Как запустить asyn c Задачу, не блокируя другие задачи?
У меня есть одна функция, которая выполняет итерации, хотя List, но проблема в том, что при вызове функции другие функции не будут работать снова, пока первая функция выполнена. Как сделать функцию HandleAsyn c неблокируемой?
public static async Task HandleAsync(Message message, TelegramBotClient bot)
await Search(message, bot); // This should be handled without working other possible functions. I have a function similar to this but which doesn't iterate though any list.
private static async Task Search(Message message, TelegramBotClient bot)
var textSplit = message.Text.Split(new[] {' '}, 2);
if (textSplit.Length == 1)
await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.From.Id, "Failed to fetch sales. Missing game name. ",
var search = await Program.itad.SearchGameAsync(textSplit[1], limit: 10, cts: Program.Cts);
if (search.Data != null)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var deal in search.Data.List)
var title = deal.Title;
var plain = deal.Plain;
var shop = deal.Shop != null ? deal.Shop.Name : "N/A";
var urls = deal.Urls;
var priceNew = deal.PriceNew;
var priceOld = deal.PriceOld;
var priceCut = deal.PriceCut;
builder.AppendLine($"<b>Title:</b> {title}");
builder.AppendLine($"<b>Shop:</b> {shop}");
builder.AppendLine($"<b>Price:</b> <strike>{priceOld}€</strike> | {priceNew}€ (-{priceCut}%)");
var buttons = new[]
InlineKeyboardButton.WithUrl("Buy", urls.Buy.AbsoluteUri),
urls.Game.AbsoluteUri.Replace("info", "history"))
var keyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons);
var info = await Program.itad.GetInfoAsync(plain, cts: Program.Cts);
var image = info.Data.GameInfo.Image;
if (image == null) image = new Uri("https://i.imgur.com/J7zLBLg.png");
await TelegramBot.Bot.SendPhotoAsync(message.From.Id, new InputOnlineFile(image.AbsoluteUri),
builder.ToString(), ParseMode.Html, replyMarkup: keyboard,
cancellationToken: Program.Cts.Token);
await bot.SendTextMessageAsync(message.From.Id, "Failed to fetch sales. Game not found. ",