Это мое решение, и оно работает:
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KType
import kotlin.reflect.KTypeParameter
import kotlin.reflect.KTypeProjection
private data class SuperType(private val type: KType, val owner: Class) {
val typeProjections: List<TypeProjection>
get() = type.arguments.map { TypeProjection(it) }
val asClass: Class
get() = Class(type.classifier as KClass<*>, owner)
fun isTypeOf(cls: KClass<*>) = type.classifier == cls
private data class TypeProjection(private val type: KTypeProjection) {
val isClass: Boolean
get() = type.type?.classifier is KClass<*>
val isTemplate: Boolean
get() = type.type?.classifier is KTypeParameter
val asClass: KClass<*>
get() = type.type?.classifier as KClass<*>
val name: String?
get() {
var name: String? = null
if (isClass)
name = (type.type?.classifier as KClass<*>).simpleName
else if (isTemplate)
name = (type.type?.classifier as KTypeParameter).name
return name
private data class TypeParameter(private val type: KTypeParameter) {
val name: String
get() = type.name
private data class Class(private val type: KClass<*>, val root: Class? = null) {
private val supertypes: List<SuperType>
get() = type.supertypes.filter { it.classifier is KClass<*> && it.classifier != Any::class }
.map { SuperType(it, this) }
private val typeParameters: List<TypeParameter>
get() = type.typeParameters.map { TypeParameter(it) }
fun findInHierarchy(cls: KClass<*>): Class? {
for (s in supertypes) {
if (s.isTypeOf(cls)) {
return s.asClass;
} else {
val s2 = s.asClass.findInHierarchy(cls)
if (s2 != null)
return s2
return null
private fun mapTemplateToClass(name: String): KClass<*>? {
val tp = typeParameters.firstOrNull { it.name == name }
if (tp != null && root != null) {
val clsSuperType = root.supertypes.firstOrNull { it.isTypeOf(type) }
if (clsSuperType != null) {
val index = typeParameters.indexOf(tp)
if (index >= 0) {
val projection = clsSuperType.typeProjections[index]
if (projection.isClass)
return projection.asClass
else if (projection.isTemplate) {
val projectionName = projection.name
if (projectionName != null) {
return clsSuperType.owner.mapTemplateToClass(projectionName)
return null
fun resolveAllTemplates(): Map<String, KClass<*>> {
val paramNames = typeParameters.map { it.name }
return paramNames.map { it to mapTemplateToClass(it) }.filter { it.second != null }
.map { it.first to it.second!! }.toMap()
fun KClass<*>.resolveTemplates(parent: KClass<*>): Map<String, KClass<*>>? =
interface P1<P1_T1, P1_T2>
interface P2<P2_T1, P2_T2>
interface L1<L_T1, L_T2> : P1<L_T1, L_T2>
interface L2<L_T1, L_T2> : P2<L_T1, L_T2>
interface L3 : L1<Long, String>, L2<String, Any>
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var map = L3::class.resolveTemplates(P1::class)
println(map) // Output: {P1_T1=class kotlin.Long, P1_T2=class kotlin.String}
map = L3::class.resolveTemplates(P2::class)
println(map) // Output: {P2_T1=class kotlin.String, P2_T2=class kotlin.Any}