Я разработал flask API и пытаюсь отправить ему запрос POST из реагирующего приложения. Однако я продолжаю получать это сообщение об ошибке:
Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:5000/api/project/' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been
blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource
with CORS disabled.
Вот мой запрос на выборку в реакции:
fetch('http://localhost:5000/api/project/', {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
body: JSON.stringify(project),
credentials: 'include'
}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(data) {
Вот моя функция для конечной точки:
@cross_origin( supports_credentials = True )
def get( self ):
# Make sure user is logged in
project_owner = session.get( 'username' )
if project_owner is None:
return response.cannot_process( ERROR_MSG.LOGIN_ERROR_MSG )
# Establish db connection
database_conn = db_mod.get_db()
if database_conn is None :
logging.error( ERROR_MSG.DB_ERROR_MSG )
return response.service_unavailable( ERROR_MSG.DB_ERROR_MSG )
# Try to get 'user' collection
user_collection = database_conn.get_collection( 'users' )
if user_collection is None:
logging.error( ERROR_MSG.COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND('users') )
response.cannot_process( ERROR_MSG.COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND('users') )
# Try to get 'projects' collection
project_collection = database_conn.get_collection( 'projects' )
if project_collection is None:
logging.error( ERROR_MSG.COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND('projects') )
response.cannot_process( ERROR_MSG.COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND('projects') )
# Get owner document
user_document = database_conn.get_document_by_key( user_collection, project_owner )
documents = []
# First find out all the owner projects
owner_edge = database_conn.get_collection( 'project_ownership' )
if owner_edge is not None:
# Now get the owner project list
owner_project_list = database_conn.get_edges_out( owner_edge, user_document )
for owner_project in owner_project_list:
owner_documents = database_conn.get_documents_by_template( project_collection, {"_id": owner_project.get("_to")} )
if owner_documents is not None: documents.extend( owner_documents )
# Next find out all the collaborator projects of this user
collaboration_edge = database_conn.get_collection( 'project_collaboration' )
if collaboration_edge is not None:
# Now get the collaborator project list
col_project_list = database_conn.get_edges_out( collaboration_edge, user_document )
for col_project in col_project_list:
col_documents = database_conn.get_documents_by_template( project_collection, {"_id": col_project.get("_to")} )
if col_documents is not None: documents.extend(col_documents)
project_data = []
for document in documents:
# Classification level is stored as a number, convert back to a string
document['classification'] = fromClassificationLevel( document.get('classification') )
project_data.append( marshal(document, project_data_model, skip_none = True ) )
return response.ok_json( jsonify( {'result': project_data} ) )
Я не уверен, как установить заголовок access-control-allow-origin из моей конечной точки API? В настоящее время я использую декоратор @cross_origin () модуля flask_cors для своей конечной точки. Это работает для моих запросов GET, но я получаю эту ошибку для моего запроса POST. Есть идеи, как это решить? Спасибо