Как преобразовать объединение SQL сервера в эквивалентный postgresql код: Я новичок в SQL Сервер и не знаю, как происходит слияние
merge PortfolioAssetClassBenchmark_Subset as t
using @inputBenchmark as s
on t.PortfolioId = @PortfolioId and t.StartDate = s.F_STARTDATE
when matched and isnull(s.F_BENCHMARK, 0) != 0 and t.AssetClassBenchmarkId != s.F_BENCHMARK then
update set
t.AssetClassBenchmarkId = s.F_BENCHMARK
when matched and isnull(s.F_BENCHMARK, 0) = 0 then
when not matched by target and isnull(s.F_BENCHMARK, 0) != 0 then
insert (PortfolioId, StartDate, AssetClassBenchmarkId)
values (@PortfolioId, s.F_STARTDATE, s.F_BENCHMARK)
when not matched by source and @clearExisting != 0 then
output inserted.AssetClassBenchmarkId [InsertedAssetClassBenchmarkId]
, inserted.StartDate [InsertedStartDate]
, deleted.AssetClassBenchmarkId [DeletedAssetClassBenchmarkId]
, deleted.StartDate [DeletedStartDate]
into @tmp