У вас есть код Java, а не Scala. Для Scala vars и while это то, что вы не должны использовать вообще. Вот мое предложение, как вы могли бы решить эту проблему.
class State(val neighbours: List[State]) // I am not sure how your State class looks like, but it could look something like this
val goal = new State(List())
def breathFirst(start: State): Option[State] = {
def recursiveFunction(visited: List[State], toVisit: List[State]): Option[State] = { // So we will create recursive function with visited nodes and nodes that we should visit
if (toVisit.isEmpty) return None // If toVisit is empty that means that there is no path from start to goal, return none
else {
val visiting = toVisit.head // Else we should take first node from toVisit
val visitingNeighbours = visiting.neighbours // Take all neighbours from node that we are visiting
val visitingNeighboursNotYetVisited = visitingNeighbours.filter(x => !visited.contains(x)) //Filter all neighbours that are not visited
if (visitingNeighboursNotYetVisited.contains(goal)) { //if we found goal, return it
return Some(goal)
} else {
return recursiveFunction(visited :+ visiting, toVisit.tail ++ visitingNeighboursNotYetVisited) // Otherwise add node that we visited in this iteration to list of visited nodes that does not have visited node - it was head so we take toVisit.tail
// and also we will take all neighbours that are not visited and add them to toVisit list for next iteration
if (start == goal) { // If goal is start, return start
} else { // else call our recursive function with empty visited list and with toVisit list that has start node
recursiveFunction(List(), List(start))
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Вы можете изменить:
val visitingNeighboursNotYetVisited = visitingNeighbours.filter(x => !visited.contains(x)) //Filter all neighbours that are not visited
с помощью
val visitingNeighboursNotYetVisited = visitingNeighbours
и проверить, сможете ли вы go не хватает памяти, и, как вы, вероятно, покажете, это покажет вам, почему вы должны использовать tailre c.