interface GroupedData {
data: any;
children: GroupedData[];
function groupData(originalArray: any[]): GroupedData[] {
// Convert all elements for GroupedData shape in an object
// having the id's as the keys
const tempObj: { [id: string]: GroupedData } = array.reduce(
(acc, item) =>
(acc = { ...acc, []: { data: item, children: [] } }),
// put each child in the right parent's children array
originalArray.forEach((item: any) => {
if (item.parentId) {
// filter out all the GroupedData that has a valid data.parentId
// and convert the final result to an array
return Object.keys(tempObj)
.map((key: string) => (tempObj[key].data.parentId ? null : tempObj[key]))
Если вы хотите работать с более формальной типизированной структурой, опирающейся на ядро языка, вы можете объявить tempObj
как машинопись Map<string, GroupedData>
function groupData(originalArray: any[]): GroupedData[] {
// Convert all elements for GroupedData shape in a Map
// having the id's as the keys
const tempMap: Map<string, GroupedData> = new Map( => [, { data: item, children: [] }])
// put each child in the right parent's children array
originalArray.forEach((item: any) => {
if (item.parentId) {
// filter out all the GroupedData that has a valid data.parentId
// and convert the final result to an array.
// In ES6, you have some Array static methods, like Array.from()
return Array.from(tempMap)
.map(([key,value]) => ( ? null : value))