Как я могу запланировать отправку уведомления во время X и повторение с интервалом Y?
Я не вижу эту опцию для ios уведомления в документах .
Вот единство ios Пример кода уведомления:
var timeTrigger = new iOSNotificationTimeIntervalTrigger()
TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(0, minutes, seconds),
Repeats = false
var notification = new iOSNotification()
// You can optionally specify a custom identifier which can later be
// used to cancel the notification, if you don't set one, a unique
// string will be generated automatically.
Identifier = "_notification_01",
Title = "Title",
Body = "Scheduled at: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " triggered in 5 seconds",
Subtitle = "This is a subtitle, something, something important...",
ShowInForeground = true,
ForegroundPresentationOption = (PresentationOption.Alert | PresentationOption.Sound),
CategoryIdentifier = "category_a",
ThreadIdentifier = "thread1",
Trigger = timeTrigger,