Voyager всегда возвращает «Эти учетные данные не соответствуют нашим записям». - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 19 марта 2020

Я взял проект в Laravel для установки на сервер, и он использует Voyager в качестве административной панели. Клиент дал мне имя пользователя и пароль, к которым он должен был получить доступ, но он всегда возвращал «Эти учетные данные не соответствуют нашим записям».

Я прочитал документацию и попытался создать новую с помощью команды:

php artisan voyager: admin --create

Пользователь создан в базе данных, но возвращает то же сообщение. Затем я попытался запустить, и ошибка продолжает появляться.

php artisan voyager: admin

My Voyager. php код:


return [
| User config
| Here you can specify voyager user configs

'user' => [
    'add_default_role_on_register' => true,
    'default_role'                 => 'user',
    //'namespace'                    => null,
    'namespace'                    => App\User::class,
    'default_avatar'               => 'users/default.png',
    'redirect'                     => '/admin',

| Controllers config
| Here you can specify voyager controller settings

'controllers' => [
    'namespace' => 'TCG\\Voyager\\Http\\Controllers',

| Models config
| Here you can specify default model namespace when creating BREAD.
| Must include trailing backslashes. If not defined the default application
| namespace will be used.

'models' => [
    //'namespace' => 'App\\',

| Storage Config
| Here you can specify attributes related to your application file system

'storage' => [
    'disk' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'public'),

| Media Manager
| Here you can specify if media manager can show hidden files like(.gitignore)

'hidden_files' => false,

| Database Config
| Here you can specify voyager database settings

'database' => [
    'tables' => [
        'hidden' => ['migrations', 'data_rows', 'data_types', 'menu_items', 'password_resets', 'permission_role', 'settings'],
    'autoload_migrations' => true,

| Multilingual configuration
| Here you can specify if you want Voyager to ship with support for
| multilingual and what locales are enabled.

'multilingual' => [
     * Set whether or not the multilingual is supported by the BREAD input.
    'enabled' => true,

     * Select default language
    'default' => 'pt_br',

     * Select languages that are supported.
    'locales' => [

| Dashboard config
| Here you can modify some aspects of your dashboard

'dashboard' => [
    // Add custom list items to navbar's dropdown
    'navbar_items' => [
        'voyager::generic.profile' => [
            'route'      => 'voyager.profile',
            'classes'    => 'class-full-of-rum',
            'icon_class' => 'voyager-person',
        'voyager::generic.home' => [
            'route'        => '/',
            'icon_class'   => 'voyager-home',
            'target_blank' => true,
        'voyager::generic.logout' => [
            'route'      => 'voyager.logout',
            'icon_class' => 'voyager-power',

    'widgets' => [


| Automatic Procedures
| When a change happens on Voyager, we can automate some routines.

'bread' => [
    // When a BREAD is added, create the Menu item using the BREAD properties.
    'add_menu_item' => true,

    // which menu add item to
    'default_menu' => 'admin',

    // When a BREAD is added, create the related Permission.
    'add_permission' => true,

    // which role add premissions to
    'default_role' => 'admin',

| UI Generic Config
| Here you change some of the Voyager UI settings.

'primary_color' => '#F38130',

'show_dev_tips' => true, // Show development tip "How To Use:" in Menu and Settings

// Here you can specify additional assets you would like to be included in the master.blade
'additional_css' => [

'additional_js' => [

'googlemaps' => [
     'key'    => env('GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY', ''),
     'center' => [
         'lat' => env('GOOGLE_MAPS_DEFAULT_CENTER_LAT', '32.715738'),
         'lng' => env('GOOGLE_MAPS_DEFAULT_CENTER_LNG', '-117.161084'),
     'zoom' => env('GOOGLE_MAPS_DEFAULT_ZOOM', 11),

// Activate compass when environment is NOT local
'compass_in_production' => false,

'media' => [
    // The allowed mimetypes to be uploaded through the media-manager.
    'allowed_mimetypes' => '*', //All types can be uploaded
    'allowed_mimetypes' => [
   //Path for media-manager. Relative to the filesystem.
   'path'                => '/',
   'show_folders'        => true,
   'allow_upload'        => true,
   'allow_move'          => true,
   'allow_delete'        => true,
   'allow_create_folder' => true,
   'allow_rename'        => true,
   /*'watermark'           => [
        'source'         => 'watermark.png',
        'position'       => 'bottom-left',
        'x'              => 0,
        'y'              => 0,
        'size'           => 15,
   'thumbnails'          => [
            'type'  => 'fit',
            'name'  => 'fit-500',
            'width' => 500,
            'height'=> 500

Моя модель:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends \TCG\Voyager\Models\User
 use Notifiable;

 * The attributes that are mass assignable.
 * @var array
//protected $fillable = ['id','name','pay_id_user','lastname','email','pass','password','lost_token'];

protected $fillable = [
    'name', 'email', 'password','',

 * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
 * @var array
protected $hidden = [
    'password', 'remember_token',

 * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
 * @var array
protected $casts = [
    'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',