Если вы используете @FetchRequest и onReceive, numberOfResults будет обновлено, когда издатель отправит сообщение
import SwiftUI
struct DidSetCoreData: View {
@State var numberOfResults = 0
@State var initSetup1: Bool = true
@State var initSetup2: Bool = true
@State var adjustedCount = 0
@FetchRequest(entity: YourModel.entity(), sortDescriptors: [], predicate:NSPredicate(format: "isSelected == %@", NSNumber(booleanLiteral: true))) var objects: FetchedResults<YourModel>
var body: some View{
return VStack{
Text("Total Count= \(objects.count)")
Text("Adjusted Total = \($adjustedCount.wrappedValue)")
//You need the separate adjusted count variable to save the changes
//Option 1 Stepper - Keeps the max step flexible, eliminates the need for the numberOfResults var
Stepper("AdjTotal - FlexibleMax", value: $adjustedCount, in: 0...objects.count, step:5)
.onReceive(objects.publisher.count(), perform: {count in
//onReceive will be called everytime there is a change to objects.count or body refresh
print("onReceive - Option 1")
if self.initSetup1{
//The variable will only be setup once
self.adjustedCount = count
self.initSetup1 = false
print("initSetupComplete - Option 1")
//Option 2 Stepper
Stepper("AdjTotal - initMax", value: $adjustedCount, in: 0...$numberOfResults.wrappedValue, step:5)
.onReceive(objects.publisher.count(), perform: {count in
//onReceive will be called everytime there is a change to objects.count or body refresh
print("onReceive - Option 2")
if self.initSetup2{
//The variables will only be setup once
self.numberOfResults = count //Limits the max step to only the original count
self.adjustedCount = self.numberOfResults
self.initSetup2 = false
print("initSetupComplete - Option 2")
//Option 3 Stepper - Limits the StepperMax to the Stepper value
Stepper("AdjTotal - ValueMax", value: $numberOfResults, in: 0...$numberOfResults.wrappedValue, step:5)
.onReceive(objects.publisher.count(), perform: {count in
//onReceive will be called everytime there is a change to objects.count or body refresh
print("onReceive - Option 3")
if self.initSetup3{
//The variable will only be setup once
self.numberOfResults = count
self.initSetup3 = false
print("initSetupComplete - Option 3")