Python 3.7 и ошибка visdom : неподдерживаемые типы операндов для +: 'NoneType' и 'str' - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 30 апреля 2020
viz = visdom.Visdom(env=DATASET+ ' ' + MODEL)
if not viz.check_connection:
    print("Visdom is not connected. Did you run 'python -m visdom.server' ?")

Мой учитель дал мне несколько кодов для запуска, но я не смог. В нем сказано: «TypeError: неподдерживаемые типы операндов для +: 'NoneType' и 'str'". Как это решить? Я не знаком с Python. Ниже приведен мой код.

    # Python 2/3 compatiblity
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

# Torch
import torch
import as data
from torchsummary import summary

# Numpy, scipy, scikit-image, spectral
import numpy as np
import sklearn.svm
import sklearn.model_selection
from skimage import io
# Visualization
import seaborn as sns
import visdom

import os
from utils import metrics, convert_to_color_, convert_from_color_,\
    display_dataset, display_predictions, explore_spectrums, plot_spectrums,\
    sample_gt, build_dataset, show_results, compute_imf_weights, get_device
from datasets import get_dataset, HyperX, open_file, DATASETS_CONFIG
from models import get_model, train, test, save_model

import argparse

dataset_names = [v['name'] if 'name' in v.keys() else k for k, v in DATASETS_CONFIG.items()]

# Argument parser for CLI interaction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run deep learning experiments on"
                                             " various hyperspectral datasets")
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default=None, choices=dataset_names,
                    help="Dataset to use.")
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default=None,
                    help="Model to train. Available:\n"
                    "SVM (linear), "
                    "SVM_grid (grid search on linear, poly and RBF kernels), "
                    "baseline (fully connected NN), "
                    "hu (1D CNN), "
                    "hamida (3D CNN + 1D classifier), "
                    "lee (3D FCN), "
                    "chen (3D CNN), "
                    "li (3D CNN), "
                    "he (3D CNN), "
                    "luo (3D CNN), "
                    "sharma (2D CNN), "
                    "boulch (1D semi-supervised CNN), "
                    "liu (3D semi-supervised CNN), "
                    "mou (1D RNN)")
parser.add_argument('--folder', type=str, help="Folder where to store the "
                    "datasets (defaults to the current working directory).",
parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=int, default=-1,
                    help="Specify CUDA device (defaults to -1, which learns on CPU)")
parser.add_argument('--runs', type=int, default=1, help="Number of runs (default: 1)")
parser.add_argument('--restore', type=str, default=None,
                    help="Weights to use for initialization, e.g. a checkpoint")

# Dataset options
group_dataset = parser.add_argument_group('Dataset')
group_dataset.add_argument('--training_sample', type=float, default=10,
                    help="Percentage of samples to use for training (default: 10%%)")
group_dataset.add_argument('--sampling_mode', type=str, help="Sampling mode"
                    " (random sampling or disjoint, default: random)",
group_dataset.add_argument('--train_set', type=str, default=None,
                    help="Path to the train ground truth (optional, this "
                    "supersedes the --sampling_mode option)")
group_dataset.add_argument('--test_set', type=str, default=None,
                    help="Path to the test set (optional, by default "
                    "the test_set is the entire ground truth minus the training)")
# Training options
group_train = parser.add_argument_group('Training')
group_train.add_argument('--epoch', type=int, help="Training epochs (optional, if"
                    " absent will be set by the model)")
group_train.add_argument('--patch_size', type=int,
                    help="Size of the spatial neighbourhood (optional, if "
                    "absent will be set by the model)")
group_train.add_argument('--lr', type=float,
                    help="Learning rate, set by the model if not specified.")
group_train.add_argument('--class_balancing', action='store_true',
                    help="Inverse median frequency class balancing (default = False)")
group_train.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int,
                    help="Batch size (optional, if absent will be set by the model")
group_train.add_argument('--test_stride', type=int, default=1,
                     help="Sliding window step stride during inference (default = 1)")
# Data augmentation parameters
group_da = parser.add_argument_group('Data augmentation')
group_da.add_argument('--flip_augmentation', action='store_true',
                    help="Random flips (if patch_size > 1)")
group_da.add_argument('--radiation_augmentation', action='store_true',
                    help="Random radiation noise (illumination)")
group_da.add_argument('--mixture_augmentation', action='store_true',
                    help="Random mixes between spectra")

parser.add_argument('--with_exploration', action='store_true',
                    help="See data exploration visualization")
parser.add_argument('--download', type=str, default=None, nargs='+',
                    help="Download the specified datasets and quits.")

args = parser.parse_args()

CUDA_DEVICE = get_device(args.cuda)

# % of training samples
SAMPLE_PERCENTAGE = args.training_sample
# Data augmentation ?
FLIP_AUGMENTATION = args.flip_augmentation
RADIATION_AUGMENTATION = args.radiation_augmentation
MIXTURE_AUGMENTATION = args.mixture_augmentation
# Dataset name
DATASET = args.dataset
# Model name
MODEL = args.model
# Number of runs (for cross-validation)
N_RUNS = args.runs
# Spatial context size (number of neighbours in each spatial direction)
PATCH_SIZE = args.patch_size
# Add some visualization of the spectra ?
DATAVIZ = args.with_exploration
# Target folder to store/download/load the datasets
FOLDER = args.folder
# Number of epochs to run
EPOCH = args.epoch
# Sampling mode, e.g random sampling
SAMPLING_MODE = args.sampling_mode
# Pre-computed weights to restore
CHECKPOINT = args.restore
# Learning rate for the SGD
# Automated class balancing
CLASS_BALANCING = args.class_balancing
# Training ground truth file
TRAIN_GT = args.train_set
# Testing ground truth file
TEST_GT = args.test_set
TEST_STRIDE = args.test_stride

if is not None and len( > 0:
    for dataset in
        get_dataset(dataset, target_folder=FOLDER)

viz = visdom.Visdom(env=DATASET+ ' ' + MODEL)
if not viz.check_connection:
    print("Visdom is not connected. Did you run 'python -m visdom.server' ?")

hyperparams = vars(args)
# Load the dataset
img, gt, LABEL_VALUES, IGNORED_LABELS, RGB_BANDS, palette = get_dataset(DATASET,
# Number of classes
# Number of bands (last dimension of the image tensor)
N_BANDS = img.shape[-1]

# Parameters for the SVM grid search
SVM_GRID_PARAMS = [{'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma': [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3],
                                       'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]},
                   {'kernel': ['linear'], 'C': [0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000]},
                   {'kernel': ['poly'], 'degree': [3], 'gamma': [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3]}]

if palette is None:
    # Generate color palette
    palette = {0: (0, 0, 0)}
    for k, color in enumerate(sns.color_palette("hls", len(LABEL_VALUES) - 1)):
        palette[k + 1] = tuple(np.asarray(255 * np.array(color), dtype='uint8'))
invert_palette = {v: k for k, v in palette.items()}

def convert_to_color(x):
    return convert_to_color_(x, palette=palette)
def convert_from_color(x):
    return convert_from_color_(x, palette=invert_palette)

# Instantiate the experiment based on predefined networks
hyperparams.update({'n_classes': N_CLASSES, 'n_bands': N_BANDS, 'ignored_labels': IGNORED_LABELS, 'device': CUDA_DEVICE})
hyperparams = dict((k, v) for k, v in hyperparams.items() if v is not None)

# Show the image and the ground truth
display_dataset(img, gt, RGB_BANDS, LABEL_VALUES, palette, viz)
color_gt = convert_to_color(gt)

    # Data exploration : compute and show the mean spectrums
    mean_spectrums = explore_spectrums(img, gt, LABEL_VALUES, viz,
    plot_spectrums(mean_spectrums, viz, title='Mean spectrum/class')

results = []
# run the experiment several times
for run in range(N_RUNS):
    if TRAIN_GT is not None and TEST_GT is not None:
        train_gt = open_file(TRAIN_GT)
        test_gt = open_file(TEST_GT)
    elif TRAIN_GT is not None:
        train_gt = open_file(TRAIN_GT)
        test_gt = np.copy(gt)
        w, h = test_gt.shape
        test_gt[(train_gt > 0)[:w,:h]] = 0
    elif TEST_GT is not None:
        test_gt = open_file(TEST_GT)
    # Sample random training spectra
        train_gt, test_gt = sample_gt(gt, SAMPLE_PERCENTAGE, mode=SAMPLING_MODE)
    print("{} samples selected (over {})".format(np.count_nonzero(train_gt),
    print("Running an experiment with the {} model".format(MODEL),
          "run {}/{}".format(run + 1, N_RUNS))

    display_predictions(convert_to_color(train_gt), viz, caption="Train ground truth")
    display_predictions(convert_to_color(test_gt), viz, caption="Test ground truth")

    if MODEL == 'SVM_grid':
        print("Running a grid search SVM")
        # Grid search SVM (linear and RBF)
        X_train, y_train = build_dataset(img, train_gt,
        class_weight = 'balanced' if CLASS_BALANCING else None
        clf = sklearn.svm.SVC(class_weight=class_weight)
        clf = sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV(clf, SVM_GRID_PARAMS, verbose=5, n_jobs=4), y_train)
        print("SVM best parameters : {}".format(clf.best_params_))
        prediction = clf.predict(img.reshape(-1, N_BANDS))
        save_model(clf, MODEL, DATASET)
        prediction = prediction.reshape(img.shape[:2])
    elif MODEL == 'SVM':
        X_train, y_train = build_dataset(img, train_gt,
        class_weight = 'balanced' if CLASS_BALANCING else None
        clf = sklearn.svm.SVC(class_weight=class_weight), y_train)
        save_model(clf, MODEL, DATASET)
        prediction = clf.predict(img.reshape(-1, N_BANDS))
        prediction = prediction.reshape(img.shape[:2])
    elif MODEL == 'SGD':
        X_train, y_train = build_dataset(img, train_gt,
        X_train, y_train = sklearn.utils.shuffle(X_train, y_train)
        scaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler()
        X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
        class_weight = 'balanced' if CLASS_BALANCING else None
        clf = sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier(class_weight=class_weight, learning_rate='optimal', tol=1e-3, average=10), y_train)
        save_model(clf, MODEL, DATASET)
        prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(img.reshape(-1, N_BANDS)))
        prediction = prediction.reshape(img.shape[:2])
    elif MODEL == 'nearest':
        X_train, y_train = build_dataset(img, train_gt,
        X_train, y_train = sklearn.utils.shuffle(X_train, y_train)
        class_weight = 'balanced' if CLASS_BALANCING else None
        clf = sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(weights='distance')
        clf = sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV(clf, {'n_neighbors': [1, 3, 5, 10, 20]}, verbose=5, n_jobs=4), y_train), y_train)
        save_model(clf, MODEL, DATASET)
        prediction = clf.predict(img.reshape(-1, N_BANDS))
        prediction = prediction.reshape(img.shape[:2])
        # Neural network
        model, optimizer, loss, hyperparams = get_model(MODEL, **hyperparams)
            weights = compute_imf_weights(train_gt, N_CLASSES, IGNORED_LABELS)
            hyperparams['weights'] = torch.from_numpy(weights)
        # Split train set in train/val
        train_gt, val_gt = sample_gt(train_gt, 0.95, mode='random')
        # Generate the dataset
        train_dataset = HyperX(img, train_gt, **hyperparams)
        train_loader = data.DataLoader(train_dataset,
        val_dataset = HyperX(img, val_gt, **hyperparams)
        val_loader = data.DataLoader(val_dataset,

        print("Network :")
        with torch.no_grad():
            for input, _ in train_loader:
            summary(['device']), input.size()[1:])
            # We would like to use device=hyperparams['device'] altough we have
            # to wait for torchsummary to be fixed first.

        if CHECKPOINT is not None:

            train(model, optimizer, loss, train_loader, hyperparams['epoch'],
                  scheduler=hyperparams['scheduler'], device=hyperparams['device'],
                  supervision=hyperparams['supervision'], val_loader=val_loader,
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Allow the user to stop the training

        probabilities = test(model, img, hyperparams)
        prediction = np.argmax(probabilities, axis=-1)

    run_results = metrics(prediction, test_gt, ignored_labels=hyperparams['ignored_labels'], n_classes=N_CLASSES)

    mask = np.zeros(gt.shape, dtype='bool')
    for l in IGNORED_LABELS:
        mask[gt == l] = True
    prediction[mask] = 0

    color_prediction = convert_to_color(prediction)
    display_predictions(color_prediction, viz, gt=convert_to_color(test_gt), caption="Prediction vs. test ground truth")

    show_results(run_results, viz, label_values=LABEL_VALUES)

if N_RUNS > 1:
    show_results(results, viz, label_values=LABEL_VALUES, agregated=True)

Ниже приведен

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file contains the PyTorch dataset for hyperspectral images and
related helpers.
import spectral
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.utils
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
    # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from urllib import urlretrieve

from utils import open_file

        'PaviaC': {
            'urls': ['', 
            'img': 'Pavia.mat',
            'gt': 'Pavia_gt.mat'
        'Salinas': {
            'urls': ['',
            'img': 'Salinas_corrected.mat',
            'gt': 'Salinas_gt.mat'
        'PaviaU': {
            'urls': ['',
            'img': 'PaviaU.mat',
            'gt': 'PaviaU_gt.mat'
        'KSC': {
            'urls': ['',
            'img': 'KSC.mat',
            'gt': 'KSC_gt.mat'
        'IndianPines': {
            'urls': ['',
            'img': 'Indian_pines_corrected.mat',
            'gt': 'Indian_pines_gt.mat'
        'Botswana': {
            'urls': ['',
            'img': 'Botswana.mat',
            'gt': 'Botswana_gt.mat',

    from custom_datasets import CUSTOM_DATASETS_CONFIG
except ImportError:

class TqdmUpTo(tqdm):
    """Provides `update_to(n)` which uses `tqdm.update(delta_n)`."""
    def update_to(self, b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None):
        b  : int, optional
            Number of blocks transferred so far [default: 1].
        bsize  : int, optional
            Size of each block (in tqdm units) [default: 1].
        tsize  : int, optional
            Total size (in tqdm units). If [default: None] remains unchanged.
        if tsize is not None:
   = tsize
        self.update(b * bsize - self.n)  # will also set self.n = b * bsize

def get_dataset(dataset_name, target_folder="./", datasets=DATASETS_CONFIG):
    """ Gets the dataset specified by name and return the related components.
        dataset_name: string with the name of the dataset
        target_folder (optional): folder to store the datasets, defaults to ./
        datasets (optional): dataset configuration dictionary, defaults to prebuilt one
        img: 3D hyperspectral image (WxHxB)
        gt: 2D int array of labels
        label_values: list of class names
        ignored_labels: list of int classes to ignore
        rgb_bands: int tuple that correspond to red, green and blue bands
    palette = None

    if dataset_name not in datasets.keys():
        raise ValueError("{} dataset is unknown.".format(dataset_name))

    dataset = datasets[dataset_name]

    folder = target_folder + datasets[dataset_name].get('folder', dataset_name + '/')
    if dataset.get('download', True):
        # Download the dataset if is not present
        if not os.path.isdir(folder):
        for url in datasets[dataset_name]['urls']:
            # download the files
            filename = url.split('/')[-1]
            if not os.path.exists(folder + filename):
                with TqdmUpTo(unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1,
                          desc="Downloading {}".format(filename)) as t:
                    urlretrieve(url, filename=folder + filename,
    elif not os.path.isdir(folder):
       print("WARNING: {} is not downloadable.".format(dataset_name))

    if dataset_name == 'PaviaC':
        # Load the image
        img = open_file(folder + 'Pavia.mat')['pavia']

        rgb_bands = (55, 41, 12)

        gt = open_file(folder + 'Pavia_gt.mat')['pavia_gt']

        label_values = ["Undefined", "Water", "Trees", "Asphalt",
                        "Self-Blocking Bricks", "Bitumen", "Tiles", "Shadows",
                        "Meadows", "Bare Soil"]

        ignored_labels = [0]

    elif dataset_name == 'PaviaU':
        # Load the image
        img = open_file(folder + 'PaviaU.mat')['paviaU']

        rgb_bands = (55, 41, 12)

        gt = open_file(folder + 'PaviaU_gt.mat')['paviaU_gt']

        label_values = ['Undefined', 'Asphalt', 'Meadows', 'Gravel', 'Trees',
                        'Painted metal sheets', 'Bare Soil', 'Bitumen',
                        'Self-Blocking Bricks', 'Shadows']

        ignored_labels = [0]

    elif dataset_name == 'Salinas':
        img = open_file(folder + 'Salinas.mat')['Salinas_corrected']

        rgb_bands = (43, 21, 11)  # AVIRIS sensor

        gt = open_file(folder + 'Salinas_gt.mat')['Salinas_gt']

        label_values = ['Undefined','Brocoli_green_weeds_1', 'Brocoli_green_weeds_2','Fallow','Fallow_rough_plow','Fallow_smooth','Stubble','Celery',

        ignored_labels = [0]    

    elif dataset_name == 'IndianPines':
        # Load the image
        img = open_file(folder + 'Indian_pines_corrected.mat')
        img = img['indian_pines_corrected']

        rgb_bands = (43, 21, 11)  # AVIRIS sensor

        gt = open_file(folder + 'Indian_pines_gt.mat')['indian_pines_gt']
        label_values = ["Undefined", "Alfalfa", "Corn-notill", "Corn-mintill",
                        "Corn", "Grass-pasture", "Grass-trees",
                        "Grass-pasture-mowed", "Hay-windrowed", "Oats",
                        "Soybean-notill", "Soybean-mintill", "Soybean-clean",
                        "Wheat", "Woods", "Buildings-Grass-Trees-Drives",

        ignored_labels = [0]

    elif dataset_name == 'Botswana':
        # Load the image
        img = open_file(folder + 'Botswana.mat')['Botswana']

        rgb_bands = (75, 33, 15)

        gt = open_file(folder + 'Botswana_gt.mat')['Botswana_gt']
        label_values = ["Undefined", "Water", "Hippo grass",
                        "Floodplain grasses 1", "Floodplain grasses 2",
                        "Reeds", "Riparian", "Firescar", "Island interior",
                        "Acacia woodlands", "Acacia shrublands",
                        "Acacia grasslands", "Short mopane", "Mixed mopane",
                        "Exposed soils"]

        ignored_labels = [0]

    elif dataset_name == 'KSC':
        # Load the image
        img = open_file(folder + 'KSC.mat')['KSC']

        rgb_bands = (43, 21, 11)  # AVIRIS sensor

        gt = open_file(folder + 'KSC_gt.mat')['KSC_gt']
        label_values = ["Undefined", "Scrub", "Willow swamp",
                        "Cabbage palm hammock", "Cabbage palm/oak hammock",
                        "Slash pine", "Oak/broadleaf hammock",
                        "Hardwood swamp", "Graminoid marsh", "Spartina marsh",
                        "Cattail marsh", "Salt marsh", "Mud flats", "Wate"]

        ignored_labels = [0]
        # Custom dataset
        img, gt, rgb_bands, ignored_labels, label_values, palette = CUSTOM_DATASETS_CONFIG[dataset_name]['loader'](folder)

    # Filter NaN out
    nan_mask = np.isnan(img.sum(axis=-1))
    if np.count_nonzero(nan_mask) > 0:
       print("Warning: NaN have been found in the data. It is preferable to remove them beforehand. Learning on NaN data is disabled.")
    img[nan_mask] = 0
    gt[nan_mask] = 0

    ignored_labels = list(set(ignored_labels))
    # Normalization
    img = np.asarray(img, dtype='float32')
    img = (img - np.min(img)) / (np.max(img) - np.min(img))
    return img, gt, label_values, ignored_labels, rgb_bands, palette