Я получил Error: Invalid input: time_trans works with objects of class POSIXct only
при запуске программы в shiny
. И это мой код в shiny
library(Cairo) # For nicer ggplot2 output when deployed on Linux
ui <- fluidPage(
column(width = 4, class = "well",
h4("Brush and double-click to zoom"),
plotOutput("plot1", height = 300,
dblclick = "plot1_dblclick",
brush = brushOpts(
id = "plot1_brush",
resetOnNew = TRUE
column(width = 6,
plotOutput("plot3", height = 300)
server <- function(input, output) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Single zoomable plot (on left)
ranges <- reactiveValues(x = NULL, y = NULL)
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(sensor_online, aes(x= record_time, y= temperature)) +
geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = ranges$x, ylim = ranges$y, expand = FALSE)
# When a double-click happens, check if there's a brush on the plot.
# If so, zoom to the brush bounds; if not, reset the zoom.
observeEvent(input$plot1_dblclick, {
brush <- input$plot1_brush
if (!is.null(brush)) {
ranges$x <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
ranges$y <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)
} else {
ranges$x <- NULL
ranges$y <- NULL
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui, server)
А sensor_online
в ggplot
# This script compute down time due to humidity and temperature out of spec
# It's denoted as out.spec.dt
# Data file is html file downloaded from Presidio
# Data gap could be found in the data file due to sensor break or Presidio server down.
# In this case the down time is denoted as sensor.dt
# assign interval for first row of record as 0. 2nd row's interval is
# delta between date/time of 2nd and first row.
x = readHTMLTable(choose.files()) #read data from a file
y<- x[[2]] #list element2 is the table that contain temperature and humidity data
e<- data.table(y)
setnames(e,c("record_time","temperature","temp.status","humidity","hum.status","comment")) # change column names
e<- transform(e, record_time= as.character(record_time), comment= as.character(comment),
temperature= as.numeric(as.character(temperature)),
humidity= as.numeric(as.character(humidity)))
#cannot convert factor to numeric by just "as.numeric(humidity)"
sep.time<- IDateTime(t) #split "record_time" column into "idate" and "itime" columns
v<- cbind(e, sep.time) #add date and time columns to data table
v$weekdays<- wday(v$idate, label= TRUE)
v$hours<- hour(v$itime)
v$minutes<- minute(v$itime)
setkey(v, idate, hours, minutes) #sort the table in date->hours->minutes orders
#v<- v[(weekdays!="Sat")&(weekdays!="Sun")] #remove Sat and Sun data
v$clock.time<- dmy_hms(v$record_time)
# assign interval for first row of record as 0. 2nd row's interval is
# delta between date/time of 2nd and first row.
v$interval<- c(0, as.double(difftime(v$clock.time[-1], v$clock.time[-nrow(v)],
units= "mins"))) #interval in second
v$day.age<- as.double(difftime(v$idate, v$idate[1],units= "days")) #for reference only
v$record.num<- seq(1,nrow(v), by= 1) #for reference only
#v[, record.num.original:= record.num]
# rn= row number
# decide what extent of interruption is considered sensor down,
# in this script, it is "median(v$interval)*3"
sensor.down.rn<- which(v$interval> median(v$interval)*3)
sensor.dt<- sum(v$interval[sensor.down.rn]) #dt= down time, in minutes
out.spec.rn<- which((v$temperature<20.5)|(v$humidity>72)|(v$temperature>27.5)|(v$humidity<33))
#refer to "2_down_time_Aug_flowchart.ppt" for the loop below
#the loop mainly leave out sensor.dt from out.spec.dt
out.spec.dt<- 0
for (i in 1:(length(out.spec.rn))) {
if (i!= length(out.spec.rn)) {
if ((out.spec.rn[i+1]-out.spec.rn[i])== 1) {
out.spec.dt<- out.spec.dt+ v$interval[out.spec.rn[i]+1]
v[(out.spec.rn[i]+1), Out.Spec.Dt:= out.spec.dt] #add downtime to Out.Spec.Dt column, "out.spec.rn[i]+1" row
} else {
if (v$interval[out.spec.rn[i]+1]< median(v$interval)*3) {
out.spec.dt<- out.spec.dt+ v$interval[out.spec.rn[i]+1]
v[(out.spec.rn[i]+1), Out.Spec.Dt:= out.spec.dt]
} else {
if (v$interval[out.spec.rn[i]+1]< median(v$interval)*3) {
out.spec.dt<- out.spec.dt+ v$interval[out.spec.rn[i]+1]
v[(out.spec.rn[i]+1), Out.Spec.Dt:= out.spec.dt]
sensor_online<- e[which(!is.na(e$humidity)), ]
sensor_online$record_time<- dmy_hms(sensor_online$record_time)
ggplot(sensor_online, aes(record_time, temperature)) + geom_point()
Что я должен добавить в свой shiny
чтобы не было Error