Есть ли причина, по которой моя модель неосуществима? Использование Google Ortools, чтобы попытаться решить проблему оптимизации просеивания - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 апреля 2020

Я провел последний месяц, создавая эту модель на основе исследований, которые можно найти здесь . Целью модели является минимизация общей численности персонала с учетом ограничений. Я попробовал два изменения количества сотрудников (переменные nF и nP для сотрудников, работающих на полную и частичную занятость соответственно), поскольку, возможно, численность персонала слишком мала, но я все еще получаю заменимый статус модели.

Я также не совсем понимаю, как правильно создать переменную, в которой "Full [k] = 1, если рабочий k назначен любой смене в любой день". Я чувствую, что это может быть источником моей проблемы.

Я использую Google Ortools Sat cp_model Solver

Вот мой код:

from __future__ import print_function
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

def main():
 """" Solves the shift scheduling problem"""""

 # create the model
 model = cp_model.CpModel()

 """Hardcode of parameters"""
 nSL = 3
 nDS = 9
 nF = 3
 nP = 5
 pfrate = 0.5
 FG = 40
 FD = 5
 PG = 20
 PD = 5
 costf = 560
 costp = 240
 dursh = {}
 hreq = {}
 worksh = {}
 shiftint = {}

 days_of_week = range(7)
 shift_length = range(nSL)
 detailed_shifts = range(nDS)
 hours = range(7)
 ft_employees = range(nF)
 pt_employees = range(nP)

 # Loops to initialize list type parameters
 for i in days_of_week:
     for h in hours:
         if i == 0 and h in range(3):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 2
         elif i == 1 and (h == 0 or h in range(2, 5)):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 2
         elif i == 2 and h == 0:
             hreq[(i, h)] = 2
         elif i == 3 and h in range(3):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 2
         elif i == 4 and h in range(6):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 3
         elif i == 5 and (h == 0 or h == 3):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 4
         elif i == 5 and (h in range(1, 3) or h in range(4, 6)):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 3
         elif i == 6 and h in range(5):
             hreq[(i, h)] = 3
         elif i == 6 and h == 5:
             hreq[(i, h)] = 2
             hreq[(i, h)] = 1

"""Pure integer decision variables"""
 full = {}
 part = {}
 assign_full = {}
 assign_part = {}
 staff_assigned = {}

 # ft employee k, working shift of length j, on day i
 for k in ft_employees:
     for j in shift_length:
         for i in days_of_week:
             assign_full[(i, j, k)] = model.NewBoolVar('assign_full%i_%i_%i' % (i, j, k))

 for k in ft_employees:
     if any(assign_full[i, j, k] for j in shift_length for i in days_of_week):
         full[k] = model.NewBoolVar('Full')

 # pt employee l, working shift of length j, on day i
 for l in pt_employees:
     for j in shift_length:
         for i in days_of_week:
             assign_part[(i, j, l)] = model.NewBoolVar('assign_part%i_%i_%i' % (i, j, l))

 for l in pt_employees:
     if any(assign_part[(i, j, l)] for j in shift_length for i in days_of_week):
         part[l] = model.NewBoolVar('Part')

 # the number of staff assigned to detailed shift s on day i
 for s in detailed_shifts:
     for i in days_of_week:
         staff_assigned[(s, i)] = model.NewIntVar(0, 4, 'staff_assigned%i_%s' % (s, i))

 """Apply model constraints"""

 # limit on the amount of part time staff that can be used [constraint 10]
 ratio = (1 - pfrate) * 10
 ratio2 = pfrate * 10

 model.Add(sum(part[l] for l in pt_employees) * int(ratio) <=
           sum(full[k] for k in ft_employees) * int(ratio2))

 # limit on full time staff's working days [constraint 11]
 for k in ft_staff:
     model.Add(FD >= sum(assign_full[(i, j, k)] for i in days_of_week   for j in shift_length))

 # limit on part time staff working days [constraint 12]
 for l in pt_employees:
     model.Add(PD >= sum(assign_part[(i, j, l)] for i in days_of_week   for j in shift_length))

 # limit of the number of hours worked per week
 for j in shift_length:
     if j == 0:
         dursh[j] = 4
     elif j == 1:
         dursh[j] = 6
     elif j == 2:
         dursh[j] = 8

 for k in ft_employees:  # Limit on number of hours worked per week for ft staff [constraint 13]
     model.Add(sum(dursh[j] * assign_full[(i, j, k)] for j in shift_length for i in
                   days_of_week) <= FG)

 for l in pt_employees:  # Limit on number of hours worked per week for pt staff [constraint 14]
     model.Add(sum(dursh[j] * assign_part[(i, j, l)] for j in shift_length for i in
                   days_of_week) <= PG)

 # limits the max number of shifts per day to 1
 for k in ft_employees:  # [constraint 15]
     for i in days_of_week:
         model.Add(sum(assign_full[(i, j, k)] for j in shift_length) <= 1)

 for l in pt_employees:  # [constraint 16]
     for i in days_of_week:
         model.Add(sum(assign_part[(i, j, l)] for j in shift_length) <= 1)

 # [Constraint 17]
 # Guarantees that the model's requirements are met
 for h in hours:
     for s in detailed_shifts:
         if (h == 0 and s == 0) or (h == 0 and s in range(3, 5)) or (h == 0 and s == 8):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 1 and (s == 0 or s in range(3, 6) or s == 8):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 2 and (s in range(4, 9)):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 3 and (s == 2 or s in range(5, 9)):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 4 and (s in range(1, 3) or s in range(5, 9)):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 5 and (s in range(1, 3) or s in range(6, 8)):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
         elif h == 6 and (s == 2 or s == 7):
             worksh[(s, h)] = 1
             worksh[(s, h)] = 0

 for i in days_of_week:
     for h in hours:
         model.Add(sum(staff_assigned[(s, i)] * worksh[(s, h)] for s in detailed_shifts) >= hreq[
            (i, h)])

 # [Constraint 18]
 # converts the detailed shifts into hourly shifts per day and staff will be assigned to those shifts

 for j in shift_length:
     for s in detailed_shifts:
         if j == 0 and (s == 0 or s == 1):
             shiftint[(s, j)] = 1
         elif j == 1 and (s == 2 or s == 3):
             shiftint[(s, j)] = 1
         elif j == 2 and s in range(4, 9):
             shiftint[(s, j)] = 1
             shiftint[(s, j)] = 0

 for i in days_of_week:
     for j in shift_length:
             sum(assign_full[(i, j, k)] for k in ft_employees) + sum(assign_part[(i, j, l)]
for l in pt_employees) >=
             sum(staff_assigned[(s, i)] * shiftint[(s, j)] for s in detailed_shifts))

"""Solve the model"""

 # Define objective
 model.Minimize(sum(full[k] * costf for k in ft_employees) + sum(part[l] * costp for l in pt_employees))

 solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
 status = solver.Solve(model)

 for i in days_of_week:
    print('Day', i)
     for k in ft_employees:
         for j in shift_length:
             if solver.Value(assign_full[(i, j, k)]) == 1:
                 print('Nurse', k, 'works shift of length', j, '(requested)')
                 print('Nurse', k, 'works shift of length', j, '(not requested).')


 for i in days_of_week:
   for s in detailed_shifts:
      print('   ' , solver.Value(staff_assigned[(s, i)]))

 # output the solution

 print('Solve status: %s' % solver.StatusName(status))
 print('Optimal objective value: %i' % solver.ObjectiveValue())
 print('  - conflicts : %i' % solver.NumConflicts())
 print('  - branches  : %i' % solver.NumBranches())
 print('  - wall time : %f s' % solver.WallTime())
 print('Number of Boolean Variables: %i' % solver.NumBooleans())
 print(' Model Stats ' + model.ModelStats())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Возможно, что Модель действительно неосуществима, но я хотел бы убедиться, прежде чем двигаться дальше. Я ценю любой совет:)
