Я нашел проблему с форматированием даты и построил условие If, чтобы я мог изменить те, которые этого не делают.
With ActiveSheet
Dim arr As Variant: arr = .UsedRange.Value
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
arr(i, 4) = arr(i, 4)
If IsNumeric(arr(i, 5)) = True Then
'MsgBox "The value in A1 is numeric"
arr(i, 5) = "=DATEVALUE(MID(RC[-7],1,10))"
'MsgBox "The value in A1 is not numeric"
End If
Next i
.UsedRange.Value = arr
.Range("D:D").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" 'change to any date-based number format you prefer the cells to display
.Range("E:E").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy" 'change to any date-based number format you prefer the cells to display
End With
Я записал этот макрос, чтобы я мог видеть, как изменить значение на номер:
arr(i, 5) = "=DATEVALUE(MID(RC[-7],1,10))"
Поэтому, когда он достигнет диапазона («E: E»), он изменится на нужный мне формат.
Если вы можете помочь мне адаптировать записанный макрос в мое If-Then-Else это будет оценено.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=DATEVALUE(MID(RC[-7],1,10))"
Столбец, который я хочу изменить, - это E
Весь код:
Option Explicit
Sub para_Importar_()
Dim mPath As Variant 'nunca dejes implicitos los variant
mPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Archivos de texto (*.txt),*.txt)")
If VarType(mPath) = vbBoolean Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
mPath = Left(mPath, InStrRev(mPath, "\"))
Dim iFile As String 'ya no se utilizan los símbolos para los tipos de variables
iFile = Dir(mPath & "*.txt")
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet).Sheets(1)
Do Until iFile = ""
ws.Parent.Worksheets.Add after:=ws.Parent.Worksheets(ws.Parent.Worksheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = iFile
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & _
mPath & iFile, Destination:=ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1"))
.AdjustColumnWidth = True: .TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = False
.TextFileTabDelimiter = True: .TextFileSemicolonDelimiter = False
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = False: .TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False
.TextFileDecimalSeparator = ".": .TextFileThousandsSeparator = ","
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
Dim objRange1 As Range
'Set up the ranges
Set objRange1 = Range("A1:A1048576")
'Do the first parse
objRange1.TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("A1"), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, _
Comma:=False, _
Space:=False, _
other:=True, _
With Range("A1").CurrentRegion
.Value = Evaluate("IF(ROW( " & .Address & "),CLEAN(TRIM(" & .Address & ")))")
End With
With ActiveSheet
Dim arr As Variant: arr = .UsedRange.Value
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To UBound(arr) 'empezamos por la fila 2 ya que supongo que la fila 1 tiene encabezados
arr(i, 4) = arr(i, 4) * 1 'con esto multiplicas el valor de la celda por 1 y se convierte en valor. Dará fallo si alguna celda es texto de verdad.
'If IsNumeric(arr(i, 5)) Then
'MsgBox "The value in A1 is numeric"
'MsgBox "The value in A1 is not numeric"
'Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") '<--- Update
End If
Next i
.UsedRange.Value = arr
.Range("D:D").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" 'change to any date-based number format you prefer the cells to display
.Range("E:E").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" 'change to any date-based number format you prefer the cells to display
End With
With ActiveSheet.Range("a1", ActiveSheet.[a3].CurrentRegion)
.Cells(2, 1).Select: ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
.RowHeight = 14: .Font.Size = 8: .Columns.AutoFit
End With
iFile = Dir
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub