Сломанный стиль при нажатии приложения React на Netlify - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 02 мая 2020

Я установил приложение реагирования на свой домен с помощью netlify, но есть некоторые проблемы со стилем или зависимостями, которые я не могу выяснить.

Вот приложение, работающее правильно на ghpages: https://rksnyder7.github.io/travelPlanner/ И вот приложение, работающее на моем домене через netlify: https://www.rob-snyder.com

As Вы можете видеть во второй ссылке, что форматирование выключено, и когда вы нажимаете на страну, появляются те же проблемы со стилем. Я проверил зависимости и загрузил одноранговые зависимости, которые netfliy указал в своем отчете об ошибках, но не повезло.

Мне интересно, вызывает ли библиотека ответную подсказку проблему, потому что в журнале netlify отображается следующая строка:

9: 39: 24 AM: WARN react-tooltip@3.11.6 требует Пир реагирует @> = ^ 16.0.0, но ни один не установлен. Вы должны установить одноранговые зависимости самостоятельно.

Тем не менее, я уже установил реакцию как зависимость.

Ниже приведен весь журнал развертывания из netfliy. Я также использую bootstrap, но не вижу ошибок, связанных с этим ниже. Любые идеи будут с благодарностью, заранее спасибо!

9:38:56 AM: Build ready to start
9:38:58 AM: build-image version: 2dbd444fcdce00cf06325060a8238d5ae3e86774
9:38:58 AM: build-image tag: v3.3.7
9:38:58 AM: buildbot version: d305548225ac57bb00eb5a596b0b8674e76a4681
9:38:58 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
9:38:58 AM: Starting to download cache of 175.5MB
9:39:00 AM: Finished downloading cache in 1.793332909s
9:39:00 AM: Starting to extract cache
9:39:07 AM: Finished extracting cache in 6.499107117s
9:39:07 AM: Finished fetching cache in 8.341599963s
9:39:07 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
9:39:07 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
9:39:08 AM: Starting build script
9:39:08 AM: Installing dependencies
9:39:08 AM: Started restoring cached node version
9:39:12 AM: Finished restoring cached node version
9:39:12 AM: v10.20.1 is already installed.
9:39:13 AM: Now using node v10.20.1 (npm v6.14.4)
9:39:13 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
9:39:14 AM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
9:39:14 AM: Using PHP version 5.6
9:39:14 AM: Started restoring cached node modules
9:39:14 AM: Finished restoring cached node modules
9:39:15 AM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.14.4
9:39:24 AM: npm
9:39:24 AM:  WARN react-tooltip@3.11.6 requires a peer of react@>=^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
9:39:24 AM: npm WARN
9:39:24 AM:  react-tooltip@3.11.6 requires a peer of react-dom@>=^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
9:39:24 AM: npm
9:39:24 AM: WARN
9:39:24 AM:  The package tachyons is included as both a dev and production dependency.
9:39:24 AM: npm
9:39:24 AM:  WARN
9:39:24 AM: optional
9:39:24 AM:  SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules/fsevents):
9:39:24 AM: npm
9:39:24 AM: WARN notsup
9:39:24 AM:  SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
9:39:24 AM: added 14 packages from 4 contributors, updated 3 packages and audited 14430 packages in 8.515s
9:39:25 AM: 2 packages are looking for funding
9:39:25 AM:   run `npm fund` for details
9:39:25 AM: found 933 vulnerabilities (291 low, 9 moderate, 632 high, 1 critical)
9:39:25 AM:   run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
9:39:25 AM: NPM modules installed
9:39:25 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
9:39:25 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
9:39:25 AM: unset GOOS;
9:39:25 AM: unset GOARCH;
9:39:25 AM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
9:39:25 AM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
9:39:25 AM: go version >&2;
9:39:25 AM: export GIMME_ENV='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env';
9:39:25 AM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
9:39:25 AM: Installing missing commands
9:39:25 AM: Verify run directory
9:39:25 AM: Executing user command: npm run build
9:39:25 AM: > travelplanner@0.1.0 build /opt/build/repo
9:39:25 AM: > react-scripts build
9:39:26 AM: Creating an optimized production build...
9:40:38 AM: Compiled with warnings.
9:40:38 AM: ./src/Utils/Data.js
9:40:38 AM:   Line 24:  'OLDAllAttractionsImages' is assigned a value but never used  no-unused-vars
9:40:38 AM:   Line 25:  'OLDAllCitiesImages' is assigned a value but never used       no-unused-vars
9:40:38 AM: Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
9:40:38 AM: To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.
9:40:38 AM: File sizes after gzip:
9:40:38 AM:   424.07 KB  build/static/js/main.c8749013.js
9:40:38 AM:   37.22 KB   build/static/css/main.4004a6bb.css
9:40:38 AM: The project was built assuming it is hosted at the server root.
9:40:38 AM: You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
9:40:38 AM: For example, add this to build it for GitHub Pages:
9:40:38 AM:   "homepage" : "http://myname.github.io/myapp",
9:40:38 AM: The build folder is ready to be deployed.
9:40:38 AM: You may serve it with a static server:
9:40:38 AM:   npm install -g serve
9:40:38 AM:   serve -s build
9:40:38 AM: Find out more about deployment here:
9:40:39 AM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
9:40:39 AM: Caching artifacts
9:40:39 AM: Started saving node modules
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving node modules
9:40:39 AM: Started saving pip cache
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving pip cache
9:40:39 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Started saving go dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
9:40:39 AM: Build script success
9:40:39 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'build'
9:40:39 AM: Creating deploy tree 
9:40:39 AM: Creating deploy upload records
9:40:39 AM: 0 new files to upload
9:40:39 AM: 0 new functions to upload
9:40:39 AM: Starting post processing
9:40:39 AM: Post processing done
9:40:39 AM: Site is live
9:41:04 AM: Finished processing build request in 2m6.33096919s
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