Предполагая, что переменная класса является 3-м столбцом и называется «класс», как и все мои примеры наборов данных, вот что я придумал:
algStats <- function(dataset){
# Split data into test and train (80/20 train to test)
trainindex <- sample(1:nrow(dataset), 0.8 * nrow(dataset))
TrainData <- dataset[trainindex, ] # Train data length same for all datasets
TestData <- dataset[-trainindex, ] # Test data length same for all datasets
# Declare 10-fold CV (same for all datasets)
train_control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
# Train a decision tree model
DecTreeMod <- train(as.factor(class)~., data=TrainData,
trControl=train_control, method="rpart")
# Predict on test data using Decision Tree model
DecTreepred <- predict(DecTreeMod, TestData[,1:2])
# Create confusion matrix for Decision Tree classifier
DecTreecf <- confusionMatrix(DecTreepred, as.factor(TestData[,3]), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "1")
# Extract Precision, Recall and Accuracy from confusion matrix
DecTreePrecision <- DecTreecf$byClass[5] # <-----Precision
DecTreeRecall <- DecTreecf$byClass[6] # <-----Recall
DecTreeAcc <- DecTreecf$overall[1] # <-----Accuracy
# Create an empty matrix to hold performance measures of each algorithm
rownames = c("Decision Tree", "Naive Bayes", "KNN", "SVM", "ANN")
colnames = c("Precision", "Recall", "Accuracy")
performance <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 5,
byrow = T, dimnames = list(rownames, colnames))
# Append the metrics from the Decision Tree classifier into the matrix
# performance <- rbind(performance, c(DecTreePrecision,DecTreeRecall,DecTreeAcc))
performance[1,] <- c(DecTreePrecision,DecTreeRecall,DecTreeAcc)
# Train a Naive Bayes model
NBMod <- train(as.factor(class)~., data=TrainData,
trControl=train_control, method="nb")
# Predict on test data using Naive Bayes model
NBpred <- predict(NBMod, TestData[,1:2])
# Create confusion matrix for Naive Bayes classifier
NBcf <- confusionMatrix(NBpred, as.factor(TestData[,3]), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "1")
# Extract Precision, Recall and Accuracy from confusion matrix
NBPrecision <- NBcf$byClass[5] # <-----Precision
NBRecall <- NBcf$byClass[6] # <-----Recall
NBAcc <- NBcf$overall[1] # <-----Accuracy
# Append the metrics from the Naive Bayes classifier into the matrix
performance[2,] <- c(NBPrecision,NBRecall,NBAcc)
# Train a KNN model
KNNMod <- train(as.factor(class)~., data=TrainData, tuneGrid = expand.grid(k = 3),
trControl=train_control, method="knn", preProcess = c("center","scale"))
# Predict on test data using KNN model
KNNpred <- predict(KNNMod, TestData[,1:2])
# Create confusion matrix for KNN classifier
KNNcf <- confusionMatrix(KNNpred, as.factor(TestData[,3]), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "1")
# Extract Precision, Recall and Accuracy from confusion matrix
KNNPrecision <- KNNcf$byClass[5] # <-----Precision
KNNRecall <- KNNcf$byClass[6] # <-----Recall
KNNAcc <- KNNcf$overall[1] # <-----Accuracy
# Append the metrics from the KNN classifier into the matrix
performance[3,] <- c(KNNPrecision,KNNRecall,KNNAcc)
# Train an SVM model
SVMMod <- train(as.factor(class)~., data=TrainData,
trControl=train_control, method="svmLinear", preProcess = c("center","scale"))
# Predict on test data using the SVM model
SVMpred <- predict(SVMMod, TestData[,1:2])
# Create confusion matrix for SVM classifier
SVMcf <- confusionMatrix(SVMpred, as.factor(TestData[,3]), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "1")
# Extract Precision, Recall and Accuracy from confusion matrix
SVMPrecision <- SVMcf$byClass[5] # <-----Precision
SVMRecall <- SVMcf$byClass[6] # <-----Recall
SVMAcc <- SVMcf$overall[1] # <-----Accuracy
# Append the metrics from the SVM classifier into the matrix
performance[4,] <- c(SVMPrecision,SVMRecall,SVMAcc)
# Train an ANN model
ANNMod <- train(as.factor(class)~., data=TrainData, tuneGrid = expand.grid(
size = 4, decay = 0.1), linear.output = F, trControl=train_control, method="nnet",
preProcess = c("center","scale"))
# Predict on test data using the ANN model
ANNpred <- predict(ANNMod, TestData[,1:2])
# Create confusion matrix for ANN classifier
ANNcf <- confusionMatrix(ANNpred, as.factor(TestData[,3]), mode = "prec_recall", positive = "1")
# Extract Precision, Recall and Accuracy from confusion matrix
ANNPrecision <- ANNcf$byClass[5] # <-----Precision
ANNRecall <- ANNcf$byClass[6] # <-----Recall
ANNAcc <- ANNcf$overall[1] # <-----Accuracy
# Append the metrics from the ANN classifier into the matrix
performance[5,] <- c(ANNPrecision,ANNRecall,ANNAcc)
# Return the performance matrix