Я добавил дополнительный код в существующий код
Sub ExtractYears()
Dim sc As Range
Dim Stdt As Date
Dim Edt As Date
Dim dDate As Date
Dim off As Integer
Dim offY As Integer
Dim year As Integer
Stdt = Range("B1") ' start date
Edt = Range("B2") ' end date
Set sc = Range("c2") ' start cell
' To clear the existing contents in Range D2 till end
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
off = 0
offY = 0
For dDate = Stdt To Edt
If Format(dDate, "dd") <= "01" Then
year = Format(dDate, "yyyy")
sc.Offset(off, 0) = Format(dDate, "mmmm yyyy")
If sc.Offset(offY, 3) = vbNullString Or sc.Offset(offY, 3).Value = year Then
sc.Offset(offY, 3) = year
sc.Offset(offY, 4) = "Year" & offY + 1
offY = offY + 1
sc.Offset(offY, 3) = year
sc.Offset(offY, 4) = "Year" & offY + 1
End If
off = off + 1
End If
Next dDate
sc.Resize(off, 1).NumberFormat = "mmmm yyyy"
End Sub