Я пытаюсь использовать иконки, но они не загружаются
я добавил зависимость к pubspe c .yaml
вот мой код файла pubspe c .yaml
name: Kite
description: A new Flutter application.
# The following defines the version and build number for your application.
# A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43
# followed by an optional build number separated by a +.
# Both the version and the builder number may be overridden in flutter
# build by specifying --build-name and --build-number, respectively.
# In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode.
# Read more about Android versioning at https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/versioning
# In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion.
# Read more about iOS versioning at
# https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html
version: 1.0.0+1
sdk: ">=2.1.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
# The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application.
# Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons.
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
feather_icons_flutter: ^4.7.4
android: "launcher_icon"
ios: true
image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"
sdk: flutter
flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.7.3"
# For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the
# following page: https://dart.dev/tools/pub/pubspec
# The following section is specific to Flutter.
# The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
# included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
# the material Icons class.
uses-material-design: true
# To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:
# assets:
# - images/a_dot_burr.jpeg
# - images/a_dot_ham.jpeg
# An image asset can refer to one or more resolution-specific "variants", see
# https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#resolution-aware.
# For details regarding adding assets from package dependencies, see
# https://flutter.dev/assets-and-images/#from-packages
# To add custom fonts to your application, add a fonts section here,
# in this "flutter" section. Each entry in this list should have a
# "family" key with the font family name, and a "fonts" key with a
# list giving the asset and other descriptors for the font. For
# example:
# fonts:
# - family: Schyler
# fonts:
# - asset: fonts/Schyler-Regular.ttf
# - asset: fonts/Schyler-Italic.ttf
# style: italic
# - family: Trajan Pro
# fonts:
# - asset: fonts/TrajanPro.ttf
# - asset: fonts/TrajanPro_Bold.ttf
# weight: 700
# For details regarding fonts from package dependencies,
# see https://flutter.dev/custom-fonts/#from-packages
и вот мои коды файла main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import "package:feather_icons_flutter/feather_icons_flutter.dart";
void main() {
class ZeroKite extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
// TODO: implement createState
return _ZeroKiteState();
class _ZeroKiteState extends State<ZeroKite> {
var _selectedPage = 0;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: "Kite Demo",
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Kite"),
body: Icon(FeatherIcons.github, size: 200,),
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
currentIndex: _selectedPage,
type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
onTap: (int index) {
_selectedPage = index;
setState(() {});
items: [
icon: Icon(Icons.bookmark_border),
title: Text('Watchlist'),
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
icon: Icon(FeatherIcons.book),
title: Text('Orders'),
icon: Icon(FeatherIcons.briefcase),
title: Text('Portfolio'),
icon: Icon(FeatherIcons.box),
title: Text('Apps'),
icon: Icon(FeatherIcons.user),
title: Text('EJ3173'),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
вот вывод
Если кто-нибудь знает решение, пожалуйста, ответьте. Я поднял вопрос о github, но не получил ответа от команды разработчиков иконок более 5 дней.