PHP FPM Очень медленно через 20-30 минут работает после перезагрузки / перезапуска (на веб-сайте с высоким трафиком c) - PullRequest
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/ 01 мая 2020

PHP работает очень медленно, как загрузка навсегда.

Ниже приведены www.conf значения файла

; The number of child processes to be created when pm is set to 'static' and the
; maximum number of child processes when pm is set to 'dynamic' or 'ondemand'.
; This value sets the limit on the number of simultaneous requests that will be
; served. Equivalent to the ApacheMaxClients directive with mpm_prefork.
; Equivalent to the PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN environment variable in the original PHP
; CGI. The below defaults are based on a server without much resources. Don't
; forget to tweak pm.* to fit your needs.
; Note: Used when pm is set to 'static', 'dynamic' or 'ondemand'
; Note: This value is mandatory.
;pm.max_children = 5
pm.max_children = 200

; The number of child processes created on startup.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
; Default Value: min_spare_servers + (max_spare_servers - min_spare_servers) / 2
;pm.start_servers = 2
;pm.start_servers = 20

; The desired minimum number of idle server processes.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
; Note: Mandatory when pm is set to 'dynamic'
;pm.min_spare_servers = 1
;pm.min_spare_servers = 10

; The desired maximum number of idle server processes.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
; Note: Mandatory when pm is set to 'dynamic'
;pm.max_spare_servers = 3
;pm.max_spare_servers = 30

; The number of seconds after which an idle process will be killed.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'ondemand'
; Default Value: 10s
pm.process_idle_timeout = 3s;

; The number of requests each child process should execute before respawning.
; This can be useful to work around memory leaks in 3rd party libraries. For
; endless request processing specify '0'. Equivalent to PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS.
; Default Value: 0
pm.max_requests = 15

Я также пробовал с pm ondemand, но все еще та же проблема. Использование ресурсов сервера просто отлично, даже не используется наполовину.

Он всегда начинает работать, когда я делаю сервис php5 .6-fpm reload Что-то не так я делаю?

Еще подробности.

Запуск ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Digital Ocean


PHP fpm 5.6

Wordpress 4.9
