Регулярные выражения - ваш друг.
import re
import itertools
bios = ['Hello @handle1', '@handle2 @handle3 hello', 'words3', '@handle4']
handles = itertools.chain.from_iterable(re.findall(r"@(\w+)", bio) for bio in bios)
Здесь много чего происходит, поэтому давайте немного развернем его:
all_handles = []
for bio in bios:
# bio = 'Hello @handle1', or '@handle2 @handle3 hello'
this_bio_handles = re.findall(r"""
@ # a literal "@" sign
( # beginning of capture group
\w+ # one or more "Word" characters (a-z, 0-9, and space)
) # end of capture group""", bio, flags=re.X)
# this_bio_handles = ['handle1'], or ['handle2', 'handle3']
# all_handles = [['handle1'], ['handle2', 'handle3'], ['handle4']]
handles = itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_handles)
# itertools.chain produces an iterator from an iterable.
# itertools.chain.from_iterable produces an iterator from an iterable of iterables
# so handles ends up looking like 'handle1' 'handle2' 'handle3' 'handle4'