Вы можете преобразовать имена в factor
и использовать unclass
для получения идентификационных кодов.
x[-1] <- unclass(factor(unlist(x[-1]), x$NAME))
cbind(x["NAME"], ID=seq_along(x$NAME), x[-1])
# NAME ID Collegue1 Collegue.2
#1 John Smith 1 3 4
#2 Adam Sandler 2 3 1
#3 Bill Gates 3 4 2
#4 Brad Pitt 4 1 3
На случай, если вас просто интересуют идентификаторы:
levels(factor(unlist(x))) #Only in case you are interested in the codes of the table
#[1] "Adam Sandler" "Bill Gates" "Brad Pitt" "John Smith"
x[] <- unclass(factor(unlist(x)))
# NAME Collegue1 Collegue.2
#1 4 2 3
#2 1 2 4
#3 2 3 1
#4 3 4 2
x <- structure(list(NAME = c("John Smith", "Adam Sandler", "Bill Gates",
"Brad Pitt"), Collegue1 = c("Bill Gates", "Bill Gates", "Brad Pitt",
"John Smith"), Collegue.2 = c("Brad Pitt", "John Smith", "Adam Sandler",
"Bill Gates")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))