Есть ли асинхронная очередь сообщений, доступная в boost :: asio? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 31 января 2020

В рамках boost::asio я хотел бы иметь некоторую асинхронную очередь; он должен позволять помещать объекты в очередь, как для обычной очереди, но с неким блокирующим «асинхронным всплытием»:

// outline of an idea only
std::shared_ptr<AsyncQueue> myAsyncQueue(new AsyncQueue(io_context);
auto x = std::bind(
    &AsyncQueue::async_dec,  // pop


Обратный вызов должен выполняться из потока asio-worker один раз в очереди.

Я оглянулся; то, что я нашел, похоже, именно то, что мне нужно:


Я пытался проверить это, но получаю ошибку компилятора:

//********** Queue Listener Test *****

#include <queue_listener.h>

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

// some constants
constexpr size_t maxmsg1{ 10 };
constexpr size_t tmoSeleepBetweenSendMs1{ 100 };

// queue listener handler for queue 1
size_t nreceived1{ 0 };
template<typename T>
void qhandler1(boost::system::error_code const& ec, T item, boost::asio::simple_queue_listener<T>* asioq, shared_ptr<boost::asio::simple_queue<string>>q1) {
    // print item if error code is OK
    if (ec)BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "received item in qhandler1 (via asio), item: <invalid>, ec: " << ec;
    else {
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "received item in qhandler1 (via asio), item: " << item << ", ec: " << ec;
        if (++nreceived1 != maxmsg1)asioq->async_deq(q1, std::bind(qhandler1<T>, _1, _2, asioq, q1));
// queue sender for queue 1
size_t nsent{ 0 };
void senderq1(shared_ptr<boost::asio::simple_queue<string>>q1) {
    for (;nsent < maxmsg1;++nsent) {
        string item{ boost::lexical_cast<string>(nsent) };
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "sending item \"" << item << "\"in separate thread ...";
// test program
int queuetest() {
    try {
        // underlying queue
        shared_ptr<boost::asio::simple_queue<string>>q1{ new boost::asio::simple_queue<string> };

        // asio io service
        boost::asio::io_service ios;

        // asio queue listeners
        qlistener1.async_deq(q1, std::bind(qhandler1<string>, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, &qlistener1, q1));

        // run a sender thread, run io service and join sender thread
        std::thread thrq1{ senderq1,q1 };
    catch (exception const& e) {
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "cought exception: " << e.what();


#pragma once
#ifndef __QUEUE_LISTENER_H__
#define __QUEUE_LISTENER_H__

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <thread>

#include <utility>
#include <queue>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>

namespace boost {
    namespace asio {

        // a simple thread safe queue used as default queue in boost::asio::queue_listener
        template<typename T, typename Container = std::queue<T>>
        class simple_queue {
            // typedef for value stored in queue
            // (need this so we can create an item with default ctor)
            using value_type=T;

            // ctors,assign,dtor
            simple_queue() = default;
            simple_queue(simple_queue const&) = delete;
            simple_queue(simple_queue&&) = default;
            simple_queue& operator=(simple_queue const&) = delete;
            simple_queue& operator=(simple_queue&&) = default;
            ~simple_queue() = default;

            // put a message into queue
            void enq(T t) {
            // dequeue a message (return.first == false if deq() was disabled)
            std::pair<bool, T>deq() {
                cond_.wait(lock, [&]() {return !deq_enabled_ || !q_.empty();});

                // if deq is disabled or queue is empty return 
                if (!deq_enabled_ || q_.empty()) {
                    return std::make_pair(false, T{});
                // check if we have a message
                std::pair<bool, T>ret{ std::make_pair(true,q_.front()) };
                return ret;
            // cancel deq operations (will also release blocking threads)
            void disable_deq(bool disable) {
                deq_enabled_ = !disable;
            // check if queue is empty
            bool empty()const {
                return q_.empty();
            mutable std::mutex mtx_;
            mutable std::condition_variable cond_;
            bool deq_enabled_ = true;
            Container q_;

        // forward decl
        class queue_listener_impl;
        template<typename Impl = queue_listener_impl>class basic_queue_listener_service;

        // --- IO Object (used by client) -----------------------------
        template<typename Service, typename Queue>
        class basic_queue_listener :public boost::asio::basic_io_object<Service> {
            // ctor
            explicit basic_queue_listener(boost::asio::io_service& io_service) :
                boost::asio::basic_io_object<Service>(io_service) {
            // async deq operation
            template <typename Handler>
            void async_deq(std::shared_ptr<Queue>q, Handler handler) {
                // wace this->service.async_deq(this->implementation, q, handler);
                this->get_service().async_deq(this->get_implementation(), q, handler);
        // typedef for using standard service object
        template<typename T>
        using simple_queue_listener=basic_queue_listener<basic_queue_listener_service<>, simple_queue<T>>;

        // --- service class -----------------------------
        // (for one io_service, only one object created)
        template<typename Impl>
        class basic_queue_listener_service :public boost::asio::io_service::service {
            // required to have id of service
            static boost::asio::io_service::id id;

            // ctor
            explicit basic_queue_listener_service(boost::asio::io_service& io_service) :
                boost::asio::io_service::service(io_service) {
            // dtor
            ~basic_queue_listener_service() {
            // get a typedef  for implementation
            using implementation_type=std::shared_ptr<Impl>;

            // mandatory (construct an implementation object)
            void construct(implementation_type& impl) {

                impl.reset(new Impl(

            // mandatory (destroy an implementation object)
            void destroy(implementation_type& impl) {
            // async sync deq operation
            template <typename Handler, typename Queue>
            void async_deq(implementation_type& impl, std::shared_ptr<Queue>q, Handler handler) {
                // this is a non-blocking operation so we are OK calling impl object in this thread
                impl->async_deq(impl, q, handler);
            // shutdown service (required)
            void shutdown_service() {
        // definition of id of service (required)
        template <typename Impl>
        boost::asio::io_service::id basic_queue_listener_service<Impl>::id;

        // --- implementation -----------------------------
        class queue_listener_impl {
            // ctor (set up work queue for io_service so we don't bail out when executing run())
            queue_listener_impl(boost::asio::io_service& post_io_service) :
                impl_work_(new boost::asio::io_service::work(impl_io_service_)),
                impl_thread_([&]() {impl_io_service_.run();}),
                post_io_service_(post_io_service) {
            // dtor (clear work queue, stop io service and join thread)
            ~queue_listener_impl() {
                if (impl_thread_.joinable())impl_thread_.join();
            // deque message (post request to thread)
            template<typename Handler, typename Queue>
            void async_deq(std::shared_ptr<queue_listener_impl>impl, std::shared_ptr<Queue>tq, Handler handler) {
                impl_io_service_.post(deq_operation<Handler, Queue>(impl, post_io_service_, tq, handler));
            // function object calling blocking deq() on queue
            template <typename Handler, typename Queue>
            class deq_operation {
                // ctor
                deq_operation(std::shared_ptr<queue_listener_impl>impl, boost::asio::io_service& io_service, std::shared_ptr<Queue>tq, Handler handler) :
                    wimpl_(impl), io_service_(io_service), work_(io_service), tq_(tq), handler_(handler) {
                // function calling implementation object - runs in the thread created in ctor
                void operator()() {
                    // make sure implementation object is still valid
                    std::shared_ptr<queue_listener_impl>impl{ wimpl_.lock() };

                    // if valid, go ahead and do blocking call on queue, otherwise post aborted message
                    if (impl) {
                        std::pair<bool, typename Queue::value_type>ret{ tq_->deq() };
                        boost::system::error_code ec = (!ret.first ? boost::asio::error::operation_aborted : boost::system::error_code());
                        this->io_service_.post(boost::asio::detail::bind_handler(handler_, ec, ret.second));
                    else {
                        // wacethis->io_service_.post(boost::asio::detail::bind_handler(handler_, boost::asio::error::operation_aborted, typename Queue::value_type()));
                boost::asio::io_service& io_service_;
                boost::asio::io_service::work work_;
                Handler handler_;
            // private data
            boost::asio::io_service impl_io_service_;
            std::thread impl_thread_;
            boost::asio::io_service& post_io_service_;



1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165 , 1): ошибка C2893: не удалось специализировать шаблон функции 'неизвестного типа std :: _ Binder, boost :: asio :: simple_queue >>>> *, std :: shared_ptr >>>>), const boost :: arg < 1> &, const boost :: arg <2> &, boost :: asio :: basic_queue_listener, boost :: asio :: simple_queue >>>> * &, std :: shared_ptr >>>> &> :: operator ( ) (_ Unbound && ...) const '1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): ошибка C2893: с 1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): ошибка C2893: [1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): ошибка C2893: T = std :: string, 1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): ошибка C2893: _Ty = std :: string 1> D: \ software \ libs \ подталкивание \ подталкивание \ ASIO \ подробно \ б ind_handler.hpp (165,1): ошибка C2893:] 1> D: \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): сообщение: со следующими аргументами шаблона: 1> D : \ software \ libs \ boost \ boost \ asio \ detail \ bind_handler.hpp (165,1): message: '_Unbound = {const Arg1 &, const Arg2 &}' 1> Закончен сборочный проект "asn1test_1.vcxproj" - НЕ СМОГЛИ. ========== Сборка: 0 успешных, 1 неудачных, 0 актуальных, 0 пропущенных ==========

К сожалению, мои знания о boost::asio недостаточно глубоко, чтобы найти эту проблему ...
