Я должен создать вопрос «да» или «нет», а затем вернуть что-то из ответа, если ответ «да», я задаю ему вопрос, и пользователь должен дать мне ввод, который я должен сохранить в переменной, а затем спросить его, если он хочет дать мне другой (да, без вопросов снова) и сделать то же самое, если ответ «нет», просто продолжайте с кодом. Это раздел кода, где я застрял. Я надеюсь, что вы можете помочь мне, спасибо!
while true
read -p $'\033[0;35mGood! Do you want to set a duplicity limit for a different character? Y/N: \033[0m' answer
case $answer in
[yY]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Excellent, remember:
${YELLOW}@ ${PURPLE}symbol is for any lowercase letter,
${YELLOW}, ${PURPLE}symbol is for any uppercase letter,
${YELLOW}% ${PURPLE}is for any number,
${YELLOW}^ ${PURPLE}is for any symbol.
Now tell me:${NC}"
read DupLimit2
while true
read -p $'\033[0;35mSet, another one? Y/N: \033[0m' answer
case $answer in
[yY]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Ok, go ahead.${NC}"
read DupLimit3
while true
read -p $'\033[0;35mOne more left. Will you? Y/N: \033[0m' answer
case $answer in
[yY]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Give it to me.${NC}"
read DupLimit4
while true
read -p $'\033[0;35mDo you have any idea of how could the password start based on the characters you gave me? Y/N: \033[0m' answer
case $answer in
[yY]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Excellent, how?${NC}"
read PassStart
echo -e "${PURPLE}Well done, maybe this is gonna help us to crack the password faster, we are almost done, now just specify the directory, name and format of the output file: ${NC}"
read DirNameFormat
echo -e "${YELLOW}We are all set, Lets create this shit!${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting..."
crunch $MinLength $MaxLength $CharactersLower$CharactersUpper$Numbers$Symbols -d $DupLimit -d $DupLimit2 -d $DupLimit3 -d $DupLimit4 -s $PassStart -o $DirNameFormat
[nN]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Do not worry, it is not necessary.${NC}"
echo -e "${PURPLE}We are almost done, now just specify the directory, name and format of the output file: ${NC}"
read DirNameFormat
echo -e "${YELLOW}Well done, maybe this is gonna help us to crack this password faster, we are all set. Lets create this shit!${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting..."
crunch $MinLength $MaxLength $CharactersLower$CharactersUpper$Numbers$Symbols -d $DupLimit -d $DupLimit2 -d $DupLimit3 -d $DupLimit4 -o $DirNameFormat
* ) echo -e "${RED}Dude, just enter Y or N, please.${NC}";;
[nN]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Do not worry.${NC}"
while true
read -p $'\033[0;35m Do you have any idea of how could the password start based on the characters you gave me? Y/N: \033[0m' answer
case $answer in
[yY]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Excellent, how?${NC}"
read PassStart
echo -e "${PURPLE}We are almost done, now just specify the directory, name and format of the output file: ${NC}"
read DirNameFormat
echo -e "${YELLOW}Well done, maybe this is gonna help us to crack this password faster, we are all set. Lets create this shit!${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting..."
crunch $MinLength $MaxLength $CharactersLower$CharactersUpper$Numbers$Symbols -d $DupLimit -d $DupLimit2 -d $DupLimit3 -s $PassStart -o $DirNameFormat
[nN]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Do not worry, it is not necessary.${NC}"
echo -e "${PURPLE}We are almost done, now just specify the directory, name and format of the output file: ${NC}"
read DirNameFormat
echo -e "${YELLOW}Well done, maybe this is gonna help us to crack this password faster, we are all set. Lets create this shit!${NC}"
echo -e "${YELLOW}Starting..."
crunch $MinLength $MaxLength $CharactersLower$CharactersUpper$Numbers$Symbols -o $DirNameFormat
* ) echo -e "${RED}Dude, just enter Y or N, please.${NC}";;
* ) echo -e "${RED}Dude, just enter Y or N, please.${NC}";;
[nN]* ) echo -e "${PURPLE}Do not worry.${NC}"