Ti c -Ta c -Тоо алгоритм MiniMax - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 14 апреля 2020

Здравствуйте. Я пытаюсь создать непобедимую игру Ti c -Ta c -Toe с использованием алгоритма MiniMax. Я продолжаю запускать его из-за проблем с моим кодом. Мой алгоритм MiniMax, кажется, работает, но он не останавливается, когда находит оптимальную игру В строке 229-242 я установил параметры для завершения моего алгоритма MiniMax, но он продолжает выполняться без остановки. Я не уверен, что именно мне нужно сделать, чтобы заставить его завершиться и вывести лучший ход.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Structure
struct Computer
    int Row;
    int Column;

// Constants
const int Human_Player = 1;         // To hold the integer value of Player 1
const int AI_Player = 2;            // To hold the integer value of Player 2
const int GRID_SIZE = 3;            // To hold the grid size of the array
const char Human_Move = 'X';        // To hold the
const char AI_Move = 'O';

// Global variable
int index = 0;          // Variable to keep track of the number of moves

// Function prototypes
Computer Best_Computer_Move(char Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Player);
void Play_Game();
void Initial_Board(char Array[][GRID_SIZE]);
void Display_Board(char Array[][GRID_SIZE]);
void Turn(char Game_Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Whose_Turn);
int Check_For_Winner(char Game_Board[][GRID_SIZE]);
int Min_Max(char Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Depth, bool isMax);

int main()
    return 0;
// Definition of Play_Game function.        *
void Play_Game()
    char Board[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];           // Declare a char array
    Initial_Board(Board);                       // Call the Initial_Board function to display the Initial board
    Turn(Board, Human_Player);                  // The Turn function to Play
// Definition of Initial_Board function.    *
void Initial_Board(char Array[][GRID_SIZE])
    int number = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
            Array[i][j] = to_string(number).c_str()[0];         // Set the contents of the array equal to number
            number += 1;
// Definition of Display_Board function.    *
void Display_Board(char Array[][GRID_SIZE])
    cout << "\t-------\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)         // Loop through the array and display it contents
        cout << "\t|";
        for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
            cout << (Array[i][j]) << "|";
        cout << "\n\t-------\n";

// Definition of Turn function.     *
void Turn(char Game_Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Whose_Turn)
    int input;          // To hold user input

    while((Check_For_Winner(Game_Board) == 0) && (index != GRID_SIZE * GRID_SIZE))
        if (Whose_Turn == Human_Player)
            cout << "Player 1(Human) select a cell(1 - 9) to place your move." << endl;
            while(!(cin >> input) || ((input <= 0 ) || (input > 9 )))                                                     // Input validation. Display an error message if the amount is less than 0.
                            cout << "ERROR!!! The number cannot be less than 0 or greater  than 9.";
                            cin.clear();                                                            // Clear the what was input into the variable value.
                            cout << "\nPlease enter a number between 0 and 9: " << endl;
                            cin.ignore(123, '\n');
            int row = (input - 1) / 3;
            int column = (input - 1) % 3;
            char Grid_Position = Game_Board[row][column];
            if ((Grid_Position == 'X') || (Grid_Position == 'O'))
                cout << "ERROR!!! A move has already been made there." << endl;
                Game_Board[row][column] = Human_Move;
                Whose_Turn = AI_Player;
        else if (Whose_Turn == AI_Player)
            cout << "AI Player's turn" << endl;
            Computer Computer_Move;
            Computer_Move = Best_Computer_Move(Game_Board, AI_Player);
            Game_Board[Computer_Move.Row][Computer_Move.Column] = AI_Move;
            cout << "The value of AI is " << Game_Board[Computer_Move.Row][Computer_Move.Column] << endl;
            cout << "Row is " << Computer_Move.Row << endl;
            cout << "Column is " << Computer_Move.Column << endl;            
            cout << "AI Player has moved" << endl;
            Whose_Turn = Human_Player;

    if (Check_For_Winner(Game_Board) != 0)          // Declare a winner
        if (Check_For_Winner(Game_Board) == -10)    // If the score is -10
            cout << "Congratulations!!! Player 1 has won!!!" << endl;
        else if (Check_For_Winner(Game_Board) == 10)
            cout << "Congratulations!!! Player 2 has won!!!" << endl;
    else if ((Check_For_Winner(Game_Board) == 0) && (index == GRID_SIZE * GRID_SIZE))
        cout << "It's a draw! Neither player has won." << endl;

// Definition of Check_For_Winner function.     *
int Check_For_Winner(char Game_Board[][GRID_SIZE])
    // Check horizontal for winning conditions
    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
        if (((Game_Board[i][0]) == (Game_Board[i][1])) &&
            ((Game_Board[i][1]) == (Game_Board[i][2])) &&
            ((Game_Board[i][2]) == (Game_Board[i][0])))
            if ((Game_Board[i][0]) == AI_Move)
                return 10;
            else if ((Game_Board[i][0]) == Human_Move)
                return -10;
    // Check vertical for winning conditions
    for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
        if (((Game_Board[0][j]) == ((Game_Board[1][j]))) &&
            ((Game_Board[1][j]) == ((Game_Board[2][j]))) &&
            ((Game_Board[2][j]) == ((Game_Board[0][j]))))
            if ((Game_Board[0][j]) == AI_Move)
                return 10;
            else if ((Game_Board[0][j]) == Human_Move)
                return -10;
    // Check diagonal for winning conditions
    if (((Game_Board[0][0]) == (Game_Board[1][1])) &&
        ((Game_Board[1][1]) == (Game_Board[2][2])) &&
        ((Game_Board[2][2]) == (Game_Board[0][0])))
        if ((Game_Board[0][0]) == AI_Move)
            return 10;
        else if ((Game_Board[0][0]) == Human_Move)
            return -10;
    // Check diagonal for winning conditions
    else if (((Game_Board[0][2]) == (Game_Board[1][1])) &&
             ((Game_Board[1][1]) == (Game_Board[2][0])) &&
             ((Game_Board[2][0]) == (Game_Board[0][2])))
        if ((Game_Board[0][2]) == AI_Move)
            return 10;
        else if ((Game_Board[0][2]) == Human_Move)
            return -10;
    return 0;
// Definition of Min_Max function.          *
int Min_Max(char Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Depth, bool isMax)
    int Max_Move = -1000;
    int Score = Check_For_Winner(Board);        // Set the value of Score
    cout << "The value of Score is " << Score << endl;

    if (Score == 10)                            // Return the value of Score if the computer has won
        return (Score - Depth);

    else if (Score == -10)                           // Return the value of Score if the human player has won
        return (Depth - Score);

    else if ((Check_For_Winner(Board) == 0) && (index == GRID_SIZE * GRID_SIZE))
        return 0;
    else if (isMax == false)                // Computer Player's turn
        for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
                // Check to see if a player has made a move there
                while (!((Board[i][j] == 'X') || (Board[i][j] == 'O')))
                    // Store the current value of the element in the array
                    char Temporary = Board[i][j];
                    cout << "The contents of temporary for Max is " << Temporary << endl;

                    // Make the move for the computer
                    Board[i][j] = AI_Move;
                    cout << "The value for the element Max is " << Board[i][j] << endl;

                    cout << "The value of Max_Move " << Max_Move << endl;

                    Max_Move = max(Max_Move,
                                   Min_Max(Board, Depth++, !isMax));

                    // Undo the move made by the computer
                    Board[i][j] = Temporary;
                    cout << "The contents of temporary for Max is " << Temporary << endl;
        return Max_Move;
    else if (isMax == true)                               // Human Player's turn
        int Min_Move = 1000;
        for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
                // Check to see if a player has made a move there
                while (!((Board[i][j] == 'X') || (Board[i][j] == 'O')))
                    // Store the current value of the element in the array
                    char Temporary_2 = Board[i][j];
                    cout << "The contents of temporary for Min is " << Temporary_2 << endl;

                    // Make the move for the Human player
                    Board[i][j] = Human_Move;
                    cout << "The value for the element Min is " << Board[i][j] << endl;

                    Min_Move = min(Min_Move,
                               Min_Max(Board, Depth++, !isMax));

                    // Undo the move made for the Human player
                    Board[i][j] = Temporary_2;
                    cout << "The contents of temporary for Min is " << Temporary_2 << endl;
        return Min_Move;
    return 0;
// Definition of structure function Best_Computer_Move.     *
Computer Best_Computer_Move(char Board[][GRID_SIZE], int Player)
    cout << "You are in the structure" << endl;
    int Best_Value = -1000;
    Computer Best_Move;         // Create a structure variable
    Best_Move.Row = -1;
    Best_Move.Column = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++)
            // Check to see if a player has made a move there
            while (!((Board[i][j] == 'X') || (Board[i][j] == 'O')))
                cout << "i = " << i << " j = " << j << endl;
                // Store the current value of the element in the array
                char Temporary = Board[i][j];
                cout << "The contents of temporary int the structure is " << Temporary << endl;

                // Make the move for the computer
                Board[i][j] = AI_Move;

                cout << Board[i][j] << endl;

                // Calculate the Maximizing move
                int Value = Min_Max(Board, 0, false);

                // Undo the move made by the computer
                Board[i][j] = Temporary;

                if (Value > Best_Value)
                    Best_Move.Row = i;
                    Best_Move.Column = j;
                    Best_Value = Value;

    return Best_Move;