Вот код, который я взломал для работы с доменом \ пользователем (изначально из codeproject). Я отказался от него как от «ошибочного» (просто не хотел пытаться переопределить проверку, что ответом знает только ОС). Я также не помню, получал ли я где-нибудь серьезные испытания. Я уверен, что он не обрабатывает явные права, предоставленные пользователю (а не группе), и я был неуверен относительно того, обрабатывал ли код права отказа.
class UserAccessRights
/// /// This code was written by Bruce Hatt
/// Code obtained from : http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/UserFileAccessRights.asp
/// This class Contains a simple answer to a
/// potentially complicated question "Can I read this file or can I write to this file?"
/// Using the "rule of least privilege", one must check not only is access granted but
/// is it denied at any point including a possibly recursive check of groups.
/// For this simple check, a look at the user and immediate groups are only checked.
/// This class could be expanded to identify if the applicable allow/deny rule
/// was explicit or inherited
private string _path;
//private WindowsIdentity _principal;
private SecurityIdentifier _principalSid;
private bool _denyAppendData = false;
private bool _denyChangePermissions = false;
private bool _denyCreateDirectories = false;
private bool _denyCreateFiles = false;
private bool _denyDelete = false;
private bool _denyDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = false;
private bool _denyExecuteFile = false;
private bool _denyFullControl = false;
private bool _denyListDirectory = false;
private bool _denyModify = false;
private bool _denyRead = false;
private bool _denyReadAndExecute = false;
private bool _denyReadAttributes = false;
private bool _denyReadData = false;
private bool _denyReadExtendedAttributes = false;
private bool _denyReadPermissions = false;
private bool _denySynchronize = false;
private bool _denyTakeOwnership = false;
private bool _denyTraverse = false;
private bool _denyWrite = false;
private bool _denyWriteAttributes = false;
private bool _denyWriteData = false;
private bool _denyWriteExtendedAttributes = false;
private bool _allowAppendData = false;
private bool _allowChangePermissions = false;
private bool _allowCreateDirectories = false;
private bool _allowCreateFiles = false;
private bool _allowDelete = false;
private bool _allowDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = false;
private bool _allowExecuteFile = false;
private bool _allowFullControl = false;
private bool _allowListDirectory = false;
private bool _allowModify = false;
private bool _allowRead = false;
private bool _allowReadAndExecute = false;
private bool _allowReadAttributes = false;
private bool _allowReadData = false;
private bool _allowReadExtendedAttributes = false;
private bool _allowReadPermissions = false;
private bool _allowSynchronize = false;
private bool _allowTakeOwnership = false;
private bool _allowTraverse = false;
private bool _allowWrite = false;
private bool _allowWriteAttributes = false;
private bool _allowWriteData = false;
private bool _allowWriteExtendedAttributes = false;
public bool CanAppendData { get { return !_denyAppendData && _allowAppendData; } }
public bool CanChangePermissions { get { return !_denyChangePermissions && _allowChangePermissions; } }
public bool CanCreateDirectories { get { return !_denyCreateDirectories && _allowCreateDirectories; } }
public bool CanCreateFiles { get { return !_denyCreateFiles && _allowCreateFiles; } }
public bool CanDelete { get { return !_denyDelete && _allowDelete; } }
public bool CanDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles { get { return !_denyDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles && _allowDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles; } }
public bool CanExecuteFile { get { return !_denyExecuteFile && _allowExecuteFile; } }
public bool CanFullControl { get { return !_denyFullControl && _allowFullControl; } }
public bool CanListDirectory { get { return !_denyListDirectory && _allowListDirectory; } }
public bool CanModify { get { return !_denyModify && _allowModify; } }
public bool CanRead { get { return !_denyRead && _allowRead; } }
public bool CanReadAndExecute { get { return !_denyReadAndExecute && _allowReadAndExecute; } }
public bool CanReadAttributes { get { return !_denyReadAttributes && _allowReadAttributes; } }
public bool CanReadData { get { return !_denyReadData && _allowReadData; } }
public bool CanReadExtendedAttributes { get { return !_denyReadExtendedAttributes && _allowReadExtendedAttributes; } }
public bool CanReadPermissions { get { return !_denyReadPermissions && _allowReadPermissions; } }
public bool CanSynchronize { get { return !_denySynchronize && _allowSynchronize; } }
public bool CanTakeOwnership { get { return !_denyTakeOwnership && _allowTakeOwnership; } }
public bool CanTraverse { get { return !_denyTraverse && _allowTraverse; } }
public bool CanWrite { get { return !_denyWrite && _allowWrite; } }
public bool CanWriteAttributes { get { return !_denyWriteAttributes && _allowWriteAttributes; } }
public bool CanWriteData { get { return !_denyWriteData && _allowWriteData; } }
public bool CanWriteExtendedAttributes { get { return !_denyWriteExtendedAttributes && _allowWriteExtendedAttributes; } }
/// /// Simple accessor
/* public WindowsIdentity GetWindowsIdentity
get { return _principal; }
/// /// Simple accessor
public String GetPath
get { return _path; }
public UserAccessRights(string path, string UserId)
if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserId)) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
NTAccount n = new NTAccount(UserId);
_principalSid = (SecurityIdentifier)n.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
this._path = path;
System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(_path);
AuthorizationRuleCollection acl = fi.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
for (int i = 0; i < acl.Count; i++)
System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule rule = (System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule)acl[i];
if (_principalSid.Equals(rule.IdentityReference))
if (System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Deny.Equals(rule.AccessControlType))
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.AppendData, rule)) _denyAppendData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions, rule)) _denyChangePermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories, rule)) _denyCreateDirectories = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles, rule)) _denyCreateFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Delete, rule)) _denyDelete = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, rule)) _denyDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile, rule)) _denyExecuteFile = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.FullControl, rule)) _denyFullControl = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, rule)) _denyListDirectory = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Modify, rule)) _denyModify = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Read, rule)) _denyRead = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, rule)) _denyReadAndExecute = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes, rule)) _denyReadAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadData, rule)) _denyReadData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes, rule)) _denyReadExtendedAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions, rule)) _denyReadPermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Synchronize, rule)) _denySynchronize = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership, rule)) _denyTakeOwnership = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Traverse, rule)) _denyTraverse = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Write, rule)) _denyWrite = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes, rule)) _denyWriteAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteData, rule)) _denyWriteData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes, rule)) _denyWriteExtendedAttributes = true;
else if (System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow.Equals(rule.AccessControlType))
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.AppendData, rule)) _allowAppendData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions, rule)) _allowChangePermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories, rule)) _allowCreateDirectories = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles, rule)) _allowCreateFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Delete, rule)) _allowDelete = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, rule)) _allowDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile, rule)) _allowExecuteFile = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.FullControl, rule)) _allowFullControl = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, rule)) _allowListDirectory = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Modify, rule)) _allowModify = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Read, rule)) _allowRead = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, rule)) _allowReadAndExecute = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes, rule)) _allowReadAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadData, rule)) _allowReadData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes, rule)) _allowReadExtendedAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions, rule)) _allowReadPermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Synchronize, rule)) _allowSynchronize = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership, rule)) _allowTakeOwnership = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Traverse, rule)) _allowTraverse = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Write, rule)) _allowWrite = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes, rule)) _allowWriteAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteData, rule)) _allowWriteData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes, rule)) _allowWriteExtendedAttributes = true;
IdentityReferenceCollection groups = _principal.Groups;
for (int j = 0; j < groups.Count; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < acl.Count; i++)
System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule rule = (System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule)acl[i];
if (groups[j].Equals(rule.IdentityReference))
if (System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Deny.Equals(rule.AccessControlType))
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.AppendData, rule)) _denyAppendData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions, rule)) _denyChangePermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories, rule)) _denyCreateDirectories = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles, rule)) _denyCreateFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Delete, rule)) _denyDelete = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, rule)) _denyDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile, rule)) _denyExecuteFile = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.FullControl, rule)) _denyFullControl = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, rule)) _denyListDirectory = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Modify, rule)) _denyModify = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Read, rule)) _denyRead = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, rule)) _denyReadAndExecute = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes, rule)) _denyReadAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadData, rule)) _denyReadData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes, rule)) _denyReadExtendedAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions, rule)) _denyReadPermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Synchronize, rule)) _denySynchronize = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership, rule)) _denyTakeOwnership = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Traverse, rule)) _denyTraverse = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Write, rule)) _denyWrite = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes, rule)) _denyWriteAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteData, rule)) _denyWriteData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes, rule)) _denyWriteExtendedAttributes = true;
else if (System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow.Equals(rule.AccessControlType))
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.AppendData, rule)) _allowAppendData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions, rule)) _allowChangePermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories, rule)) _allowCreateDirectories = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles, rule)) _allowCreateFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Delete, rule)) _allowDelete = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, rule)) _allowDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ExecuteFile, rule)) _allowExecuteFile = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.FullControl, rule)) _allowFullControl = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, rule)) _allowListDirectory = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Modify, rule)) _allowModify = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Read, rule)) _allowRead = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, rule)) _allowReadAndExecute = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes, rule)) _allowReadAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadData, rule)) _allowReadData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes, rule)) _allowReadExtendedAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions, rule)) _allowReadPermissions = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Synchronize, rule)) _allowSynchronize = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership, rule)) _allowTakeOwnership = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Traverse, rule)) _allowTraverse = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.Write, rule)) _allowWrite = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes, rule)) _allowWriteAttributes = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteData, rule)) _allowWriteData = true;
if (Contains(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes, rule)) _allowWriteExtendedAttributes = true;
/// /// Simply displays all allowed rights
/// Useful if say you want to test for write access and find
/// it is false;
/// <xmp> /// UserFileAccessRights rights = new UserFileAccessRights(txtLogPath.Text);
/// System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(txtLogPath.Text);
/// if (rights.canWrite() && rights.canRead()) {
/// lblLogMsg.Text = "R/W access";
/// } else {
/// if (rights.canWrite()) {
/// lblLogMsg.Text = "Only Write access";
/// } else if (rights.canRead()) {
/// lblLogMsg.Text = "Only Read access";
/// } else {
/// lblLogMsg.CssClass = "error";
/// lblLogMsg.Text = rights.ToString()
/// }
/// }
/// </xmp> ///
public override String ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (CanAppendData) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("AppendData"); }
if (CanChangePermissions) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ChangePermissions"); }
if (CanCreateDirectories) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("CreateDirectories"); }
if (CanCreateFiles) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("CreateFiles"); }
if (CanDelete) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Delete"); }
if (CanDeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles"); }
if (CanExecuteFile) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ExecuteFile"); }
if (CanFullControl) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("FullControl"); }
if (CanListDirectory) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ListDirectory"); }
if (CanModify) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Modify"); }
if (CanRead) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Read"); }
if (CanReadAndExecute) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ReadAndExecute"); }
if (CanReadAttributes) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ReadAttributes"); }
if (CanReadData) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ReadData"); }
if (CanReadExtendedAttributes) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ReadExtendedAttributes"); }
if (CanReadPermissions) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("ReadPermissions"); }
if (CanSynchronize) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Synchronize"); }
if (CanTakeOwnership) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("TakeOwnership"); }
if (CanTraverse) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Traverse"); }
if (CanWrite) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("Write"); }
if (CanWriteAttributes) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("WriteAttributes"); }
if (CanWriteData) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("WriteData"); }
if (CanWriteExtendedAttributes) { if (sb.Length != 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append("WriteExtendedAttributes"); }
if (sb.Length == 0)
return sb.ToString();
/// /// Convenience method to test if the right exists within the given rights
public static bool Contains(FileSystemRights right, FileSystemAccessRule rule)
bool returnValue = false;
if (rule != null)
returnValue = (((int)right & (int)rule.FileSystemRights) == (int)right);
return returnValue;