Я столкнулся с неожиданной ситуацией. У меня есть несколько объектов (массив). Те имеют свойство break
, то есть boolean
. Значение break
зависит от ситуации, но всегда становится ложным при сравнении в выражении if
, в for
или for of
l oop. Я попытался изменить стиль if, используя ==, === и только свойство, но все они дают один и тот же результат, даже когда некоторые объекты имеют значение true
. Проще говоря, когда массив объекта повторяется, свойство break
объекта становится ложным, даже если оно true
. Язык - TypeScript.
предполагается, что вызывается метод getRoute ().
Ниже приведен метод
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { of, EMPTY, concat } from 'rxjs';
import { HttpService } from '../http.service';
import { take, tap, map, last } from 'rxjs/operators';
providedIn: 'root'
export class RouteService {
cityFilter = [];
route: any[];
constructor(private httpService: HttpService) { }
setActvities(activities) {
this.activities = activities;
getRoute() {
if (this.activities) {
return concat(
return EMPTY;
/* sort up activities according to city */
private sortUpActivities() {
const route = [];
let counter = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.activities.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.activities[i].length; j++) {
const city = route.find(r => {
return r.cityCode == this.activities[i][j].cityCode;
if (!city) {
route[counter] = {}
Object.defineProperty(route[counter], 'break', {
value: false,
writable: true
route[counter].activities = [this.activities[i][j]];
route[counter].cityCode = this.activities[i][j].cityCode;
} else {
this.route = route;
return of(this.route);
/* cacluate breaks required in each city */
private calculateBreaks() {
let timeSincePreviousBreak = 7;
let transitTime = 0;
return this.httpService.getCityToCity(this.cityFilter).pipe
tap<any[]>(cityToCity => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.route.length; i++) {
let totalActivityTime = 0;;
for (const ea of this.route[i].activities) {
totalActivityTime += ea.duration;
if (this.route[i+1]) {
const cityToCityInfo =
cityToCity.find(c => c.from == this.route[i].cityName
&& c.to == this.route[i+1].cityName) ||
cityToCity.find(c => c.from == this.route[i+1].cityName
&& c.to == this.route[i].cityName);
if (cityToCityInfo) {
transitTime = cityToCityInfo.time || 0; // `|| 0` because of DB probable problem
} else {
transitTime = 0; // `|| 0` because of probable DB problem
} else {
transitTime = 0; // because it is perhapse last city
const totalTime = timeSincePreviousBreak + totalActivityTime + transitTime;
this.route[i].activityTime = totalActivityTime;
if (totalTime >= 9) {
this.route[i].break = true;
timeSincePreviousBreak = transitTime;
} else {
this.route[i].break = false;
timeSincePreviousBreak = totalTime;
map(cityToCity => { return this.route })
/* allocate nights according to breaks */
private allocateNights() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.route.length; i++) {
if (this.route[i].break) {
Object.defineProperty(this.route[i], 'nights', {
value: 0,
writable: true
if (this.route[i].activityTime <= 7) {
this.route[i].nights = 1;
} else if (this.route[i].activityTime <= 14) {
this.route[i].nights = 2;
} else {
this.route[i].nights = 3;
} else {
return of(this.route);
Ниже приведен журнал
Angular is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode. core.js:38781
(5) […]
0: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 3
break: true
cityCode: "ELL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
1: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 5
break: false
cityCode: "NUW"
<prototype>: Object { … }
2: {…}
activities: Array [ {…}, {…} ]
activityTime: 10
break: true
cityCode: "KAN"
<prototype>: Object { … }
3: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 5
break: false
cityCode: "YAL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
4: {…}
activities: Array(3) [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]
activityTime: 12
break: true
cityCode: "GAL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
length: 5
<prototype>: Array []
false 5 route.service.ts:135:16
(5) […]
0: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 3
break: true
cityCode: "ELL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
1: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 5
break: false
cityCode: "NUW"
<prototype>: Object { … }
2: {…}
activities: Array [ {…}, {…} ]
activityTime: 10
break: true
cityCode: "KAN"
<prototype>: Object { … }
3: {…}
activities: Array [ {…} ]
activityTime: 5
break: false
cityCode: "YAL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
4: {…}
activities: Array(3) [ {…}, {…}, {…} ]
activityTime: 12
break: true
cityCode: "GAL"
<prototype>: Object { … }
length: 5
<prototype>: Array []