Это не сохранение, потому что вы устанавливаете цвет перед css загрузкой. Например,
document.bgColor = pos;
загружается перед установкой CSS цвет Обходной путь - установить цвет после загрузки CSS. Ниже приведен код, который использует load listener для изменения цвета фона нашего выбора.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystylesheet.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
var myColor = prompt("Please enter a hexadecimal color code (must be 6 characters, including 0 thru 9 and A thru F):","FFFFFF");
var myName = prompt("Please enter your name:","Cookie Monster");
if ((myColor == null) || (myColor == "") || (myColor.length < 6 || myColor.length > 6)) myColor = "#ffffff";
var keepCookie = (confirm("A cookie will be set. Delete cookie?")) ? "delete" : "keep";
if (keepCookie == "delete") {
document.cookie="testCookie=" +"YColor=" + myColor + " " + "name=" + myName + ";expires=20-May-2035";
message= "Here is the cookie that was deleted: ";
message += document.cookie;
else {
document.cookie="testCookie=" + "YColor=" + myColor + " " + "name=" + myName + ";expires=20-May-2035"; // the expiry date must be somewhere in the future, or the cookie will not be set in Firefox or Chrome
message= "Here is the cookie that was set on your system: ";
message += document.cookie;
var start = document.cookie.indexOf("YColor=");
start=start + 7;
var pos = "#" + document.cookie.substr(start,6);
alert("Your background color will be: " + pos);
var nameLengthS = document.cookie.indexOf("name=");
nameLengthS=nameLengthS + 5;
var PersonName = document.cookie.substr(nameLengthS,25);
alert("Your name is: " + PersonName);
<hr />
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeBackground()
if ((pos == null) || (pos == "")) pos = "#ffffff";
document.bgColor = pos;
document.write("Your background color is: " + document.bgColor + "<br />");
document.write("Your name is: " + window.PersonName + "<br />");
document.write("Cookie contents: " + document.cookie);
window.addEventListener("load",function() { changeBackground() });