Оформление экзаменационной работы по python [перечисляет связанный вопрос] - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 24 февраля 2020

Я создаю программу, которая просит пользователя ввести ответы на вопросы с несколькими вариантами ответов, а затем они предоставляют ключ ответа. После этого программа оценивает экзамен, дает им оценку и сообщает, какой номер вопроса они ошиблись, каков был их ответ и каков правильный ответ.

Вот примерный прогон моей программы :

Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 1
How many questions are there? >> 3

What is your answer for question #1 >> a

What is your answer for question #2 >> a

What is your answer for question #3 >> a


1. a
2. a
3. a
Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 2

What is the correct answer for question #1 >> a

What is the correct answer for question #2 >> c

What is the correct answer for question #3 >> d


1. a
2. c
3. d
Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 99, in <module>
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 9, in start
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 38, in enterResponses
    a.start() # take us back to the main menu
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 12, in start
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 55, in answerKey
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 15, in start
  File "/Users/faiqashraf/Desktop/github site/PersonalProjects/grader/grader.py", line 68, in grade
    goingIn = "#" + str(self.responses.index(p)) + " user entered: " + str(self.responses(p))+ " correct answer: " + str(self.answers(q))
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

и вот мой код:

class Grader:
def start(self):
    # greeting message
    o = input("Welcome to gradermatic.\nTo enter responses, enter 1.\nTo enter an answer key, enter 2.\nTo grade, enter 3.\nPress any other key to quit. >> ")
    if o == "1":
        # enter responses
        self.numOfQuestions = input("How many questions are there? >> ")
    elif o == "2":
        # enter answer key
    elif o == "3":
        # grade the exam
    # get number of questions

def enterResponses(self):
    # start gathering answers
    i = 1
    self.responses = []
    while i <= int(self.numOfQuestions):
        entry = input("\nWhat is your answer for question #" + str(i) + " >> ")
        self.responses += entry
        i += 1

    # display user responses
    j = 1
    for r in self.responses:
        print(str(j) + ". " + r)
    # change any answers?
    # change = input("Would you like to change any answers? 1 = yes, 2 = no")
    # if change == "1":
    #     a.changeAns()

    a.start() # take us back to the main menu

def answerKey(self):
    # input answer key
    x = 1
    self.answers = []
    while x <= int(self.numOfQuestions):
        aentry = input("\nWhat is the correct answer for question #" + str(x) + " >> ")
        self.answers += aentry
        x += 1

    # display answer key
    y = 1
    for z in self.answers:
        print(str(y) + ". " + z)

def grade(self):
    # grade the responses
    # time to actually grade the exam
    numCorrect = 0
    self.incorrect = []
    for p, q in zip(self.responses, self.answers):
        if p == q:
            # correct answer, so add 1 to their score
            numCorrect += 1
            # incorrect answer, note:the question number                           user entry                                  correct answer
            goingIn = "#" + str(self.responses.index(p)) + " user entered: " + str(self.responses(p))+ " correct answer: " + str(self.answers(q))
            self.incorrect += goingIn
            goingIn = "" # reset, incase we need to add more stuff

    # issue a grade
    print("Number of correct answers = " + str(numCorrect) + " out of " + str(self.numOfQuestions))
    grade = int(numCorrect) / int(self.numOfQuestions)
    print("Your score is: " + str(grade))

    # display incorrect answers:
    print("Here are the questions the user got wrong, as well as their correct answers:")
    for l in self.incorrect:

    # end the program

    # def changeAns(self):
    #     # time to change answers
    #     whatToChange = input("What question's answer do you want to change? Enter a number between 1 and " + str(numOfQuestions))
    #     if whatToChange <= int(numOfQuestions):
    #         # change the answer
    #         newAns = input("What do you want the answer to be? >> ")
    #         responses[whatToChange] == newAns

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a = Grader()

Мой вопрос таков: Как я могу записать 3 критерия, чтобы сказать пользователю, что он неправильно понял вопрос? Напомним, что эти 3 критерия:

  1. Номер вопроса, который они ошиблись
  2. Какой ответ они ответили
  3. Какой правильный ответ

Я попытался получить номер вопроса через .index из списка, а также итератор для ответа и ответа о том, что программа работала при оценке текста (p и q).

Любой и все решения приветствуются! Также, если у вас есть лучшее название программы, чем у gradermati c, я бы хотел услышать это!

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 24 февраля 2020

Здесь есть пара проблем. Во-первых, a - это имя переменной, которую вы дали экземпляру класса Grader. На него не следует ссылаться внутри самого класса, используйте self. Ошибка, которую вы получили от этой строки, потому что вы пытались рассматривать списки как функции.

goingIn = "#" + str(self.responses.index(p)) + " user entered: " + str(self.responses(p))+ " correct answer: " + str(self.answers(q))

Вы уже просматриваете списки, поэтому все, что вам нужно сделать, это напечатать p и q:

goingIn = "#" + str(self.responses.index(p)) + " user entered: " + p + " correct answer: " + q

Наконец, строка self.incorrect += goingIn будет вести себя как list(str) и создавать отдельную запись в списке для каждой буквы в строке. Вместо этого вам следует использовать метод списка append().


И теперь он будет работать до конца.

Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 1
How many questions are there? >> 3

What is your answer for question #1 >> a

What is your answer for question #2 >> a

What is your answer for question #3 >> a


1. a
2. a
3. a
Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 2

What is the correct answer for question #1 >> a

What is the correct answer for question #2 >> b

What is the correct answer for question #3 >> a


1. a
2. b
3. a
Welcome to gradermatic.
To enter responses, enter 1.
To enter an answer key, enter 2.
To grade, enter 3.
Press any other key to quit. >> 3
Number of correct answers = 2 out of 3
Your score is: 0.6666666666666666
Here are the questions the user got wrong, as well as their correct answers:
#0 user entered: a correct answer: b

Вот отредактированный класс Grader.

class Grader:
    def start(self):
        o = input("Welcome to gradermatic.\nTo enter responses, enter 1.\nTo enter an answer key, enter 2.\nTo grade, enter 3.\nPress any other key to quit. >> ")
        if o == "1":
            self.numOfQuestions = input("How many questions are there? >> ")
        elif o == "2":
        elif o == "3":

    def enterResponses(self):
        i = 1
        self.responses = []
        while i <= int(self.numOfQuestions):
            entry = input("\nWhat is your answer for question #" + str(i) + " >> ")
            self.responses += entry
            i += 1

        j = 1
        for r in self.responses:
            print(str(j) + ". " + r)

        self.start() # take us back to the main menu

    def answerKey(self):
        x = 1
        self.answers = []
        while x <= int(self.numOfQuestions):
            aentry = input("\nWhat is the correct answer for question #" + str(x) + " >> ")
            self.answers += aentry
            x += 1

        y = 1
        for z in self.answers:
            print(str(y) + ". " + z)

    def grade(self):
        numCorrect = 0
        self.incorrect = []
        for p, q in zip(self.responses, self.answers):
            if p == q:
                numCorrect += 1
                goingIn = "#" + str(self.responses.index(p)) + " user entered: " + p + " correct answer: " + q
                goingIn = "" # reset, incase we need to add more stuff

        # issue a grade
        print("Number of correct answers = " + str(numCorrect) + " out of " + str(self.numOfQuestions))
        grade = int(numCorrect) / int(self.numOfQuestions)
        print("Your score is: " + str(grade))

        print("Here are the questions the user got wrong, as well as their correct answers:")
        for l in self.incorrect:

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