У меня есть код python (main.py), который содержит модуль python с именем json, который я хочу использовать для удобного хранения некоторых важных пар ключ = значение, которые я смогу использовать позже. Проблема здесь в том, что формат (структура) .
Для вашего лучшего понимания я прикрепил код здесь
Основное Файл .py содержит основной код. Файл output. json показывает вывод основного файла. Файл Ожидаемый_выход. json содержит формат (структура) , который показывает, как я хочу сохранить мои данные (ключ = значение) в целом.
Если кто-нибудь заинтересован в развёртывании этого репозитория, он / она очень приглашён.
Код: main.py
############*****Importing Modules*****############
import random as _random # for making random passwords.
import sys as _sys # for taking command line arguments.
import getopt as _getopt # for making command line flags.
import json as _json
############*****String Decleration*****############
_sm_Letter = ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'] # small letters to use as a string on the user's password.
_cap_Letter = ['ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'] # capital letters to use as a string on the user's password.
_sp_char = ['!?,:;()-/@_`~#$%=^+&{*}[]|<>\.'] # special charecters to use as a string on the user's password.
_Numbers = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'] # numbers to use as a string on the user's password.
_str = _sm_Letter + _cap_Letter + _Numbers + _sp_char # concatinating those lists
_str = ''.join(_str)
_str = _str*100
############*****Defining Command line Options*****############
_args = _sys.argv[1:] # Remove 1st argument (file name) from the list of command line arguments.
_s_opt = "ahvl:um:" # short options
_l_opt = ["accounts","help","masterkey=","lenght=","version","update"] # long options
############*****Defining Some Imyportant stuffs*****############
def _usage(): #defining usage
print ("Usage: "+ _sys.argv[0] + " -m [MASTERKEY]\n")
print ("Example: "+ _sys.argv[0] + " -m your_master_key\n")
def _help(): #defining help section
print ("A tool for generate random and strong encrypted password and to keep that password also.\n\nMandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.")
print ("-a, --accounts to know how many accounts are exists.")
print ("-h, --help you are now seeing this.")
print ("-l, --lenght to pass the lenght of your password.")
print ("-v, --version to see the version of this tool.")
############*****Creating Masterkey Genaration Algorithum*****############
def _create_Master_Key():
_masterKey = _random.sample(_str, 1000)
_masterKey = ''.join(_masterKey)
print('\nYour password is : '+_masterKey)
############*****Trying To Get Info From The User From The Command Line Arguments*****############
# Parsing argument
arguments, values = _getopt.getopt(_args, _s_opt, _l_opt)
# checking each argument
for currentArgument, currentValue in arguments:
if currentArgument in ("-a", "--accounts"):
elif currentArgument in ("-h", "--help"):
elif currentArgument in ("-v", "--version"):
print('Version: V1.0.0')
elif currentArgument in ("-l", "--lenght"):
_pass = _random.sample(_str, int(currentValue))
_pass = ''.join(_pass)
print('\nYour password is : '+_pass)
elif currentArgument in ("-m", "--masterkey"):
print ("Displaying file_name:", _sys.argv[0])
#elif currentArgument in ("-v", "--version"):
# print (("Enabling special output mode (% s)") % (currentValue))
except _getopt.error as err:
# output error, and return with an error code
print (str(err))
print ("Enter -h, --help for help.")
############*****Taking Info From The User Manually and generating random password*****############
_info = {}
_len_string = int(input('Enter the lenght of your password :> ')) # for getting the lenght of the user's password.
print('Please enter valid info')
def _main():
with open('output.json', 'r') as _f:
data = _json.load(_f)
_pass = _random.sample(_str,_len_string)
_pass = ''.join(_pass)
print('\nYour password is : '+_pass)
_ans = input('\nDo you want to keep this password[Y/N] :> ')
if _ans == 'Y' or _ans == 'y' :
_user = input('\nEnter User Name :> ')
_acc_Name = input('\nEnter Account Name :> ')
_email = input('\nEnter Email :> ')
_info[_acc_Name] = {
'name': _user,
'email': _email,
'pass': _pass
s = _json.dumps(_info, indent=2)
with open('output.json', 'w') as f:
elif _ans == 'N' or _ans == 'n' :
print('Please enter valid info')
if __name__ == '__main__':
выход. json
"facebook": {
"name": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "password"
"facebook": {
"name": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "password"
"gmail": {
"name": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "password"
"gmail": {
"name": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "password"
Ожидаемый_выход. json
"facebook": [
"User": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "random_generated_password",
"created on": "date"
"User": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "random_generated_password",
"created on": "date"
"gmail": [
"User": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "random_generated_password",
"created on": "date"
"User": "username",
"email": "example@email.com",
"pass": "random_generated_password",
"created on": "date"
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