Вот еще один подход, который не оптимизирован по производительности и менее лаконичен, чем другие ответы, но разбивает шаги вниз, чтобы прояснить, что происходит.
const data1 = [{ id: 1, someKey1: 'someValue2'}, { id: 2, someKey2: 'someValue2' }, { id: 3, someKey3: 'someValue3' }]
const data2 = [{ uid: 1, someKey4: 'someValue4'}, { uid: 2, someKey5: 'someValue5' }]
function mergeProperties(set1, linkingProperty1, set2, linkingProperty2){
const keys1 = set1.map( item => item[linkingProperty1] );
const keys2 = set2.map( item => item[linkingProperty2] );
const mergedKeys = keys1.concat(keys2);
const filteredKeys = mergedKeys.filter( key => !!key || key === 0); //truthy or actually number 0
const uniqueKeys = filteredKeys.filter((a, b) => filteredKeys.indexOf(a) === b);
// now we have a complete list, with no duplicates, of all possible ids
const mergedArray = uniqueKeys.reduce( (accumulator, key) => {
const resultInSet1 = set1.find( item => item[linkingProperty1] === key );
const resultInSet2 = set2.find( item => item[linkingProperty2] === key );
let item = {};
delete resultInSet1[linkingProperty1];
item = {...resultInSet1};
delete resultInSet2[linkingProperty2];
item = {...item, ...resultInSet2};
return [...accumulator, item];
}, []);
return mergedArray;
console.log( mergeProperties(data1,"id",data2,"uid") );