Вам потребуется импортировать библиотеку ODF Kit в зависимости:
[org.odftoolkit/simple-odf "0.9.0-RC1"]]
Версия Clojure:
(ns clj-odf.core
(:import java.net.URI
(defn generate-odf [filename]
(let [outputOdt (TextDocument/newTextDocument)
uri (URI. "/home/manuel/Documents/lisplogo_fancy_256.png")
items (into-array String ["Primer Asunto" "Segundo punto" "Tercer negocio" "Too long list"])]
(println "Generating ODF file")
(.addParagraph outputOdt "Hello World, taradazo Hello Simple ODF!")
(.newImage outputOdt uri)
(.addParagraph outputOdt "Hello World, taradazo Hello Simple ODF AFTER IMAGE!")
(.addParagraph outputOdt "The following is a list.")
;; doto macro, first argument is passed to all the next nested forms
(doto (.addList outputOdt)
(.addItems items))
;; ".." threading macro, Expands into a member access (.) of the first member on the first
;; argument, followed by the next member on the result, etc.
(.. outputOdt
(addTable 2 2)
(getCellByPosition 0 1)
(setStringValue "I'm in some cell table!"))
(.save outputOdt filename)
(catch Exception e (str "ERROR: unable to create output file: " (.getMessage e))))))