У кого-нибудь есть предложения о том, как найти следующий переключатель в моем дереве виджетов в модульном тесте?
Из debugDumpApp()
виджет, который я пытаюсь найти, находится внизу этого фрагмент:
│ ├InkWell(gestures: [tap], clipped to BoxShape.rectangle, state: _InkResponseState<InkResponse>#e573c)
│ │└Actions(dispatcher: null, actions: {[<SelectAction>]: Closure: () => Action from Function '_createAction@613059085':., [<ActivateAction>]: Closure: () => Action from Function '_createAction@613059085':.})
│ │ └Focus(dependencies: [_FocusMarker], state: _FocusState#e7131)
│ │ └_FocusMarker
│ │ └Semantics(container: false, properties: SemanticsProperties, label: null, value: null, hint: null, hintOverrides: null, renderObject: RenderSemanticsAnnotations#e56d2 relayoutBoundary=up3)
│ │ └MouseRegion(listeners: [enter, exit], renderObject: RenderMouseRegion#61069 relayoutBoundary=up4)
│ │ └GestureDetector(startBehavior: start)
│ │ └RawGestureDetector(state: RawGestureDetectorState#51044(gestures: [tap], behavior: opaque))
│ │ └_GestureSemantics(renderObject: RenderSemanticsGestureHandler#8ee96 relayoutBoundary=up5)
│ │ └Listener
│ │ └_PointerListener(listeners: [down], behavior: opaque, renderObject: RenderPointerListener#125af relayoutBoundary=up6)
│ │ └Row(direction: horizontal, mainAxisAlignment: start, crossAxisAlignment: center, dependencies: [Directionality], renderObject: RenderFlex#2d677 relayoutBoundary=up7)
│ │ ├Radio<String>(dependencies: [_LocalizationsScope-[GlobalKey#eab41], _InheritedTheme], state: _RadioState<String>#e39e8(tickers: tracking 4 tickers))
Модульный тест, который не может его найти:
final widget = MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: RadioListWidget(
radioList: radiolist,
onChange: (value) {
selected = value;
testWidgets('it behaves the same as tapping the text', (tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(widget);
await tester.tap(find.byType(Radio).first);
expect(selected, 'radio 1');