Я пытаюсь изменить следующий фрейм данных, чтобы в конце добавить столбец, в каждой категории которого указаны строки «Period_1», «Period_2» или «Other» в зависимости от даты.
Я воспроизвел свой код ниже
# create the start and end dates of the two periods
SampleOneStartDate <- ymd(20020101)
SampleOneEndDate <- ymd(20080101)
SampleTwoStartDate <- ymd(20100101)
SampleTwoEndDate <- ymd(20181130)
# creates the sample of countries and places them in groups (BRICS, etc)
cur.sample <-
read_rds(paste0(getwd(), "/settings/Equities.rds")) %>%
mutate(Ticker = paste0(Ticker, " Index"))
cur.sample.tickers <- cur.sample %>% pull(Ticker)
data.cur <-
read_rds(paste0(getwd(), "/Data/Cncy.rds")) %>%
mutate(Period = ifelse(date >= SampleOneStartDate & date <= SampleOneEndDate, "Period_1",
ifelse(date >= SampleTwoStartDate & date <= SampleTwoEndDate, "Period_2", "Other"))) %>%
filter(Period %in% c("Period_1", "Period_2")) %>% filter(Ticker %in% cur.sample.tickers)
Следующая ошибка появляется, когда я запускаю вторую часть фрагмента кода
Warning messages:
1: In ifelse(date >= SampleOneStartDate & date <= SampleOneEndDate, :
Incompatible methods ("Ops.factor", ">=.Date") for ">="
2: In ifelse(date >= SampleOneStartDate & date <= SampleOneEndDate, :
Incompatible methods ("Ops.factor", "<=.Date") for "<="
3: In ifelse(date >= SampleTwoStartDate & date <= SampleTwoEndDate, :
Incompatible methods ("Ops.factor", ">=.Date") for ">="
4: In ifelse(date >= SampleTwoStartDate & date <= SampleTwoEndDate, :
Incompatible methods ("Ops.factor", "<=.Date") for "<="
Я воспроизвел фрейм данных cur.sample
structure(list(Country = structure(c(2L, 15L, 8L, 4L, 16L, 11L,
1L, 3L, 5L, 12L, 17L, 18L, 13L, 10L, 9L, 6L, 7L, 14L, 19L), .Label = c("Argentina",
"Brazil", "Chile", "China", "Colombia", "Czech", "Hungary", "India",
"Korea", "Malaysia", "Mexico", "Peru", "Philipines", "Poland",
"Russia", "South Africa", "Taiwan", "Thailand", "Turkey"), class = "factor"),
Name = structure(c(1L, 12L, 15L, 18L, 9L, 6L, 11L, 7L, 3L,
5L, 19L, 16L, 14L, 4L, 10L, 13L, 2L, 17L, 8L), .Label = c("BOVEPSA",
"BUX Index", "COLCAP Index", "FTSE KLCI", "IGBVL Index",
"IPC", "IPSA Index", "Istambul", "JSE Top 40", "KOPSI Index",
"MERVAL Index", "MOEX", "PSE PX", "PSEi Index", "SENSEX",
"SET 50", "SIX", "SSE Composite Index", "TWSE Index"), class = "factor"),
Ticker = c("MXBR Index", "MXRU Index", "MXIN Index", "MXCN Index",
"MXZA Index", "MXMX Index", "MXAR Index", "MXCL Index", "MXCO Index",
"MXPE Index", "TAMSCI Index", "MXTH Index", "MXPH Index",
"MXMY Index", "MXKR Index", "MXCZ Index", "MXHU Index", "MXPL Index",
"MXTR Index"), Group = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 4L,
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("Asia",
"BRICS", "Europe", "Latin America"), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
Вот небольшой фрагмент моего набора данных data.str
. Есть несколько тикеров и даты до 2019 года в реальном
date Ticker Name Value
1 2000-01-03 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 874.0292
2 2000-01-04 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 816.4275
3 2000-01-05 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 831.9147
4 2000-01-06 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 827.5026
5 2000-01-07 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 843.3013
6 2000-01-10 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 879.8027
7 2000-01-11 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 856.7554
8 2000-01-12 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 852.7734
9 2000-01-13 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 885.2533
10 2000-01-14 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 907.2839
11 2000-01-17 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 929.7444
12 2000-01-18 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 925.2186
13 2000-01-19 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 902.8753
14 2000-01-20 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 890.9248
15 2000-01-21 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 883.0727
16 2000-01-24 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 889.2529
17 2000-01-25 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 887.0005
18 2000-01-26 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 889.8742
19 2000-01-27 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 886.3568
20 2000-01-28 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 858.4258
21 2000-01-31 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 839.7178
22 2000-02-01 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 842.6707
23 2000-02-02 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 852.6062
24 2000-02-03 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 886.2512
25 2000-02-04 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 911.1760
26 2000-02-07 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 918.9617
27 2000-02-08 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 945.2223
28 2000-02-09 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 926.6250
29 2000-02-10 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 925.2223
30 2000-02-11 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 904.5837
31 2000-02-14 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 879.1468
32 2000-02-15 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 885.6335
33 2000-02-16 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 896.0780
34 2000-02-17 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 894.2178
35 2000-02-18 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 876.0983
36 2000-02-21 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 880.9504
37 2000-02-22 MXBR Index Brazil_Index 866.5338
Может кто-нибудь указать мне правильное направление относительно того, как я должен отладить команду ifelse?