Я порождаю несколько процессов, а затем заставляю их устанавливать событие при обнаружении условия. По какой-то причине после того, как все порожденные процессы были завершены (я вижу, что они отбрасываются в таблице процессов ОС), программа python не завершается. Он просто остается активным при использовании 0.
import hashlib
import requests
import sys
import json
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Event
### Threading Setup ###
q = Queue()
processes = []
num_workers = 8
### Local Results Store ###
class NodeInfo():
def __init__(self, miner_id=None, server_url=None):
self.miner_id = miner_id
self.server_url = server_url
def verification_url(self):
if self.server_url is not None:
return self.server_url + '/verify'
class Results():
def __init__(self, results=[]):
self.proof = Queue()
def add_result(self, result):
if result:
def success(self):
return not self.proof.empty()
node_info = NodeInfo()
results = Results()
def block_hash(block: dict):
Creates a SHA-256 hash of a Block
:param block": <dict> Block
"return": <str>
# Use json.dumps to convert json into a string
# Use hashlib.sha256 to create a hash
# It requires a `bytes-like` object, which is what
# .encode() does.
# It converts the Python string into a byte string.
# We must make sure that the Dictionary is Ordered,
# or we'll have inconsistent hashes
new_hash = hashlib.sha256(
json.dumps(block, sort_keys=True).encode()).hexdigest()
# print(len(new_hash), new_hash)
return new_hash
def validate_proof(block, proof, difficulty):
Validates the Proof: Does hash(block_string, proof) contain 3
leading zeroes? Return true if the proof is valid
:param block_string: <string> The stringified block to use to
check in combination with `proof`
:param proof: <int?> The value that when combined with the
stringified previous block results in a hash that has the
correct number of leading zeroes.
:return: True if the resulting hash is a valid proof, False otherwise
block_string = json.dumps(block, sort_keys=True)
guess_hash = str(block_hash(
return '0'*difficulty == guess_hash[0:difficulty]
def proof_of_work(block, search_space:list, difficulty: int):
Modified Proof of Work Algorithm
Stringify the block and look for a proof.
Loop through defined search_space of possibilities, checking each one against `valid_proof` in an effort to find a number that is a valid proof
:return: A valid proof for the provided block
# Validate search_space
assert len(search_space) == 2, 'Search space only accepts [start_int, end_int]'
assert type(search_space[0]) == int, 'Must provide integer start'
assert type(search_space[1]) == int, 'Must provide integer end'
valid_proof = False
guess = search_space[0]
while guess < search_space[1]:
valid_proof = validate_proof(
if valid_proof:
return guess
guess += 1
return None
def request_block(url):
""" Request last block from server with given URL """
r = requests.get(url = url)
data = r.json()
def check_proof():
if results.success:
print('Validating \n')
check = requests.post(url=node_info.verification_url, json = {
'miner_id': node_info.miner_id,
'proof': results.proof.get(),
return check
def mine(job):
print(f"Starting to mine{job['search_space']}")
proof = proof_of_work(
if proof is not None:
return True
return False
def miner(pquit, foundit):
while not pquit.is_set():
if q.empty():
job = q.get()
if job is None:
if mine(job):
print('Found proof!')
check = check_proof()
def create_jobs(block_info, max_search = 2**24, num_jobs=0):
segment = max_search/num_workers
jobs = []
# Dynamically size number of jobs based on max_search
if num_jobs == 0:
num_jobs = int(max_search/10000)
for i in range(num_jobs):
search_space = [
int(i*segment), int((i+1)*segment)
job = {
'block': block_info['last_block'],
'search_space': search_space,
'difficulty': block_info['difficulty'],
return jobs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# What is the server address? IE `python3 miner.py https://server.com/api/`
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
node_info.server_url = sys.argv[1]
node_info.server_url = "http://localhost:5000"
# Load ID
#f = open("my_id.txt", "r")
node_info.miner_id = 'test_id' #f.read()
print("ID is", node_info.miner_id)
# Get last block
block_info = request_block(url=node_info.server_url + '/last_block')
# # Search for proof (single-threaded)
# proof = proof_of_work(block=block_info['last_block'], search_space=[0, 2**256], difficulty=block_info['difficulty'])
# print('Proof:', proof)
# Search for proof (multi-threaded)
jobs = create_jobs(block_info=block_info)
print(jobs[0], jobs[-1])
# Load queue
for job in jobs:
# Start multiple processes
pquit = Event()
foundit = Event()
for i in range(num_workers):
p = Process(target=miner, args=(pquit, foundit))
for p in processes:
print('All Done')
Файл .py можно найти здесь: https://github.com/newnativeabq/Blockchain/blob/assignment/client_mining_p/miner.py
Я пошел с процессами из-за блокировки GIL выполнение скрипта в один файл. Я думаю, что у меня была такая же проблема в библиотеке потоков.
ОС: Fedora 31 python версия: 3.7.4