Для нашего школьного задания мы должны были создать «лабиринт» и рекурсивно углубиться в поиск. При этом мы должны сохранить решение в лабиринте.
Я решил использовать список смежности и через него l oop.
Мой вопрос.
Когда я запускаю приложение . Код запускает отлично и выводит в общей сложности 37 шагов, прежде чем лабиринт достигнет конечной цели.
Как только я пытаюсь выполнить свой тест JUnit4 . Я получаю 'StackOverflowError'.
Почему это происходит? И как мне это исправить? Любая помощь очень ценится!
at java.util.HashSet.iterator(HashSet.java:173)
at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:74)
at main.models.Maze.getNeighbours(Maze.java:126)
at main.models.Maze.dfs(Maze.java:65)
at main.models.Maze.dfs(Maze.java:70)
Основной / Лабиринт. java
package main.models;
import com.github.cliftonlabs.json_simple.JsonArray;
import com.github.cliftonlabs.json_simple.JsonException;
import com.github.cliftonlabs.json_simple.JsonObject;
import com.github.cliftonlabs.json_simple.Jsoner;
import main.exceptions.MazeIsEmptyException;
import main.utils.Color;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents the Maze itself.
* It contains the nodes and connections to other nodes.
public class Maze {
* Stores all the Nodes and connections in a map
* You may also see it as an adjacency list.
private Map<Node, Set<DirectedLine>> adjList = new LinkedHashMap<>();;
* The starting state.
* (The state contains where the Pawn's are).
private State startState;
// Represents the finish number/id for a node.
private static int FINISH = -1;
public List<State> run() {
return dfs(startState, new HashSet<>());
* Recursively searches depth-first. Also includes backtracking.
* This transverses through the maze. Looking at the color of the Node a pawn is on. And moves the other pawns accordinly.
* It stores the path it has taken, and if a path proves to be a dead-end it will go back to a previous state
* @param start Current state in wich it will transverse
* @param visited States it has visited
* @return An array with the solution or an empty array (no solution)
private LinkedList<State> dfs(State start, Set<State> visited) {
LinkedList<State> solution;
// The solution has been found
if (isGoalState(start)) {
solution = new LinkedList<State>();
return solution;
// The solution has not been found yet
else {
// Get neighbours of the current state
List<State> neighbours = getNeighbours(start);
// Try the neighbours and come to a solution
for(State neighbour : neighbours) {
if (!visited.contains(neighbour)) {
solution = dfs(neighbour, visited);
if (goalIsReached(solution)) {
return solution;
// No solution was found
// Return an empty list.
return new LinkedList<State>();
* Checks if the current state is in a FINISHED position
* @param state State to check
* @return true if a pawn is on the finish node. Otherwise false
private boolean isGoalState(State state) {
return state.getPawn1().getCurrentNode().getNumber() == FINISH || state.getPawn2().getCurrentNode().getNumber() == FINISH;
* Checks if the array contains a solution
* @param list List of states (path it has taken)
* @return true if a solution was found, otherwise false.
private boolean goalIsReached(LinkedList<State> list) {
return !list.isEmpty();
* Gets the possible states (neighbours) of a current state
* E.G. If Pawn1 is on green, it will return neigbours for Pawn2 which are connected by green lines.
* This gets stored in a list with possible states to explore.
* @param state Current state of the pawns
* @return A list of new possibilites to explore
private LinkedList<State> getNeighbours(State state) {
// Init a new LinkedList
LinkedList<State> neighbours = new LinkedList<>();
// The Pawns from the current state
Pawn pawn1 = state.getPawn1();
Pawn pawn2 = state.getPawn2();
// Gets all the lines (connections to other Nodes) for the pawns and store them in a Set.
Set<DirectedLine> set1 = adjList.get(pawn1.getCurrentNode());
Set<DirectedLine> set2 = adjList.get(pawn2.getCurrentNode());
// Loops through the lines for Pawn1
set1.forEach(line -> {
// If the line color equals the color of the node Pawn2 is on
if (line.getColor().equals(pawn2.getCurrentNode().getColor())) {
// Create a new possible state
State new_state = new State(new Pawn(line.getPointsTo()), pawn2);
// Push it to the neighbours array
// Loops through the lines for Pawn2
set2.forEach(line -> {
// If the line color equals the color of the node Pawn1 is on
if (line.getColor().equals(pawn1.getCurrentNode().getColor())) {
// Create a new possible state
State new_state = new State(pawn1, new Pawn(line.getPointsTo()));
// Push it to the neighbours array
// Finally, return the new states
return neighbours;
* Creates the Maze and sets a starting state
public void importMaze(String filename) throws MazeIsEmptyException {
// Open file maze.json
try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader((new File("").getAbsolutePath() + "/src/" + filename))) {
// Put contents into a JsonArray
JsonArray nodes_array = (JsonArray) Jsoner.deserialize(fileReader);
// Loop through the JsonArray
for (Object json_object : nodes_array) {
// Cast to JsonObject
JsonObject node = (JsonObject) json_object;
// Get the Color of node
Color color = Color.valueOf((String) node.get("color"));
// Get number/id of node
int number = ((BigDecimal) node.get("number")).intValue();
// Add the node to the adjenency list.
adjList.put(new Node(number, color), new HashSet<DirectedLine>());
for (Object json_object : nodes_array) {
// Cast to JsonObject
JsonObject node = (JsonObject) json_object;
// Get the Color of node
Color color = Color.valueOf((String) node.get("color"));
// Get number/id of node
int number = ((BigDecimal) node.get("number")).intValue();
// Get the Lines from the JsonArray
JsonArray lines = (JsonArray) node.get("lines");
// Loop through the lines
for (Object json_line : lines) {
// Cast to a JsonObject
JsonObject line = (JsonObject) json_line;
// Get color of the line
Color color_line = Color.valueOf((String) line.get("color"));
// Get the NUMBER of the node it points to.
int pointsTo = ((BigDecimal) line.get("pointsTo")).intValue();
// We have to find the node it should direct to.
for (Node key : adjList.keySet()) {
// The node we are looking for
if (key.getNumber() == pointsTo) {
adjList.get(new Node(number, color)) // To find the node, we make an identical node and use it to search the list.
.add(new DirectedLine(color_line, key)); // When we found the node, we add the new directed line to it. The KEY is the Node we found.
if (adjList.size() == 0) throw new MazeIsEmptyException("The maze is empty.");
} catch (IOException | JsonException e) {
private void init() {
int nr_node1 = 1;
int nr_node2 = 2;
Node node1 = null;
Node node2 = null;
// We have to find the node it should direct to.
for (Node key : adjList.keySet()) {
// The node we are looking for
if (key.getNumber() == nr_node1)
node1 = key;
else if (key.getNumber() == nr_node2)
node2 = key;
assert node1 != null;
assert node2 != null;
this.startState = new State(new Pawn(node1), new Pawn(node2));
* Prints the Maze.
* - All the nodes (+ colors)
* - All the connected lines (+ colors)
public void printMaze() {
// Loop through all nodes
for (Map.Entry entry : adjList.entrySet()) {
Node node = (Node) entry.getKey();
Set<DirectedLine> set = (Set<DirectedLine>) entry.getValue();
final String[] lines = {""};
// Loop through lines set and format the connections
set.forEach(line -> lines[0] += String.format("[%s, pointsTo: Node%d (%s)] ", line.getColor(), line.getPointsTo().getNumber(), line.getPointsTo().getColor()));
// Print the node
System.out.printf("%d (%s) - Lines: %s\n", node.getNumber(), node.getColor().toString(), lines[0]);
* Adds a Node to the adjacency list.
* @param number number/id of the Node
* @param color color of the node
* @return The created node
private Node addNode(int number, Color color) {
Node node = new Node(number, color);
adjList.put(node, new HashSet<DirectedLine>());
return node;
* Adds a connection line to a node
* @param node The node to add the line to
* @param directedLine The line to be added
private void addEdge(Node node, DirectedLine directedLine) {
Тесты / MazeTests. java
package tests;
import main.exceptions.MazeIsEmptyException;
import main.models.Maze;
import main.models.State;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class MazeTests {
private Maze maze;
public void setUp() {
maze = new Maze();
public void tearDown() {
maze = null;
public void totalStepsShouldBe37() throws MazeIsEmptyException {
// Run and store the result.
List<State> result = maze.run();
assertEquals(37, result.size());
// Let op, Als deze loopt dan werkt de eerste test niet...
@Test(expected = MazeIsEmptyException.class)
public void emptyMazeShouldThrowException() throws MazeIsEmptyException {
main / maze. json
"number": -1,
"color": "BLUE",
"lines": [ ]
"number": 1,
"color": "PINK",
"lines": [
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 4
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 5
"number": 2,
"color": "BLACK",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 6
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 12
"number": 3,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 1
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 4
"number": 4,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 13
"number": 5,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 9
"number": 6,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 9
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 10
"number": 7,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 2
"number": 8,
"color": "PINK",
"lines": [
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 3
"number": 9,
"color": "PINK",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 4
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 14
"number": 10,
"color": "BLACK",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 15
"number": 11,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 10
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 12
"number": 12,
"color": "PINK",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 7
"number": 13,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 8
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 18
"number": 14,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": -1
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 20
"number": 15,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": -1
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 22
"number": 16,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 15
"number": 17,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 11
"color": "PINK",
"pointsTo": 12
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 16
"number": 18,
"color": "BLACK",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 9
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 20
"number": 19,
"color": "ORANGE",
"lines": [
"color": "GREEN",
"pointsTo": 18
"number": 20,
"color": "GREEN",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 21
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": 19
"number": 21,
"color": "BLACK",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 22
"color": "BLACK",
"pointsTo": -1
"number": 22,
"color": "BLACK",
"lines": [
"color": "ORANGE",
"pointsTo": 17
main / empty_maze. json
[ ]
main / models / State . java
package main.models;
* Represents a State
* Stores the position of the pawns
public class State {
* Represents the first Pawn
private Pawn pawn1;
* Represents the second Pawn
private Pawn pawn2;
public State(Pawn pawn1, Pawn pawn2) {
this.pawn1 = pawn1;
this.pawn2 = pawn2;
public Pawn getPawn1() {
return pawn1;
public Pawn getPawn2() {
return pawn2;
public String toString() {
return "State{" +
"pawn1=" + pawn1 +
", pawn2=" + pawn2 +