Я использую это для того, что вы хотите:
function horizontalFlip(img,x,y){
/* Move to x + image width */
context.translate(x+img.width, y);
/* scaleX by -1; this causes horizontal flip */
/* Draw the image
No need for x,y since we've already translated */
/* Clean up - reset transformations to default */
Эта функция работает, как и ожидалось, и здесь вариант для спрайтов.
function flipSpriteHorizontal(img, x, y, spriteX, spriteY, spriteW, spriteH){
/* Move to x + image width
adding img.width is necessary because we're flipping from
the right side of the image so after flipping it's still at [x,y] */
context.translate(x + spriteW, y);
/* ScaleX by -1, this performs a horizontal flip */
context.scale(-1, 1);
/* Draw the image
No need for x,y since we've already translated */
spriteX, spriteY, spriteW, spriteH,
0, 0, spriteW, spriteH
/* Clean up - reset transformations to default */
context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);