь построить контроллер отчетов, где он направляет детализацию компонента на основе state.reports дочерних компонентов
Моя концепция такова
1 - render the top level of array
2 - each array element is clickable and call function **route**
- if element has children set state to child array and go to step 1
- else go to detail page
3 - if we are at child array we show **back button** that can return to previous render.
Вот мой контроллер
export default class ReportControler extends React.Component {
state = {reports: [] }
componentWillMount() {
this.parent = null;
this.path = [this.constructor.name];
route = (report) =>{
if(report.children) return this.moveToChild(report);
this.props.navigation.navigate('ReportDetails', this.path.join('/') + '/' + report.title);
moveToChild = (report) => {
this.parent = this.state.reports;
this.setState({reports: report.children});
moveToParent = () => {
this.setState({reports: this.parent});
this.parent = null;
const reports = this.state.reports.map(report => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => { this.route(report) }} >
<View><Box title={report.title} image={report.image} /></View>
</TouchableWithoutFeedback >
let back = null;
back = <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.moveToParent} >
<Text style={{color: '#274496', fontSize: 20, padding: 10, borderBottom: '#274496', borderBottomWidth: 2 }}>{this.path.join(' / ') }</Text>
</TouchableWithoutFeedback >
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<View style={{flexDirection: 'row', flexWrap: 'wrap'}}>
Дочерний компонент будет работать следующим образом
export default class Leads extends ReportController {
state = {reports: [
{title:"Campaign", image: require('../../assets/Report/bullhorn.png') },
{title:"Status", image: require('../../assets/Report/analysis.png') },
{title:"Source", image: require('../../assets/Report/wind-turbine.png') },
{title:"Location", image: require('../../assets/Report/route.png') },
{title:"Device", image: require('../../assets/Report/responsive.png') },
title:"Time", image: require('../../assets/Report/statistics.png'),
children: [
{title:"Days", image: require('../../assets/Report/statistics.png')},
{title:"Hours", image: require('../../assets/Report/statistics.png')},
Моя проблема сейчас связана с функцией возврата.
Эта функция не будет работать для более чем 2 уровня
Как установить this.parent
moveToParent = () => {
this.setState({reports: this.parent});
this.parent = null; //Here I should set the parent array