Если вы имеете в виду алгоритм заполнения, существует фиксированная реализация памяти.
set cur to starting pixel
set cur-dir to default direction
clear mark and mark2 (set values to null)
set backtrack and findloop to false
while front-pixel is empty do
move forward
end while
jump to START
move forward
if right-pixel is empty then
if backtrack is true and findloop is false and either front-pixel or left-pixel is empty then
set findloop to true
end if
turn right
move forward
end if
set count to number of non-diagonally adjacent pixels filled (front/back/left/right ONLY)
if count is not 4 then
turn right
while front-pixel is empty
turn left
while front-pixel is filled
end if
switch count
case 1
if backtrack is true then
set findloop to true
else if findloop is true then
if mark is null then
restore mark
end if
else if front-left-pixel and back-left-pixel are both empty then
clear mark
fill cur
jump to PAINT
end if
end case
case 2
if back-pixel is filled then
if front-left-pixel is not filled then
clear mark
fill cur
jump to PAINT
end if
else if mark is not set then
set mark to cur
set mark-dir to cur-dir
clear mark2
set findloop and backtrack to false
if mark2 is not set then
if cur is at mark then
if cur-dir is the same as mark-dir then
clear mark
turn around
fill cur
jump to PAINT
set backtrack to true
set findloop to false
set cur-dir to mark-dir
end if
else if findloop is true then
set mark2 to cur
set mark2-dir to cur-dir
end if
if cur is at mark then
set cur to mark2
set cur-dir to mark2-dir
clear mark and mark2
set backtrack to false
turn around
fill cur
jump to PAINT
else if cur at mark2 then
set mark to cur
set cur-dir and mark-dir to mark2-dir
clear mark2
end if
end if
end if
end case
case 3
clear mark
fill cur
jump to PAINT
end case
case 4
fill cur
end case
end switch
Источник Википедия: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill
Там это еще одна оптимизированная реализация, называемая методом Scanline.
Реализация алгоритма быстрого заполнения Scanline, быстрого заполнения, доступна здесь. Это может быть особенно полезно в вашем случае.