Вот пример работы с Ordering[IndexedSeq[Any]]
val table: IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Any]] = IndexedSeq(
IndexedSeq(2, "b", "a"),
IndexedSeq(2, "b"),
IndexedSeq("c", 2),
IndexedSeq(1, "c"),
IndexedSeq("c", "c"),
//IndexedSeq((), "c"), //it will blow in runtime
IndexedSeq(2, "a"),
implicit val isaOrdering:Ordering[IndexedSeq[Any]] = { (a, b) =>
a.zip(b).filter {case (a, b)=> a != b}.collectFirst {
case (a:Int, b:Int) => a compare b
case (a:String, b:String) => a compare b
case (a:String, b:Int) => 1 //prefere ints over strings
case (a:Int, b:String) => -1 //prefere ints over strings
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"cannot compare $a to $b")
}.getOrElse(a.length compare b.length) //shorter will be first
println(table.sorted) //used implicitly
//Vector(Vector(1, c), Vector(2, a), Vector(2, b), Vector(2, b, a), Vector(c, 2), Vector(c, c))
или, если вам действительно нужно сравнить разные типы, лучше всего мог найти:
implicit val isaOrdering:Ordering[IndexedSeq[Any]] = { (a, b) =>
a.zip(b).filter {case (a, b)=> a != b}.collectFirst {
case (a:Int, b:Int) => a compare b
case (a:String, b:String) => a compare b
//add your known types here
// ...
//below is rule that cares about unknown cases.
//We don't know types at all, at best what we can do is compare equality.
//If they are equal then return 0... if not we throw
//this could be also very slow (don't tested)
case (a, b) =>
//not nice but it is stable at least
val ac = a.getClass.getName
val bc = b.getClass.getName
ac.compare(bc) match {
case 0 => if (ac == bc) 0 else throw new RuntimeException(s"cannot compare $a to $b")
case x => x
}.getOrElse(a.length compare b.length) //shorter will be first
Эта реализация завершится с ошибкой во время выполнения, когда мы не смогли их сравнить.