Вот вариант ответа Мартина Виттеманна, который работает на детской площадке (1.6 протестировано):
/** This renderer makes rows matching our conditions appear as different colours */
qx.Class.define("CustomRowRenderer", {
extend : qx.ui.table.rowrenderer.Default,
members : {
/** Overridden to handle our custom logic for row colouring */
updateDataRowElement : function(rowInfo, rowElem) {
// Call super first
this.base(arguments, rowInfo, rowElem);
// Get the current style
var style = rowElem.style;
// Don't overwrite the style on the focused / selected row
if (!(rowInfo.focusedRow && this.getHighlightFocusRow()) && !rowInfo.selected) {
// Apply our rule for row colouring
style.backgroundColor = (rowInfo.rowData[1] > 5000) ? this._colors.bgcolEven : this._colors.bgcolOdd;
/** Overridden to handle our custom logic for row colouring */
createRowStyle : function(rowInfo) {
// Create some style
var rowStyle = [];
// Are we focused?
if (rowInfo.focusedRow && this.getHighlightFocusRow()) {
// Handle the focused / selected row as normal
rowStyle.push(rowInfo.selected ? this._colors.bgcolFocusedSelected : this._colors.bgcolFocused);
} else {
// Aew we selected?
if (rowInfo.selected) {
// Handle the selected row as normal
} else {
// Apply our rule for row colouring
rowStyle.push((rowInfo.rowData[1] > 5000) ? this._colors.bgcolEven : this._colors.bgcolOdd);
// Finish off the style string
rowStyle.push(rowInfo.selected ? this._colors.colSelected : this._colors.colNormal);
rowStyle.push(';border-bottom: 1px solid ', this._colors.horLine);
return rowStyle.join("");
// Demo table
var tableModel = new qx.ui.table.model.Simple();
tableModel.setColumns([ "ID", "Number" ]);
[1, 5000],
[1, 6000],
[1, 6000],
[1, 6000],
[1, 6000],
[1, 4000],
[1, 4000],
[1, 4000],
[1, 6000]
var table = new qx.ui.table.Table(tableModel);
// Apply our renderer
table.setDataRowRenderer(new CustomRowRenderer(table));
// Add table
this.getRoot().add(table, { left : 10, top : 10 });