Попытка подключить Google AdWords к листам Google с помощью Singer-Tap - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 19 марта 2020

Я пытаюсь получить данные для Google BigQuery из Google AdWords. Я не хочу использовать нативные соединители, так как я пытаюсь выучить щелчки, поскольку они полезны и для других источников, таких как Facebook.

Я борюсь с тем, как настроить файл каталога, как все мои попытки вернули ноль данных. Поэтому, если у кого-то есть какая-либо рабочая реализация с певцом, которая будет высоко оценена

, я просто пытаюсь получить названия кампаний на этом этапе.

  "streams": [
      "tap_stream_id": "campaigns",
      "stream": "campaigns",
      "metadata": [ 

                       "metadata": {
                                       "inclusion": "available",
                                       "selected": true,
                                       "table-key-properties": ["id","name"],
                                      "schema-name": "campaigns",
                                      "valid-replication-keys": ["id" ]
                                       "breadcrumb": ["properties","id","name"]

Если я добавлю поля в хлебные крошки поток пропускается, в противном случае я получаю эту ошибку.

INFO Syncing customer ID ...
INFO Syncing stream campaigns ...
INFO Request fields: []
INFO Filtered fields: []
INFO Munged fields: []
{"type": "SCHEMA", "stream": "campaigns", "key_properties": ["id"], "schema": {"type": ["null", "object"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": {"settings":
 {"type": ["null", "array"], "items": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"details": {"type": ["null", "array"], "items": {"type": ["null", "object"], "prop
erties": {"targetAll": {"type": ["null", "boolean"]}, "criterionTypeGroup": {"type": ["null", "string"]}}}}, "positiveGeoTargetType": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, 
"Setting.Type": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "negativeGeoTargetType": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "languageCode": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "domainName": {"t
ype": ["null", "string"]}}}}, "startDate": {"type": ["null", "string"], "format": "date-time"}, "networkSetting": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"targe
tGoogleSearch": {"type": ["null", "integer"]}}}, "conversionOptimizerEligibility": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"eligible": {"type": ["null", "intege
r"]}}}, "campaignTrialType": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "endDate": {"type": ["null", "string"], "format": "date-time"}, "labels": {"type": ["null", "array"], "it
ems": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"attribute": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"description": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "backgroundC
olor": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "LabelAttribute.Type": {"type": ["null", "string"]}}}, "name": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "status": {"type": ["null", "strin
g"]}, "Label.Type": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "id": {"type": ["null", "integer"]}}}}, "frequencyCap": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"impressions":
 {"type": ["null", "integer"]}, "timeUnit": {"type": ["null", "string"]}}}, "id": {"type": ["null", "integer"]}, "servingStatus": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "adS
ervingOptimizationStatus": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "budgetId": {"type": ["null", "integer"]}, "baseCampaignId": {"type": ["null", "integer"]}, "status": {"typ
e": ["null", "string"]}, "name": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "urlCustomParameters": {"type": ["null", "object"], "properties": {"parameters": {"type": ["array", "
null"], "items": {"type": ["object", "null"], "properties": {"value": {"type": ["string", "null"]}, "key": {"type": "string"}, "isRemove": {"type": "boolean"}}}}, "
doReplace": {"type": "boolean"}}}, "advertisingChannelType": {"type": ["null", "string"]}, "_sdc_customer_id": {"description": "Profile ID", "type": "string", "fiel
d": "customer_id"}}}}
INFO Syncing campaigns for customer xyz
INFO Request 1000 campaigns for customer xyz with startIndex 0 using selector -7095413996312440477
INFO An exception was thrown in CampaignService with selector: {'fields': [], 'paging': {'startIndex': '0', 'numberResults': '1000'}}
WARNING attempt 1 of <function attempt_get_from_service at 0x7f164a46cd08> failed
WARNING waiting 60 seconds before retrying
^CINFO METRIC: {"type": "timer", "value": 5.678220510482788, "tags": {"endpoint": "campaigns", "status": "failed"}, "metric": "http_request_duration"}

Любая помощь или любые справочные документы или блоги будут с благодарностью.
