Я использовал как Globalize gem
, так и Cocoon gem
, и все работало нормально. Однако, когда я пытаюсь использовать Globalize
в cocoon nested form
, я получаю сообщение об ошибке, которое не знаю, как решить.
Я использую кокон для управления extra_guest_prices
для extra_guest
. Поскольку цены зависят от периода (например, высокий сезон отличается от низкого сезона), я использую cocoon
, чтобы создать extra_guest_prices
для разных периодов. Все хорошо работает с cocoon gem
до этого момента.
Цель Используя globalize gem
, я пытаюсь вставить спецификацию c name
в отдельном language
для extra_guest_price
. Цель - показать поле ввода name
для 3 доступных языков.
Ошибка К сожалению, я получаю следующие сообщения об ошибках: браузер
no implicit conversion of Integer into String
Extracted source (around line #45):
def globalize_fields_for(locale, *args, &proc)
raise ArgumentError, "Missing block" unless block_given?
45. @index = @index ? @index + 1 : 1
object_name = "#{@object_name}[translations_attributes][#{@index}]"
object = @object.translations.find_by_locale locale.to_s
@template.concat @template.hidden_field_tag("#{object_name}[id]", object ? object.id : "")
ActionView::Template::Error (no implicit conversion of Integer into String):
6: <!-- test -->
7: <div class="globalize-en globalize" id="en">
8: <%= f.globalize_fields_for locale do |ff| %>
9: <div class="row">
10: <% ff.text_field :locale, as: :hidden, :input_html => { :value => 'en' } %>
11: <div class="col-2">
config/initializers/globalization.rb:45:in `+'
config/initializers/globalization.rb:45:in `globalize_fields_for'
class ExtraGuest < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :age_table
has_many :extra_guest_prices, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :extra_guest
accepts_nested_attributes_for :extra_guest_prices, allow_destroy: true
validates :age_table, presence: true
class ExtraGuestPrice < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :extra_guest
translates :name, :fallbacks_for_empty_translations => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations, allow_destroy: true
def new
@room_category = RoomCategory.find(params[:room_category_id])
@extra_guest = ExtraGuest.new
authorize @extra_guest
@age_table_list = AgeTable.where(park: @room_category.park)
def extra_guest_params
params.require(:extra_guest).permit(:name, :age_table_id,
extra_guest_prices_attributes: [:id, :name, :price_type, :start_date, :end_date, :price, :duration, :duration_min, :duration_max, :backend_only, :weekend_extra, :_destroy,
translations_attributes: [:id, :_destroy, :locale, :name]])
views / extra_ghest / new
<div class="form-container col-12">
<%= simple_form_for [@room_category, @age_table, @extra_guest] do |f|%>
<div class="options-form">
<div class="options-form-item">
<h4 class="p-3"><%= t('.guest_title') %></h4 class="m-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-10">
<%= f.association :age_table, prompt: t('.placeholder_age_table'), :collection => @age_table_list,value_method: :id, label_method: false %>
<div class="options-form-item">
<h4 class="p-3"><%= t('.guest_price_title') %></h4 class="m-3">
<%= f.simple_fields_for :extra_guest_prices do |price| %>
<div class="reservation-details">
<%= render 'extra_guest_price_fields', f: price %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to_add_association f, :extra_guest_prices do %>
<div class="option-add-option-price">
<div class="prices-border">
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i> <%= t('.add_period') %>
<% end %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-lg-6"> <%= f.button :submit, t('.save_price_button'), class: "create-reservation-btn"%>
<% end %>
views / extra_guest_price_fields
<div class="nested-fields border-bottom">
<div class="row">
<!-- test -->
<div class="globalize-en globalize" id="en">
<%= f.globalize_fields_for 'en' do |ff| %>
<div class="row">
<% ff.text_field :locale, as: :hidden, :input_html => { :value => 'en' } %>
<div class="col-2">
<%= flag_icon(:gb) %>
<div class="col-10">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-control-label text required" for="room_category_description">Name</label>
<div><%= ff.text_field :name, :rows =>"1", class:"form-control is-valid text required" %>
<% end %>
<!-- test -->
<div class="globalize-nl globalize" id="nl">
<%= f.globalize_fields_for 'nl' do |ff| %>
<div class="row">
<% ff.text_field :locale, as: :hidden, :input_html => { :value => 'nl' } %>
<div class="col-2">
<%= flag_icon(:nl) %>
<div class="col-10">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-control-label text required" for="room_category_description">Name</label>
<div><%= ff.text_field :name, :rows =>"1", class:"form-control is-valid text required" %>
<% end %>
<!-- test -->
<div class="globalize-fr globalize" id="fr">
<%= f.globalize_fields_for 'fr' do |ff| %>
<div class="row">
<% ff.text_field :locale, as: :hidden, :input_html => { :value => 'fr' } %>
<div class="col-2">
<%= flag_icon(:fr) %>
<div class="col-10">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-control-label text required" for="room_category_description">Name</label>
<div><%= ff.text_field :name, :rows =>"1", class:"form-control is-valid text required" %>
<% end %>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 option-price-delete">
<%= link_to_remove_association f do %>
<i class="fas fa-trash"><%= t('.delete_price') %></i>
<% end %>
initializer / globalization.rb
module ActionView
module Helpers
class FormBuilder
def globalize_fields_for(locale, *args, &proc)
raise ArgumentError, "Missing block" unless block_given?
@index = @index ? @index + 1 : 1
object_name = "#{@object_name}[translations_attributes][#{@index}]"
object = @object.translations.find_by_locale locale.to_s
@template.concat @template.hidden_field_tag("#{object_name}[id]", object ? object.id : "")
@template.concat @template.hidden_field_tag("#{object_name}[locale]", locale)
@template.fields_for(object_name, object, *args, &proc)