Вы можете установить python -binance и использовать BinanceSocketManager
python -m pip install python -binance
Используйте следующий код, который я нашел здесь
import time
from binance.client import Client # Import the Binance Client
from binance.websockets import BinanceSocketManager # Import the Binance Socket Manager
# Although fine for tutorial purposes, your API Keys should never be placed directly in the script like below.
# You should use a config file (cfg or yaml) to store them and reference when needed.
# Instantiate a Client
client = Client(api_key=PUBLIC, api_secret=SECRET)
# Instantiate a BinanceSocketManager, passing in the client that you instantiated
bm = BinanceSocketManager(client)
# This is our callback function. For now, it just prints messages as they come.
def handle_message(msg):
# Start trade socket with 'ETHBTC' and use handle_message to.. handle the message.
conn_key = bm.start_trade_socket('ETHBTC', handle_message)
# then start the socket manager
# let some data flow..
# stop the socket manager