Solution1 с al oop:
Точное изменение записей массива longestPaths
, как вы просили:
# Populate longestPaths with sample data
declare -a longestPaths=(
# Loop through indexes of the longestPaths array
for i in "${!longestPaths[@]}"; do
# RegEx match entry at index to extract the short path
[[ "${longestPaths[i]}" =~ \/log\/[[:digit:]]{4}\/[[:digit:]]{2}$ ]]
# Replace the entry with its shortened version from the RegEx match
# Debug Print the modified longestPaths array
typeset -p longestPaths
declare -a longestPaths=([0]="/log/2020/02" [1]="/log/2020/01" [2]="/log/2019/12")
Solution2 с использованием Bash4 (с поддержкой mapfile
Здесь это не l oop, а использование Gnu grep
для обработки записей входного массива как записей с нулевым разделением.
# Populate longestPaths with sample data
declare -a longestPaths=(
# Declare a destination array of shortest paths
declare -a shortestPaths
# Map the null-delimited output of grep to the shortestPath array
mapfile -d '' shortestPaths < <(
# Stream the null-delimited longestPaths array entries to grep
printf '%s\0' "${longestPaths[@]}" |\
grep \
--null-data \
--only-matching \
--extended-regexp \
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 # Debug Print the shortestPaths array
typeset -p shortestPaths
declare -a shortestPaths=([0]="/log/2020/02" [1]="/log/2020/01" [2]="/log/2019/12")