Azure образец карты имеет только 2 остановки, хочу добавить третью - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 марта 2020

образец работает только с двумя адресами, но я бы хотел добавить больше. Я получил текстовые поля для ввода адресов, но не вижу, как добавить остановку в середине.

Маршрут идет от начала до конца. Начните работу с fromCoord и завершите toCoord. Что должно произойти, если будет добавлена ​​еще одна остановка? То, что у меня есть ниже, показывает весь маршрут от начала до конца, но мне также нужен значок для обозначения остановки в середине маршрута. И предоставить возможность добавления дополнительных остановок.

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var map, datasource, routePoints = [], currentScenario;

    var coordinateRx = /^-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*\s*,+\s*-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/;
    var geocodeRequestUrl = '{subscription-key}&api-version=1&query={query}&view=Auto';
    var carRoutingRequestUrl = '{subscription-key}&api-version=1&query={query}&routeRepresentation=polyline&travelMode=car&view=Auto';
    var truckRoutingRequestUrl = '{subscription-key}&api-version=1&query={query}&routeRepresentation=polyline&vehicleLength={vehicleLength}&vehicleHeight={vehicleHeight}&vehicleWidth={vehicleWidth}&vehicleWeight={vehicleWeight}&travelMode=truck&view=Auto';

    function GetMap() {
        //Initialize a map instance.
        map = new atlas.Map('myMap', {
            view: 'Auto',

            //Add your Azure Maps subscription key to the map SDK. Get an Azure Maps key at
            authOptions: {
                authType: 'subscriptionKey',
                subscriptionKey: 'key'

        //Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () {
            //Create a data source to store the data in.
            datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource();

            //Add a layer for rendering line data.
            map.layers.add(new atlas.layer.LineLayer(datasource, null, {
                strokeColor: ['get', 'strokeColor'],
                strokeWidth: 5
            }), 'labels');

            //Add a layer for rendering point data.
            map.layers.add(new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
                iconOptions: {
                    image: ['get', 'icon']
                textOptions: {
                    textField: ['get', 'title'],
                    size: 14,
                    font: ['SegoeUi-Bold'],
                    offset: [0, 1.2]
                filter: ['any', ['==', ['geometry-type'], 'Point'], ['==', ['geometry-type'], 'MultiPoint']] //Only render Point or MultiPoints in this layer.

            //Load scenarios
            var scenarioHtml = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < scenarios.length; i++) {
                scenarioHtml.push('<input type="button" value="', scenarios[i].description, '" onclick="loadScenario(', i, ')" /> ');

            document.getElementById('scenarios').innerHTML = scenarioHtml.join('');

    function calculateDirections() {
        routePoints = [];
        document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = '';

        var from = document.getElementById('fromTbx').value;

        geocodeQuery(from, function (fromCoord) {
            var to = document.getElementById('toTbx01').value + ',' + document.getElementById('toTbx02').value;

            geocodeQuery(to, function (toCoord) {

                //Create pins for the start and end of the route.
                var startPoint = new;
                var startPin = new, {
                    title: 'Stop00',
                    icon: 'pin-round-blue'

                var stop01Point = new;
                var stop01Pin = new, {
                    title: 'Stop01',
                    icon: 'pin-round-red'

                var stop02Point = new;
                var stop02Pin = new, {
                    title: 'Stop02',
                    icon: 'pin-round-red'

                //Fit the map window to the bounding box defined by the start and end points.
                    bounds:[toCoord, fromCoord]),
                    padding: 50

                //Add pins to the map for the start and end point of the route.
                datasource.add([startPin, stop01Pin, stop02Pin]);

                //Convert lon,lat into lat,lon.

                var query = fromCoord.join(',') + ':' + toCoord.join(',');

                var carRequestUrl = carRoutingRequestUrl.replace('{subscription-key}', atlas.getSubscriptionKey()).replace('{query}', query);

                callRestService(carRequestUrl, function (r) {
                    addRouteToMap(r.routes[0], 'red');
                    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'Car Distance: ' + Math.round(r.routes[0].summary.lengthInMeters / 10) / 100 + ' km<br/>';

                var truckRequestUrl = truckRoutingRequestUrl.replace('{subscription-key}', atlas.getSubscriptionKey()).replace('{query}', query);

                var loadType = getSelectValues('vehicleLoadType');
                if (loadType && loadType !== '') {
                    truckRequestUrl += '&vehicleLoadType=' + loadType;

                truckRequestUrl = setValueOptions(truckRequestUrl, ['vehicleWeight', 'vehicleWidth', 'vehicleHeight', 'vehicleLength']);

                callRestService(truckRequestUrl, function (r) {
                    addRouteToMap(r.routes[0], 'green');
                    document.getElementById('output').innerHTML += 'Truck Distance: ' + Math.round(r.routes[0].summary.lengthInMeters / 10) / 100 + ' km<br/>';

    //Geocode the query and return the first coordinate.
    function geocodeQuery(query, callback) {
        if (callback) {
            //Check to see if the query is a coordinate. if so, it doesn't need to be geocoded.
            if (coordinateRx.test(query)) {
                var vals = query.split(',');

                callback([parseFloat(vals[1]), parseFloat(vals[0])]);
            } else {
                var requestUrl = geocodeRequestUrl.replace('{subscription-key}', atlas.getSubscriptionKey()).replace('{query}', encodeURIComponent(query));

                callRestService(requestUrl, function (r) {
                    if (r && r.results && r.results.length > 0) {
                        callback([r.results[0].position.lon, r.results[0]]);

    function addRouteToMap(route, strokeColor) {
        var routeCoordinates = [];

        for (var legIndex = 0; legIndex < route.legs.length; legIndex++) {
            var leg = route.legs[legIndex];

            //Convert the route point data into a format that the map control understands.
            var legCoordinates = (point) {
                return [point.longitude, point.latitude];

            //Combine the route point data for each route leg together to form a single path.
            routeCoordinates = routeCoordinates.concat(legCoordinates);

        //Create a LineString from the route path points and add it to the line layer.
        datasource.add(new, {
            strokeColor: strokeColor

        //Fit the map window to the bounding box defined by the route points.
        routePoints = routePoints.concat(routeCoordinates);
            padding: 50

    function callRestService(requestUrl, callback, errorCallback) {
        if (callback) {
            var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  'GET', requestUrl, true);
            xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (this.readyState == 4) {
                    if (this.status == 200) {
                        var response = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
                    } else if (errorCallback) {
                        if (errorCallback) {

    // Return a set of the selected opion value for a multi-select as a comma delimited string.
    function getSelectValues(id) {
        var select = document.getElementById(id);
        var selected = [];

        for (var i = 0; i < select.length; i++) {
            if (select.options[i].selected) {

        return selected.join(',');

    function setValueOptions(requestUrl, valueOptions) {
        for (var i = 0; i < valueOptions.length; i++) {
            requestUrl = requestUrl.replace('{' + valueOptions[i] + '}', document.getElementById(valueOptions[i]).value);

        return requestUrl;

    function loadScenario(scenarioNum) {
        var scenario = scenarios[scenarioNum];

        document.getElementById('fromTbx').value = scenario.from;
        document.getElementById('toTbx01' + ',' + 'toTbx02').value  =;

        document.getElementById('vehicleWidth').value = scenario.width;
        document.getElementById('vehicleHeight').value = scenario.height;
        document.getElementById('vehicleLength').value = scenario.length;
        document.getElementById('vehicleWeight').value = scenario.weight;

        var vehicleLoadTypeSelect = document.getElementById('vehicleLoadType');

        for (var i = 0; i < vehicleLoadTypeSelect.length; i++) {
            if (scenario.load.indexOf(vehicleLoadTypeSelect.options[i].value) > -1) {
                vehicleLoadTypeSelect.options[i].selected = 'selected';
            } else {
                vehicleLoadTypeSelect.options[i].selected = null;


        document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = '<a href="' + scenario.streetsideLink + '" target="_blank">Streetside</a><br/>';
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