Проблемы со скриптом в Outlook - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 мая 2020

Использовал этот код в outlook для импорта документов, отправленных в один из моих почтовых ящиков пользователей, в старую программу архивации, которую мы запускаем, но вдруг этот макрос больше не хочет запускаться. Ничего не изменилось, и пользователь заметил, что компилируемые нами сертификаты складываются в ее почтовом ящике без перемещения, как обычно.

' Ver 9.0.2   2019/Feb/28 @ 17h00

' Contains an additional macro for faultFinding called :   ONLY_Validate_DocLib_Emails
'                 DO NOT AUTOMATE the FaultFinding Macro!!

' The ONLY Macro to be AUTOMATED is called   DocLib_BEE_EDL_Attachments

' Installed on Annaline's PC
' ammended minor issue - if no attachements , simply move to Error
'                      - if more than one .pdf arrives in future emails , we add suffix _i_

' Which references are needed:
' ----------------------------------------------------
' MS Scripting RunTime                      scrrun.dll
' MS Office 16.0 Object Library             MSO.dll
' MS Outlook 16.0 Object Library            MSOutl.olb
' ----------------------------------------------------

' What Outlook rule(s) do we need?
' --------------------------------
' Move any email with "EDL" in subject to "Document Library" Folder in outlook

' email pre-requisites?
' --------------------
' Email must contain only 'EDL' , followed by a companyNumber, no spaces and no additional text
' output is the attached .pdf file that is saved to M-drive , where DocLib system expects to find it

Option Explicit
Const BEEFileExt = ".pdf"
Const BEESubjectID = "Document Library"
Const BEESubjectID2 = "EDL"
Const BEESubjectID3 = "Document Library"
Const BEEFilePath = "M:\EzCapture\Document Library\Unmapped"

'Const BEEFilePath = "M:\EzCapture\Document Library\John Test"

Const BEEErrorFolderPath = "Inbox\Document Library\Error"
Const BEESuccessFolderPath = "Inbox\Document Library\Done"
Const BEERootMessageStore = "Personal Folders"

Dim HasErrors               As Boolean
Dim BEESuccessFolder        As MAPIFolder
Dim BEEErrorFolder          As MAPIFolder

Public Function BEEScanAndExtract(mfolder As MAPIFolder) As Boolean
Dim mmail       As MailItem

Set BEESuccessFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Document Library").Folders("Done")
Set BEEErrorFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Document Library").Folders("Error")

For Each mmail In mfolder.Items
    HasErrors = True ' changed BCS False
    If (InStr(1, mmail.Subject, BEESubjectID, vbTextCompare) <> 0) Or (InStr(1, mmail.Subject, BEESubjectID2, vbTextCompare) <> 0) Or (InStr(1, mmail.Subject, BEESubjectID3, vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then
        If BEEHasEDXAttachments(mmail) Then
          BEEExtractAttachments mmail
        End If
        BEEMoveToFolder mmail.EntryID
    End If
Set BEESuccessFolder = Nothing
Set BEEErrorFolder = Nothing
Set mfolder = Nothing
BEEScanAndExtract = True
End Function

Public Function BEEExtractAttachments(mmail As MailItem) As Boolean
On Error GoTo BEEExtractAttachments_Error
Dim sFilePath      As String
Dim fso            As Scripting.FileSystemObject

 If (mmail.Attachments.Count <> 0) Then
Dim attach         As Attachment
For Each attach In mmail.Attachments
  If UCase(Mid(attach.FileName, Len(attach.FileName) - 3, 4)) = UCase(BEEFileExt) Then
    Dim iCount      As Integer
    iCount = 1
    sFilePath = BEEFilePath & "\" & GetCpNumberFromSubject(mmail) & "_" & iCount & BEEFileExt
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    While (fso.FileExists(sFilePath))
     sFilePath = BEEFilePath & "\" & GetCpNumberFromSubject(mmail) & "_" & iCount & BEEFileExt
     iCount = iCount + 1
    attach.SaveAsFile sFilePath
    'Set fso = Nothing
    HasErrors = False ' bcs new
  End If
End If
BEEExtractAttachments = True
Exit Function
BEEExtractAttachments = False
HasErrors = True
End Function

Private Function BEEHasEDXAttachments(mmail As MailItem) As Boolean
Dim res As Boolean
res = False
If (mmail.Attachments.Count <> 0) Then
Dim attach As Attachment
For Each attach In mmail.Attachments
  If UCase(Mid(attach.FileName, Len(attach.FileName) - 3, 4)) = UCase(BEEFileExt) Then
   res = True
  End If
End If
BEEHasEDXAttachments = res
'If Not res Then
' HasErrors = res
'End If
' bcs i.e. pdf not found then an error
If res = False Then
   HasErrors = True
End If
End Function

'Private Function GetCpNumber(mmail As MailItem) As Long
Private Function GetCpNumberFromSubject(mmail As MailItem) As Long
On Error GoTo GetCpNumber_Error
Dim s As String
Dim cpnumber As Long

s = UCase(mmail.Subject)
's = Replace(s, "  ", " ")

 cpnumber = 0
If (InStr(s, "DOCUMENT LIBRARY C") <> 0) Then
   cpnumber = CLng(Trim(Mid(mmail.Subject, InStr(s, "DOCUMENT LIBRARY C") + 18)))    '  legacy from older version
End If
If (InStr(s, "DOCUNENT LIBRARY C") <> 0) Then
   cpnumber = CLng(Trim(Mid(mmail.Subject, InStr(s, "DOCUNENT LIBRARY C") + 18)))    '  legacy from older version
End If

If (InStr(s, "EDL") <> 0) Then
   cpnumber = CLng(Trim(Mid(mmail.Subject, InStr(s, "EDL") + 3)))
End If

 GetCpNumberFromSubject = cpnumber

Exit Function
cpnumber = 0
HasErrors = True
End Function

Private Function GetCpNumberFromPDF(mFile As String) As Long
On Error GoTo GetCpNumber_Error
Dim s As String
Dim cpnumber As Long

s = UCase(mFile)
's = Replace(s, "  ", " ")
cpnumber = 0
If (InStr(s, "EDL") <> 0) Then
   cpnumber = CLng(Trim(Mid(mFile, InStr(s, "EDL") + 3)))
End If

 GetCpNumberFromPDF = cpnumber

Exit Function
cpnumber = 0
HasErrors = True
End Function

Private Function BEEGetOutlookFolderFromRoot(sRootMessageStore As String, sFolderPath As String) As MAPIFolder
On Error GoTo BEEGetOutlookFolder_ErrorExit
Dim sPath()         As String
Dim tFolder         As MAPIFolder
Dim sFolder         As Variant

sPath = Split(sFolderPath, "\", , vbTextCompare)

For Each sFolder In sPath
  If (tFolder Is Nothing) Then
   Set tFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders(sRootMessageStore).Folders(sFolder)
   Set tFolder = tFolder.Folders(sFolder)
  End If

Set BEEGetOutlookFolderFromRoot = tFolder
Exit Function
Set BEEGetOutlookFolderFromRoot = Nothing
End Function

Private Function BEEMoveToFolder(mmailID As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo BEEMoveToFolder_ErrorExit
Dim mmail As MailItem
Set mmail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(mmailID)
If (HasErrors) Then
  mmail.Move BEEErrorFolder
  mmail.Move BEESuccessFolder
End If
BEEMoveToFolder = True
Exit Function
BEEMoveToFolder = False
End Function

Sub NEW_DocLib_BEE_EDL_Attachements()
    Dim msg                     As Outlook.MailItem
    'Dim msg2                    As Outlook.MailItem
    'Dim oAttached               As Outlook.Attachment
    Dim sT1                     As String
    Dim iAttachment             As Integer
    Dim strFilePath             As String
    Dim strTmpMsg               As String
    Dim fsSaveFolder            As String
    Dim sSavePathFS             As String  ' bcs
    Dim Bflag                   As Boolean ' bcs

    Dim sFilePath               As String                     ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments
    Dim fso                     As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments

    Dim olFolder                As Outlook.Folder

        ' NEW_DocLib_BEE_EDL_Attachements ********
    Set olFolder = Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

    Dim Item                    As Outlook.Folders
    'Dim iC                      As Integer
    'Dim InBoxFolderCount        As Integer
    'iC = 0
    'InBoxFolderCount = 0
    'InBoxFolderCount = olFolder.Folders.Count
    Dim myOlFolder              As Object
    Set myOlFolder = olFolder.Folders.Item("Document Library")

    Set olFolder = myOlFolder

     Dim MsgCount               As Integer
     'Dim AttachCount            As Integer
     'Dim ErrorCount             As Integer
     'Dim subjCpNo               As Long

     'Dim HaveOnePDF             As Boolean
     'HaveOnePDF = False
     'Dim iAttachCount            As Integer
      Dim iMsgCount               As Integer
     'Dim iCurrentMsg             As Integer
     'Dim iCurrentPDF             As Integer
     'Dim DoneWithMSG             As Boolean

     'DoneWithMSG = False

     'iCurrentMsg = 0
     'iCurrentPDF = 0
     'iAttachCount = 0
     'subjCpNo = 0

     iMsgCount = olFolder.Items.Count
     If (iMsgCount = 0) Then
       'MsgBox ("No more DocLib emails in [Document Library] folder.Will auto-start later")
       Exit Sub
     End If
     ' NEW_DocLib_BEE_EDL_Attachments ********
     'iCurrentMsg = 1
I      For Each msg In olFolder.Items

       'DoneWithMSG = False
       'iCurrentPDF = 0
       'Set msg2 = msg

       If (SavedValidAttached(msg.EntryID) = True) Then               ' KEEP Works
         'MsgBox ("100% VALID DocLib email found  :  " + msg.Subject)

         HasErrors = False
         Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg.EntryID, myOlFolder

         'Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg.EntryID, myOlFolder
       Else                                                     ' keep - WORKS
        'MsgBox ("           INVALID DocLib email found (Moving to Error) :  " + msg.Subject)
        HasErrors = True
        Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg.EntryID, myOlFolder

       End If

       'iCurrentMsg = iCurrentMsg + 1

    Next   'msg
End Sub
'NEW_DocLib_BEE_EDL_Attachements ********

Function IsSaved(sPdfPayLoad As String) As Boolean
' ?? NOT USED AT ALL ????

    Dim msg                     As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim msg2                    As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim oAttached               As Outlook.Attachment
    Dim sT1                     As String
    Dim iAttachment             As Integer
    Dim strFilePath             As String
    Dim strTmpMsg               As String
    Dim fsSaveFolder            As String
    Dim sSavePathFS             As String  ' bcs
    Dim Bflag                   As Boolean ' bcs

    Dim sFilePath               As String                     ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments
    Dim fso                     As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments

    ' John Feb 19 - Objects were not defined

    Dim olFolder                As Outlook.Folder
    strFilePath = "C:\_temp\"
    strTmpMsg = "Template_macro.msg"
    sT1 = strFilePath & strTmpMsg
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    '   Cleanup Old files in C:\_temp.
    '   WHY?    might have Template_macro.msg files left if
    '           POWER WENT out due to ESKOM load Shedding

    If (fso.FileExists(sT1) = True) Then     '  on Macro startup cleanup
      fso.DeleteFile (sT1)
    End If

    Set olFolder = Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

    Dim Item                    As Outlook.Folders
    Dim iC                      As Integer
    Dim InBoxFolderCount        As Integer
    iC = 0
    InBoxFolderCount = 0
    InBoxFolderCount = olFolder.Folders.Count
    Dim myOlFolder              As Object
    Set myOlFolder = olFolder.Folders.Item("Document Library")

    Set olFolder = myOlFolder
    If olFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Function

     Dim MsgCount               As Integer
     Dim AttachCount            As Integer
     Dim ErrorCount             As Integer
     Dim subjCpNo               As Long

     Dim HaveOnePDF             As Boolean
     HaveOnePDF = False
     Dim iAttachCount            As Integer
     Dim iMsgCount               As Integer
     Dim iCurrentMsg             As Integer
     Dim iCurrentPDF             As Integer
     Dim DoneWithMSG             As Boolean

     DoneWithMSG = False

     iCurrentMsg = 0
     iCurrentPDF = 0
    iAttachCount = 0
     subjCpNo = 0
     MsgCount = 1
     iMsgCount = olFolder.Items.Count

     For Each msg In olFolder.Items
       DoneWithMSG = False
       iCurrentMsg = 1
       iCurrentPDF = 0
       iAttachCount = msg.Attachments.Count

       If (iAttachment = 0) Then

         HasErrors = True
         Set msg2 = msg
         Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg2.EntryID, myOlFolder
         HasErrors = False
         'Exit Sub
       End If

       Set oAttached = msg.Attachments.Item(iCurrentMsg)

       If (fso.FileExists(sT1) = False) Then   ' 1st time for new msg, create new local_work_file, set msg2 to it

          Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
          oAttached.SaveAsFile (sT1)
          Set msg2 = msg
        End If

        subjCpNo = GetCpNumberFromSubject(msg2)

        ErrorCount = 0
        HasErrors = True    ' Assume NOT A .PDF file
        Dim sFileType               As String
        Dim sSubject                As String

        For iCurrentPDF = 1 To iAttachCount
          sFileType = UCase(Right$(msg.Attachments(iCurrentPDF).FileName, 3))
          sSubject = msg.Subject
          If ((sFileType = "PDF") And InStr(sSubject, "EDL") = 0) Then  ' not EDL subject
          'If (InStr(sSubject, "EDL") = 0) Then
            DoneWithMSG = True
            Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg2.EntryID, myOlFolder
            HasErrors = True
            ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1  ' ???
          End If
          ' have .pdf && have an EDL in Subject
          If ((sFileType = "PDF") And InStr(sSubject, "EDL") <> 0) Then
            HasErrors = False
            HaveOnePDF = True  'BUSINESS RULE: only one .pdf per email, so we may exit now

            Dim pdfCpNo                 As Long

            sSavePathFS = BEEFilePath & "\" & subjCpNo & "_" & iCurrentPDF & BEEFileExt
            Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")                              ' ?????
            While ((fso.FileExists(sSavePathFS)) And (HaveOnePDF = False))
              msg2.Attachments(iCurrentPDF).SaveAsFile sSavePathFS
              'iCurrentPDF = iCurrentPDF + 1 '  This is the ROOT of my HEADACHE!!
              HaveOnePDF = True    ' to signal exit

          End If   '  PDF

          ' BUSINESS LOGIC says: We only want one .pdf per msg, so Move & exit on the first .pdf
          DoneWithMSG = False
          While ((HaveOnePDF = True) And (DoneWithMSG = False))
            If Not (msg2 Is Nothing) Then
              ' have a for loop to repeatedly check for last used number
              Dim iScan As Integer

              iScan = 1
              sSavePathFS = BEEFilePath & "\" & subjCpNo & "_1" & BEEFileExt
              While (fso.FileExists(sSavePathFS) = True)
               iScan = iScan + 1
               sSavePathFS = BEEFilePath & "\" & subjCpNo & "_" & iScan & BEEFileExt


              msg2.Attachments(iCurrentPDF).SaveAsFile sSavePathFS    '??? overwrite??
              Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg2.EntryID, myOlFolder

              DoneWithMSG = True
              HaveOnePDF = False   ' latest change
              ' once here on Friday, could not find marker ??
              If (fso.FileExists(sT1) = True) Then
                fso.DeleteFile (sT1)       ' Housekeeping
              End If
            End If

          If HasErrors = True Then
            ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
            Brett_BEEMoveToFolder msg2.EntryID, myOlFolder
            'MsgBox ("There were " & MsgCount & " emails of which " & MsgCount - ErrorCount & " were processed successfully, " & ErrorCount & " had errors which need to be manually resolved! " & AttachCount & " PDF files were extracted!")
            'fso.DeleteFile (sT1)       ' Housekeeping
            DoneWithMSG = True

          End If
        Next iCurrentPDF

        If ((iCurrentMsg = iMsgCount) And (fso.FileExists(sT1) = True)) Then       'housekeeping B4 closing macro
          fso.DeleteFile (sT1)
        End If
        MsgCount = MsgCount + 1   '  to report in msgBox to usr
      Next ' for each msg

End Function

' **********************************************************************
' This one stays as a FAULT-FindingTool for Annaline to QUICKLY establish what is going wrong !!
' This Macro is not run AUTOMATICALLY-Never-Ever.
' It WILL NOT save .pdf files on the network.
' It also WILL NOT move emails to Done nor to Error SubFolders
        ' Fault Finding Tool ********
Sub ONLY_Validate_DocLib_Emails()
' NOTE:  This Macro will CONFLICT with the real macro.
'        Thus to prevent this CONFLICT, I point this Validate macro to subFolder [TEST_Macro_InBox]

    Dim msg                     As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim msg2                    As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim oAttached               As Outlook.Attachment
    Dim sT1                     As String
    Dim iAttachment             As Integer
    Dim strFilePath             As String
    Dim strTmpMsg               As String
    Dim fsSaveFolder            As String
    Dim sSavePathFS             As String  ' bcs
    Dim Bflag                   As Boolean ' bcs

    Dim sFilePath               As String                     ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments
    Dim fso                     As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments

    Dim olFolder                As Outlook.Folder

        ' Fault Finding Tool ********
    Set olFolder = Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

    Dim Item                    As Outlook.Folders
    Dim iC                      As Integer
    Dim InBoxFolderCount        As Integer
    iC = 0
    InBoxFolderCount = 0
    InBoxFolderCount = olFolder.Folders.Count
    Dim myOlFolder              As Object
    Set myOlFolder = olFolder.Folders.Item("Document Library")

    Set olFolder = myOlFolder
        ' Fault Finding Tool ********
    If olFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

     Dim MsgCount               As Integer
     Dim AttachCount            As Integer
     Dim ErrorCount             As Integer
     Dim subjCpNo               As Long

     Dim HaveOnePDF             As Boolean
     HaveOnePDF = False
     Dim iAttachCount            As Integer
     Dim iMsgCount               As Integer
     Dim iCurrentMsg             As Integer
     Dim iCurrentPDF             As Integer
     Dim DoneWithMSG             As Boolean

     DoneWithMSG = False

     iCurrentMsg = 0
     iCurrentPDF = 0
    iAttachCount = 0
     subjCpNo = 0
     MsgCount = 1
     iMsgCount = olFolder.Items.Count
                ' Fault Finding Tool ********
     For Each msg In olFolder.Items
       DoneWithMSG = False
       iCurrentMsg = 1
       iCurrentPDF = 0
       Set msg2 = msg

       If (SavedValidAttached(msg2.EntryID)) Then
         MsgBox ("100% VALID DocLib email foun : [" + msg.Subject + "]; see M:\EzCapture\Document Library\John Test ")
         MsgBox ("           INVALID DocLib email found  :  " + msg.Subject)
       End If

    Next   'msg
End Sub
        ' Fault Finding Tool ********
' This one stays as a FAULT-FindingTool
' **********************************************************************

Private Function Brett_BEEMoveToFolder(mmailID As String, pFolder As Object) As Boolean

On Error GoTo BEEMoveToFolder_ErrorExit
Dim mmail As MailItem

Dim Brett_BEESuccessFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim Brett_BEEErrorFolder As MAPIFolder

Set Brett_BEESuccessFolder = pFolder.Folders("Done")
Set Brett_BEEErrorFolder = pFolder.Folders("Error")

Set mmail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(mmailID)

If (HasErrors) Then
  mmail.Move Brett_BEEErrorFolder
  mmail.Move Brett_BEESuccessFolder
End If
Brett_BEEMoveToFolder = True
Exit Function
Brett_BEEMoveToFolder = False
End Function

Private Function SavedValidAttached(mmailID As String) As Boolean
' What makes a DocLib email valid?      (EDL in SUBJECT, followed by CompNo) &&  (a .pdf as attachment)

' What makes a DocLib email IN-valid?   (Absence of EDL in subject) || (absence of CompanyNo after EDL) || (no attachment) || (no .pdf attached))

'On Error GoTo BEEMoveToFolder_ErrorExit
Dim mmail                           As MailItem
Dim iAttach                         As Integer
Dim subjCpNo                        As Long
Dim iAttachCount                    As Integer
Dim Brett_BEESuccessFolder          As MAPIFolder
Dim Brett_BEEErrorFolder            As MAPIFolder
Dim iCurrentPDF                     As Integer
Dim sPdfPayLoad                     As String

Set mmail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(mmailID)
' have to loop through all attachements -> nowadays we have signatures that contains 2 x GIF-attachements !!

Dim sFileType                       As String
Dim sSubject                        As String

SavedValidAttached = False      ' Default

iAttachCount = mmail.Attachments.Count()
sSubject = mmail.Subject

If ((iAttachCount = 0) Or (InStr(sSubject, "EDL") = 0)) Then
  SavedValidAttached = False
  Exit Function
End If

For iCurrentPDF = 1 To iAttachCount
  sFileType = UCase(Right$(mmail.Attachments(iCurrentPDF).FileName, 3))

  If ((sFileType = "PDF") And InStr(sSubject, "EDL") <> 0) Then  ' subject contains EDL and .pdf found
    subjCpNo = GetCpNumberFromSubject(mmail)
    sPdfPayLoad = mmail.Attachments(iCurrentPDF).FileName
    If (SavedPDF(mmail.Attachments(iCurrentPDF), subjCpNo, BEEFilePath, BEEFileExt) = True) Then
      SavedValidAttached = True
                         'Exit Function
      SavedValidAttached = False
                         'Exit Function
    End If
    'Exit Function   ??perhaps  28Feb @ 17h00
  End If

End Function

' WIP **********
'  sSavePathFS = BEEFilePath & "\" & CpNo & "_1" & BEEFileExt

Function SavedPDF(pOnePdfAttachment As Outlook.Attachment, CpNo As Long, sBEEFilePath As String, sBEEFileExt As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo SavedPDF_Error

  Dim sSavePathFS                 As String
  Dim bPDFSaved                   As Boolean
  bPDFSaved = False             ' internal usage
  Dim HaveOnePDF As Boolean

  SavedPDF = False  'default

  sSavePathFS = ""

  'sSavePathFS = sBEEFilePath & "\" & CpNo & "_1" & sBEEFileExt   ' Trivial case

  Dim sFilePath                 As String                     ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments
    Dim fso                     As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' bcs BEEExtractAttachments
    Dim olFolder                As Outlook.Folder
    Dim strFilePath             As String
    Dim strTmpMsg               As String
    Dim sT1                     As String

    strFilePath = "C:\_temp\"
    strTmpMsg = "Template_macro.msg"
    sT1 = strFilePath & strTmpMsg
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    '   Cleanup Old files in C:\_temp.
    If (fso.FileExists(sT1) = True) Then     '  on Macro startup cleanup
      fso.DeleteFile (sT1)
    End If

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' ************************* BuildNextFileName **************************************
    Dim NextPdfName     As String

    NextPdfName = "-"

    ' ISSUE here on Valid email save, it returned False, which caused SavedValidAttach also to be False ???

    NextPdfName = GetNextPdfSequence(sBEEFilePath, CpNo)

    If (InStr(NextPdfName, "-") <> 0) Then
      MsgBox ("? Network Error saving next .pdf! ")
      Exit Function
      'MsgBox ("About to save Next .pdf file as: " + NextPdfName)
      pOnePdfAttachment.SaveAsFile (NextPdfName)
    End If

   If (fso.FileExists(sT1) = True) Then
     fso.DeleteFile (sT1)       ' Housekeeping
   End If

   SavedPDF = True
   Exit Function

SavedPDF = False

End Function   'SavedPDF

' ***************** OFFICIALY TESTED & NEEDED **************************************

Public Function GetNextPdfSequence(sPath As String, sTargetCpNo As Long) As String

' THE microsoft way is  TOO SLOW, there is no FILTERING option in FileSystemObject that I could find ???
' Hence the fact that I do the following !!  100% WORKING
    'Dim sPath                           As String
    Dim f As Scripting.File

    'Dim GetNextFileCount                As Long       '  This will be the functions name !! , so drop once in a new fumction
    'GetNextFileCount = 0

    Dim fso                             As FileSystemObject
    Dim pos                             As Integer
    Dim newName                         As String

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    '   Remove this , once in NEW function!!!!
    'sPath = "M:\EzCapture\Document Library\John Test"
    'Dim sTargetCpNo     As Long

    Dim sNewPDF                         As String
    Dim iCC                             As Integer
    iCC = 1

    ' use sPath  !!
    ' sNewPDF = "M:\EzCapture\Document Library\John Test\" + Trim(Str(sTargetCpNo)) + "_" + Trim(Str(iCC)) + ".pdf"

    sNewPDF = sPath + "\" + Trim(Str(sTargetCpNo)) + "_" + Trim(Str(iCC)) + ".pdf"

    While (fso.FileExists(sNewPDF))
      iCC = iCC + 1

      ' use sPath  !!
      'sNewPDF = "M:\EzCapture\Document Library\John Test\" + Trim(Str(sTargetCpNo)) + "_" + Trim(Str(iCC)) + ".pdf"

      sNewPDF = sPath + "\" + Trim(Str(sTargetCpNo)) + "_" + Trim(Str(iCC)) + ".pdf"

    If Not (fso.FileExists(sNewPDF)) Then
      'MsgBox ("Stepped through existing Company PDFs: NewFileName should be : " + sNewPDF)
      GetNextPdfSequence = sNewPDF
      Exit Function

    End If

    Exit Function
End Function

' ***************** OFFICIALY TESTED & NEEDED **************************************
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